The wedding of William and Kate


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2009
Brooklyn/Manhattan, NY
I am getting excited about this wedding coming up in almost one week. There's been a lot of media coverage building up to the event here in the U.S. I wonder if the British are as excited as the Americans (well, THIS American is looking forward to it). I like Kate's style and demeanor. She seems like a classy young lady.

I remember watching Lady Diana's wedding to Charles. She was just a few years older than me and I very stupidly used to think, hmmm you mean *I* could be a princess? LOL yeah sure, like Charles would want some chick from the 'hood in Brooklyn. I don't want him now anyway, hehe!

Anyway, the TV coverage begins Friday, April 29th at 4:00am in the U.S. on the east coast and I plan to try to stay up for it. I want to watch it live as it happens.
Yes, there's a lot of coverage for it here too. I am looking forward to it! I like Kate, she seems really classy and nice :)
I don't care about it at all, as I have more important things like research to tend to, but it seems to be the talk of the town (not to mention the Internet.) It seems innocent enough though--there's nothing wrong with "common" people living vicariously through figures like them. At least it's a good event, for once, and not nasty gossip people are talking about.I wish them the best, I guess.
I remember watching Lady Diana & Prince Charles' wedding also as a little girl. I was a big Diana & Charles fan from then. I even made a scrapbook that year which I actually still have in storage! It will be lovely to see their son get married. I haven't decided what I'm going to do: if I'll try to see it outside somewhere or stay & watch on the internet/TV. I just keep thinking that things will come to a stand still and be so congested. I'm actually in London so, it feels good to actually be here :)
Lady Diana's horoscope sign is Cancer. So she's definitely very emotional. I m a fan of Lady Diana too :)
Yes, there is a lot of media coverage in UK but i am not that bothered:no:
I look forward to it as well! I am very excited :) I like William and I think Kate will be a great princess.

I think foreigners are more excited about this wedding than people in Britain lol
I can safely vouch for a lot of British people when I say I won't be interested in watching. If there's nothing else on I'll have it on but most likely will be doing something else. It's an extra day off work for me so I'm happy! Not that I'm not happy for them! :)
today I heard this wedding is supposed to take place on a Friday? One of my professor's reminisced about Charles' and Lady Diana's wedding and how he watched it on television when he was a little boy, I had no idea this wedding was going to happen so soon! I wish 'em luck! Kate seems to be a nice girl and William seems to be nice too
I don't think a lot of people in the UK really care about the wedding, I know I don't.
It's just the same as any other wedding, except they are royalty, I don't see why it even makes a difference, the royal family do virtually nothing now anyway. But its a day off school, so I don't mind :D
I am so sick and tired of being beat over the head with this damn wedding! I literally can't escape it! Every news and media outlet is covering it non-stop. I admit I don't understand the fascination with the royals. To me, they're worthless. It's not like they are royalty in the true sense of the word. Honestly, they should just do away with the whole ridiculous monarchy thing. It's dead and gone with the real kings and queens that governed kingdoms. I personally can't wait until all this stupid wedding hoopla is over. The media doesn't truly care, they are just making tons of money off impressionable people who will buy their books and magazines about Will & Kate & the wedding. I just don't get it.:smilerolleyes:
u guys get an extra holiday for the wedding? That's soooooooooooo coool!
I love Lady Diana..she was so beautiful and humble...I think that Kate and William will make a beautiful couple and wish them a long happy life together..:)
Aww you guys get the day off for the wedding? I am soooo jealous!

The royal wedding will be streamed live from the royal family's official youtube page. From this page you can also send messages to Will & Kate by uploading your own video (which I will not be doing).

By Jennifer Valentino-DeVries

Have you been counting the days until the British royal wedding but afraid you wouldn’t be able to take the day off or wake up in the middle of the night to watch it? Well now you’re in luck.

The royal family announced Tuesday that the entire ceremony will be live-streamed and then replayed on their official YouTube page. (In other news, the British royal family has a YouTube page. It’s home to such titles as “The Campaign for Wool” and “Queen Elizabeth II Visits Canada.”)

During the ceremony, the channel will also have live blog commentary of the event, which is set to begin at 5 a.m. Eastern time. And there’s a “wedding book” on the site as well, where fans of the couple can upload video well-wishes. Most endearing so far: “Prince William and Kate, thanks for the extra day off.”

There are a few wedding-themed videos already on the site for die-hard royals fans, including a look at the making of the royal wedding cake and the symbolism of the candy flowers that will go on it.

YouTube’s parent company, Google, is “thrilled” to be broadcasting the event, spokeswoman Rachel Ball wrote on the Internet giant’s official blog. The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton will be “the first of the Internet age, where for the first time in thousands of years of royal history, the moment will be captured online and preserved forever,” she said.

A Google spokeswoman said there was no financial arrangement for the live stream, which is part of an overall effort by the couple to make their wedding day accessible to more people. The footage is being provided by the BBC, and Google is providing technical support.

