The sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

yes men are nice...when they want to get in bed with you. and if they don't get what they want you become invisible, you're only good to be gawked at and be hit on but you're not important or respectable enough to be treated like a lady or a friend. so yeah men can be real pigs!
and the good men are always taken, so most of us are left with the losers :ermm: and yes I'm jealous of the girls above me lol

haha ain't that the truth. IMO.
Once they know you're only interested in being friends... they just stop being around you.
doesn't guys... umm people in general look for friends any more? or they just talk to people just so they can get some... or hit some.

and yes I'm really jealous of Mechi too.

Men make better Friends though and Women makes better Lovers... my opinion of course...
When I was about 21-22 years old, I remember it being the last time I GENUINELY believed this silly idea that a girl could feel my truth by simply placing her hand on my chest to feel my heart beat. :doh:

I truly believed she would appreciate the fact I acknowledged her existence.

And I had this one very troubled girlfriend, she was really really pretty but had such an ugly attitude towards life. She thought she could have it all. When she questioned my loyalty, I remember so well when I took her in the back of my apartment where it was quiet and looked deep in her eyes and asked her to look at me in my eyes and to please feel my truth. That's exactly how I said it too. I placed her hand on my chest and told her, "You never have to worry about me leaving or cheating. Can you feel that?" ...oh my gawddd. lol. :doh:
To this day, I can't believe I actually did that. But it was very real for me. lol. Like I almost was convinced she'd see a glow on my chest. lmao.

God... That is long gone now. I will never do that again. *shrugs*.

She ended up cheating on me 4 months later. :p
Talk about wasted energy.

Little by little, one relationship after failing other, they managed to peel away the magical love within me until I finally got completely jaded about relationships all together and locked my heart away. (been 6 years since i had a relationship).

Right now, at this very moment, I cringe at the thought of me every being with another woman ever again. And I'm serious. I have absolutely no desire what so ever. It actually scares me.

BUT, but but but, I do desire a woman's friendship very very much. And I mean that. :) I think women make wonderful friends. There's something that attracts me to women. And no, its not *insert your dirty thoughts*.
Ever since I was a kid... even with my mom, I felt it. Like women have this indestructible nurturing care in their hearts. I don't get that from my guy friends. All they talk about are the typical things. I never made a deep connection with a guy friend. Because then they think funny of you.

I always valued women thoughts. Always intrigued by their softness. :huggy:
When I was in elementary catholic school, i used to hang with the girls rather than play ball with the boys. Im not gay or anything. I just felt more comfort being around girls. :cheeky:

Everything Bruce Wayne mentioned, I actually did in reality too. Especially the ice cream and candy bit. hehe.

I'm sad I feel I could never be that way again. (I'm what people out here call, damaged goods. lol)
I see relationships like telling the same joke or story, over and over you know? It loses its energy. Becomes overly predictable. Like.."oh here it goes again.... lets see now..what did i do the last time this happened? oh yes, now i remember." sigh.

Anyone ever seen that movie Groundhog Day? lol... well its kinda like that except it gets tedious after a while.

Awww..but I hope all of you find great love in your lives. Whoever started this topic is real sweet and this is the first time in all my life, I ever seen a girl make such a topic (online or otherwise). Thank you. No we're not all bad. Its not about men. Its not about women. Its people. We do funny things to each other for unknown reasons.

Hope you all find true love! :clapping:
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I hate when a woman tells me how sensitive she is and ends up being the most insensitive being ever. Women go on and on telling us how caring they are when some of them are so selfish. Just how frustrating it is when I my woman is the first thing on my mind and she doesn't appreciate it. When I revolve my entire world around her, not because I have to, but because I want to. Because she's important and I go out of my way to show her everyday how special she is and she's just indifferent. Then she brags us women are sensitive.
When I was about 21-22 years old, I remember it being the last time I GENUINELY believed this silly idea that a girl could feel my truth by simply placing her hand on my chest to feel my heart beat. :doh:

I truly believed she would appreciate the fact I acknowledged her existence.

And I had this one very troubled girlfriend, she was really really pretty but had such an ugly attitude towards life. She thought she could have it all. When she questioned my loyalty, I remember so well when I took her in the back of my apartment where it was quiet and looked deep in her eyes and asked her to look at me in my eyes and to please feel my truth. That's exactly how I said it too. I placed her hand on my chest and told her, "You never have to worry about me leaving or cheating. Can you feel that?" ...oh my gawddd. lol. :doh:
To this day, I can't believe I actually did that. But it was very real for me. lol. Like I almost was convinced she'd see a glow on my chest. lmao.

God... That is long gone now. I will never do that again. *shrugs*.

She ended up cheating on me 4 months later. :p
Talk about wasted energy.

Little by little, one relationship after failing other, they managed to peel away the magical love within me until I finally got completely jaded about relationships all together and locked my heart away. (been 6 years since i had a relationship).

