The way Michael talks...?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey guys :)
I was just thinking about how most of his friends / collegues say that Michael was talking in a very strange way.. like "he's from Indiana and the way he says... blahblah"... What's wrong with Michael's speaking? Or the speaking of ppl who are from indiana in general... I remember in private home movies in that footage where he's on the way to Indiana to visit his grandfather and he says "salvation army tomorrow Bill, really don't laugh you find good stuff..." later I read on some boards that ppl were very excited on the way he says that.. I don't see what's wrong.. also in that recent interview with Kenny Ortega where he shares the story where Michael repeated several times his name and finally Kenny said "yes, michael" and michael told to him that he's calling him, was there anything wrong in the way he said his name, Kenny says "No, I love the way you say it" cause he has indiana accent or...????
I really can't understand what's wrong with the way Michael speaks and pronounces the words.. I've always understoon what he's talking cause he says the words very clear. I've heard a lot of rappers and other ppl who can't really understand what they are talking but nobody's talking about that.. duhh
sooo.. can anyone educate me a bit? :D
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He seemed to have a way of pronouncing certain words that was different. I don't know whether or not it had anything to do with his being from Indiana. These are the 3 I've noticed most often:

--Dropping the letter L in words like "old."
--Pronouncing an E like an I in words like "feel." In Speechless, it sounds like he's singing, "That's how you make me fill."
--Leaving an s off the end of a word like "sometimes."
It'c called EBONICS folks:

What does Ebonics sound like?
To many people, the first examples that come to mind
are slang words like phat ‘excellent’ and bling-bling
‘glittery, expensive jewelry’, words that are popular
among teenagers and young adults, especially rap and
hip hop fans. But words like kitchen ‘the especially
kinky hair at the nape of one’s neck’ and ashy ‘the
whitish appearance of black skin when dry, as in
winter’ are even more interesting. Unlike many slang
terms, these ‘black’ words have been around for ages,
they are not restricted to particular regions or age
groups, and they are virtually unknown (in their ‘black’
meanings) outside the African American community.

Ebonics pronunciation includes features like the
omission of the final consonant in words like ‘past’
(pas’ ) and ‘hand’ (han’), the pronunciation of the th in
‘bath’ as t (bat) or f (baf), and the pronunciation of the
vowel in words like ‘my’ and ‘ride’ as a long ah (mah,
rahd). Some of these occur in vernacular white
English, too, especially in the South, but in general
they occur more frequently in Ebonics. Some Ebonics
pronunciations are more unique, for instance, dropping
b, d, or g at the beginning of auxiliary verbs like
‘don’t’ and ‘gonna’, yielding Ah ‘on know for “I don’t
know” and ama do it for “I’m going to do it.”

I loved the way Michael talked...Part of his charm...
cute accent :wub: Amazing lingual its part of what makes him so unique
I'm from Indiana as well, and we have a certain dialect. Like, for example, instead of "basketball," some of us say, "baskaball." I do it.
Other examples:
"warsh" = "wash"
"ho" = "hole,"
"ant" = "aunt" (a lot of other people say ahnt)
"bin" = "been"
"carml" = "caramel"
"coopon" = "coupon"

There's more. But I talk like this. It also depends on where in Indiana you're from. I'll have to listen to Michael speak more to determine his Hoosier accent/dialect. Personally, I don't think I have an accent, but I've been told by Southerners that I have a heavy Northern accent. Haha.

Yay Hoosiers!
I could listen to him allday.And in the movie "THIS IS IT",He had sexier deep voice. Man, Too bad I'll never hear it again except if I play his interviews.It's just I won't be able to hear him speak after this year is over. what a loss to us all.
He has a southern accent to me. I know that katherine is from the south, Alabama is where she's from. And that's where alot of their family is, like in the phm video, it was Alabama not Indiana.
That's right,A true Southerner. That where some of my family is from.ALABAMA.. My Mother was from there,when she was yoinger She Moved with her Mom to OHIO then when she turned around 20 or 21, She Moved to New York to live with my GrandAunt who was also from The Bama.After the Move she met my Father where they dated and then married.I still wondered if Mom Jackson knew of my family because some of them owned businesses down there back in the day.Who knows but the Lord besides this was all around the 20s, 30s and 40s before people went their seperate ways.
My fave: "Chirrun of the whirl"
I know!!! :wub::wub::wub: My fave too!! And the way he said "wHite" sounded more like "Wheight" because he pronounced the H so clearly. :wub:

I could listen to him allday.And in the movie "THIS IS IT",He had sexier deep voice. Man, Too bad I'll never hear it again except if I play his interviews.It's just I won't be able to hear him speak after this year is over. what a loss to us all.

"I'm still sizzling"...:wub: :lol:
he had a sexy voice. when i first heard him speak on living with mj i had to bite my lip and let out a little sigh. oh mike.
I don't really know what an Indiana accent sounds like, but I did try to pay attention to when Michael said 'Kenny' in the movie because I read that interview before I saw the movie.

I think I only hear Michael say it once on the cherry picker during beat it and to me it sounds like Michael is saying 'Kinni' instead of 'kennee'.

When Michael was a child, you really could hear some type of accent when he speaks. If you listen to the 'Rappin' with the Jackson 5' interview, it sounds like he drops the 'r' in Marlon, sounding like Mahlon.
I love the way he talks. I could probably listen to him read the dictionary out loud. :wub: Hearing him recite the "Planet Earth" poem. Wow. :swoon: I also like how he says "sometime" leaving off the "s". I think it's cute, but would probably bug me if it was anyone else saying it.

I also like how he pronounces the short "u" vowel sound. The way he says "plug" and "blood". Makes me laugh. :laugh:
I sometimes here him accentuate the letter "L" in speech. Like right now I'm listening to the Planet Earth poem and think he has a distinct way of saying "floating" and "globe." Love his voice so much!
I like the way he says "friend". he pronounces it "freend". LOL I love it :wub:

just like he says "keeney" in fact :D

I also love the way he clearly pronounces the "wiTH" in "with love". "wiTH LOVE" he says in the movie. with emphasis on the "th" in "with", and then a tiny pause and then "love". I just love it. I could listen to him saying that phrase all day!! I want it as my ringtone lol!
He has a southern accent to me. I know that katherine is from the south, Alabama is where she's from. And that's where alot of their family is, like in the phm video, it was Alabama not Indiana.


A slight, and I mean SLIGHT one on certain words.

Like how he says the word "again" - very slight Southern US accent.

Now it only came out in certain words, though - but it's there.

And NO, MJ did not speak Ebonics!!!
He also says the word "wrong" like "ronk" In black or white! lol I love his accent too! And I am a fan of the "sometime" :)
MJ's style of speaking is UNIQUE. I've not heard anyone talk like him ever. Everything this man did was different. I love it all!!

Agree with you guys about the word "sometime" - it's just so cute to hear him say that :wub:

Could go on all day about his beautiful charming vernacular, but I think y'all already know!
Yeah Michael had an amazing voice. I was watching the Interview with Geraldo, and its such a great interview. Geraldo is really nice to him too so Michael is totally at ease.