YouTube has been touting its live video services lately, and it recently launched a site fully dedicated to live shows. The efforts come as Google tries to reinvent its site for the “Internet TV” generation. Basically, Google sees television and the Internet merging and wants to make sure it can compete with other services, including companies like Netflix Inc. that are banking on streaming video.
I don't care about it either. In the 21st century we don't need Kings and Queens anymore. It's time for these people roll up their sleeves and work like everyone else.
I don't know anyone personally in the UK excited about it, however when in LA, LV, NY there were a lot of people asking me about it as if I knew the royal family personally! Well, actually, my sister did have a fifteen minute meeting face to face with the Queen about two months back.
Kate is very pretty and looks like a Princess already, I wish them the best but couldn't care about actually watching the wedding. I get a day of work though, and a lot of people are planning things for that day specifically to avoid it so I'm sure I'll find something to do.
Hmm....well as some people have mentioned we get a long weekend due to the Royal wedding (Friday and Monday off and then the following Friday and Monday off for Easter too) but it doesn't seem like a lot of my fellow Englishmen/women are very excited about it which is fair enough..... BUT I am sort of sick of the moaning that this country seems to be doing over it lol....seriously just suck it up, if you are not particularly keen to watch the event then oh well, you get a long weekend out of it at least. Why not go to one of the street parties being organised and get some free food/entertainment? Just make the most of it :D

I am not particularly fond of the royals and I am not particularly patriotic either, but it is rare that big events like this happen in England so I shall be making the most of it myself, even if it's not for the right reasons (ie not for William and Kate - although I DO wish them a happy marriage!)

On a side note, my sister-in-law went to school with Kate Middleton, and there is often a picture put up on tv of Kate with her rounders team which my sister in law is in (which she absolutely hates with a passion LOL) here is the picture:,r:0,s:0

My sister in law is the one on the bottom left :D (obviously Kate is the one with her face circled lol)
I would care if I got a day off work/school. I actually love my job, for once, but school is something I could do without (assuming it's a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.)
No offense to royal family fans here but if i hear one more thing bout kate & will's wedding, i am going to :blowup:!
LOL where's the British spirit guys?!!! This will be a historical event, just like Diana's wedding. I love the pomp and circumstance. I love the mystery of what Kate's wedding gown will look like. I'm sure it and she will be stunning. I hope it's not anything like that poofy thing Diana wore (though Di herself looked stunning). And what kind of hat will the Queen wear, lol! I love live televised events like this and I MUST watch it live.:)
On a side note, my sister-in-law went to school with Kate Middleton, and there is often a picture put up on tv of Kate with her rounders team which my sister in law is in (which she absolutely hates with a passion LOL) here is the picture:,r:0,s:0

My sister in law is the one on the bottom left :D (obviously Kate is the one with her face circled lol)

Very cool! Kate looks rather ordinary in those photos. Amazing she blossomed into such a beautiful young woman.
LOL where's the British spirit guys?!!! This will be a historical event, just like Diana's wedding. I love the pomp and circumstance. I love the mystery of what Kate's wedding gown will look like. I'm sure it and she will be stunning. I hope it's not anything like that poofy thing Diana wore (though Di herself looked stunning). And what kind of hat will the Queen wear, lol! I love live televised events like this and I MUST watch it live.:)

haha, I am totally with you on that one! I think it's a fun and exciting event, it will be a part of world history so it's not something to miss. unfortunately I won't be able to watch it live because of Figure Skating World Championship here in Moscow. But I will surely download the ceremony and watch it later!
I dont really give two shites about the wedding in all honesty :lmao:
if im at home, and theres nothing else on tv, i might watch it :toofunny:
Isn't it surprising how little interest the UK have over this wedding? :mello: I have just returned home from the Caribbean whilst out there met loads of American's that were so excited for me being in London and the wedding, saying things like "Oh, You get back for the wedding right? You must!"
Um... why? :blink: I am interested slightly but not enough to make any kind of fuss. Someone in the family is doing a BBQ on the day.. I'm happy about that :D :lol:
Well, we get a day off work. That's what most people are happy about! There is a lot of coverage here but generally the public aren't interested. I have never been particularly fond of the royals so I'm just spending the day with some friends, that's it!
I don't think a lot of people in the UK really care about the wedding, I know I don't.
It's just the same as any other wedding, except they are royalty, I don't see why it even makes a difference, the royal family do virtually nothing now anyway. But its a day off school, so I don't mind :D

Yep, not a huge amount of people seem to be interested in it but eh, I get a day off college so I'm happy. :p

To be fair to the Royals though, they do do a lot for our country in regards to bringing money in from tourism and sealing export deals overseas. I would definitely rather have them, than not. :p
I think if the media would not talk bout the wedding all the time, the public wouldnt be so hasty bout it. It just like constant talk bout it and it does get annoying
I will tell you what is spoiling the wedding in the uk - people whining and bitching over it. People who say there is far too much television coverage on it - well you are obviously watching way to much television as I have not seen that much on it at all! It is a shame people in this country cannot just be happy for the couple and look at it like they are being invited to a glimpse of their happiness but instead they bitch about it. I can imagine these same people should they get married would be very excited (as you get) and would be talking about it a great deal so would it be ok for me to start whining that they are talking too much about it? Anyway I think it is great to see William so happy and we should remember this is someone who lost his mother in tragic circumstances as a child and that the last big royal wedding was hers so it is a meaningful day for him in that respect too so I support him all the way.