Right now, at this very moment, I cringe at the thought of me every being with another woman ever again. And I'm serious. I have absolutely no desire what so ever. It actually scares me.

BUT, but but but, I do desire a woman's friendship very very much. And I mean that. :) I think women make wonderful friends. There's something that attracts me to women. And no, its not *insert your dirty thoughts*.
Ever since I was a kid... even with my mom, I felt it. Like women have this indestructible nurturing care in their hearts. I don't get that from my guy friends. All they talk about are the typical things. I never made a deep connection with a guy friend. Because then they think funny of you.

I always valued women thoughts. Always intrigued by their softness. :huggy:
When I was in elementary catholic school, i used to hang with the girls rather than play ball with the boys. Im not gay or anything. I just felt more comfort being around girls. :cheeky:

Everything Bruce Wayne mentioned, I actually did in reality too. Especially the ice cream and candy bit. hehe.

I'm sad I feel I could never be that way again. (I'm what people out here call, damaged goods. lol)
I see relationships like telling the same joke or story, over and over you know? It loses its energy. Becomes overly predictable. Like.."oh here it goes again.... lets see now..what did i do the last time this happened? oh yes, now i remember." sigh.

Anyone ever seen that movie Groundhog Day? lol... well its kinda like that except it gets tedious after a while.

Awww..but I hope all of you find great love in your lives. Whoever started this topic is real sweet and this is the first time in all my life, I ever seen a girl make such a topic (online or otherwise). Thank you. No we're not all bad. Its not about men. Its not about women. Its people. We do funny things to each other for unknown reasons.

Hope you all find true love! :clapping:

well I am so sorry that you had such a horrible experience with that girl...obvioulsy she didnt know what she was giving up....her loss as they say...:)

for me...I have known my husband of 30 years since I was 13 years old...we didnt date until I was 18...we married 4months later and here we are today just celebrated our 25th anniversary....Now dont get me wrong it is HARD really have to work at it sometimes...nothing is all peaches and cream....but my husband is there when it matters....he is not the type to compliment all the time...but I do know that he loves me jsut by the way he hugs me or just a glance or just a hand squeeze....sometimes you want to throw in the towel but then you say to yourself...what the heck would I do without him......I Love my husband more today than I did the day we got married...I am a very lucky woman.....well sorry to go on and on......I hope you all find love to......just dont settle for jerks...the right guy/girl IS out there...they always turn up when you are not looking....sometimes people try to hard to find a mate and they pass up the person who is right under their nose..
LMAO @ 'don't know whether to live or die'. But yeah, it's really really sad...when they say something like that I always go with the standard line 'I'm prohibitive/unpayable' (don't know the right translation). And then they go 'oooh you're spicy, I like that' and get their arms around you and stuff...UGH. Stupid assholes. :smilerolleyes:
Ah well...I dunnow what it is about men and soccer, glad we got concerts as well in that stadium. And yes...I can't think of any other sport where men loose their minds.
Did anyone do a psychological research on that?! I'd love to see the outcome! LOL.
Oh and Bruce, you're awesome...if only all men were of your type!:lol:

Aaw you're too kind

Yeah, I think it's best to just brush it off easily as you do - you could say some demeaning shit to crush them, but there are some psychos out there that you could trigger off their bad side if you really get to them :/
So I kind you brush it off good as you do.
I think it's definitely time for some psychology analysis about sports fanatics and their intelligence level.
I mean, the regular football hooligan doesn't seem too bright IMO :rolleyes:

When I was...
Even though I don't share the same experiences as you had, we both share the same "problem" - as corny as it may sound, we have too much respect for women.
It took me a while to figure that out, but there's a such thing as too much respect for the typical woman.
It don't work to put the woman on a pedestal - and that is the truth.
Awe – what a great thread... it is wonderful.

Nar – I am sorry you had such a bad experience... BruceWayne as always you make me laugh...

Okay my say...

Well I am personally a BIG fan of men. I really do just love you all... you guys are pretty special and even though I might be one of those girls that might one day say what you have done for me lately – I always remember what you do for me when you I need you to

I have to admit I have a pretty great guy that loves me dearly and sometimes has to puts up with my *hit – not that I don’t reciprocate in a lot of ways – but this is all about the man love – so I will share what I love in particular about my guy..

