The 'Why?' Game!

Hm never got that one :scratch: maybe they're afraid...

Why do onions have layers?
Cause not everybody is as good as me. :dont_mention_it:

Why is this thread still open, and my old thread closed? :scratch:
:lol: cuz who closed it didn't like fun :D

why are people allergic?
i know that answer!
for something goes wrong in the immunity system. the body overreacts to a thing which it should not.... like flowers seed or any particular thing and so ur nose may run, ur eyes sore and...

actually, body thinks something dangerous is happening and so the brain put the body in a defence position to guard itself! which it should not for nothing serious is going on and the body is mistaking!

my teacher would always give this example. its like killing a tiny fly with a huge gun! u're gonna kill the fly but u're gonna detroy the whole house down!

got it?

why many evil people are so rich like bin ladan?

why do
well cuz that's just the way it is :p

why do flowers have perfume?
personally I prefer dogs :p

why do flowers come in May? :D
^^:bugeyed no! the answer was because lol and the question was why not? but I didn't mean it to sound like "cuz why not?" :p
they didn't come :p they were created here :p

why do horses have hoofs?
For the same reason we wear shoes :)

Why is (most) rice white?
cuz rice is racist :bugeyed :lol:

why am I a girl? :huh:
cuz they live behind the second star to the right :p

why do I wanna scream? :D
:mello: cuz the pain isn't strong enough to trigger an adrenaline wave :D I suppose :p

why do I have to go to school? :sigh:
Cuz foreverbeinpeacemichael likes giving philosophic answers to the questions I ask even though I don't expect them :D

why do I like to draw?

:better: so I'll have a reason to hug you :hug:

why am I soooooooooo happy?