He laughs at my jokes (and seriously I am not funny)
He puts up with my moods – which at times can be many and irrational
He gets along with my parents – which even I can’t manage
He kept his promise to make me laugh every day
He brushes the snow off my car in the morning
He tells me I am more beautiful than the day we married
He is so much smarter than me and never makes me feel less
He keeps his goatee coz I love it
His smile melts my heart

ok i forgot to add some thing to my post

the way he don't mind that i don't know how to cook

he carries me up the stairs when i sprain my ankle and cant walk

the he tell me that i don't need to lose wight because i look beautiful just the way i am - ok now I'm starting to cry !!!!!

he worries about me when i come home and its dark

he get mad when i lose my house keys every week!!!! i eather Levey it on the buss or at the mall or in LA on the subways but he cant stay mad at me for more then 3 minutes then goes to K mart and make me another key and buys another key chain

the way he looks at me when we are having sex- he make me fell so beautiful and and so special - i dont want to get to much into it becuse this is a pg 13 board
the way he looks around for me when he wakes up suddenly and kisses me on the face, smiles, and goes back to sleep

@Nar: That is SO adorable! With that heartbeat thing!:wub: I think I could have seen the truth...but well that's just me with my over-sensitive instinct. I'm sorry you became 'damaged' 'cuz of all the failed relationships. I think I am that way as's hard finding someone similar when you are so sensitive, trustworthy and able to give all your love yourself....there aren't many people out there who are that way.
Everytime I sort of got into something with a guy (can't say a relationship/love 'cuz I never had), they turn out to be not sensitive and not really telling me what they feel and stuff.....those typical average guys. For many guys it's 'just something' while for me it's so much's an adventure, bonding and learning process etc. I just hate how a relationship creates itself nowadays, with the hard to get and just....ugh...not about love. Ah well....guess I'm just looking into that shit too deep or something.
Maybe I'm having just a too old-fashioned way of thinking.

All I know is that I'm looking at the world in a way only a few people do, like...very ambitious, and I'm over-sensitive, can feel, see, hear, sense every little thing going on. And that sucks 'cuz I need someone on my side similar...a guy who I can actually communicate with on the same level.:(

Anyway, I hope your 'trauma' will in some way dissapear when you meet the right girl!
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awww so sweet... yeah makes me smile to read about your guys marias21, paisley and badtourgirl.

Well when I think back I can only suggest everybody not really to go for 'pleasing someone' or being pleased of cuz. It's maybe better to just be yourself, do the things you like, try things of cuz the other one likes when you don't know them... that's so essential somehow? Be open, be yourself and make yourself known the way you are and yes maybe also why. Start with knowing in your heart yourself you're very well worth to be truely loved and you have so much love to give... so again, make yourself known. The right one will come!

lol ok sorry... I just noticed it's a bit off topic... back to those nice things men do for women! ;)
When I was about 21-22 years old, I remember it being the last time I GENUINELY believed this silly idea that a girl could feel my truth by simply placing her hand on my chest to feel my heart beat. :doh:

I truly believed she would appreciate the fact I acknowledged her existence.

And I had this one very troubled girlfriend, she was really really pretty but had such an ugly attitude towards life. She thought she could have it all. When she questioned my loyalty, I remember so well when I took her in the back of my apartment where it was quiet and looked deep in her eyes and asked her to look at me in my eyes and to please feel my truth. That's exactly how I said it too. I placed her hand on my chest and told her, "You never have to worry about me leaving or cheating. Can you feel that?" ...oh my gawddd. lol. :doh:

you are such a dork :lol: a cute dork
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Well damn, judging by this thread, I'm going to be a good boyfriend...

Now I just need to find the right girl! :cheeky:
From my experience, I think Women are ALOT more bosser and get into alot more arguments with other females, they seem to clashed. Men seem to accept things more and get on with it.

But saying that I adore the female personality, it fascinates me LOL
wow, all these posts are so sweet :D

I feel depressed now :mello::mello:

This is kinda off topic but...

I really HATE it when some women who are so obsessed about EQUALITY and talk day and night about womens' power and rights turn around and diss men like hell! What the...??

It's like, us women can say men are beasts and bla bla bla and no-one says anything but if one man disses one woman it's OMG WHAT DID HE SAY????

I agree!! the thing is, women dont WANT equality..because as soon as they are given it, like, men treat us as equals, we see them as RUDE. i dont get it. In the work place, yeh, I want the same treatment and pay as my male counter-parts... but, I also want my man to hold the door open for me, and to be told I look beautiful when Im putting on my 'power suit' in the morning, and my chair pulled out when he takes me for dinner. I want to feel protected.

At the end of the day, and all you feminists can call me an idiot... every woman wants to feel loved and protected by their partner. It is etched onto our genetic make up. its the way its been forever. I earn more money than my man and am a powerful woman, but I still want to come home to my 'provider' and feel like a lady.
I agree!! the thing is, women dont WANT equality..because as soon as they are given it, like, men treat us as equals, we see them as RUDE. i dont get it. In the work place, yeh, I want the same treatment and pay as my male counter-parts... but, I also want my man to hold the door open for me, and to be told I look beautiful when Im putting on my 'power suit' in the morning, and my chair pulled out when he takes me for dinner. I want to feel protected.

At the end of the day, and all you feminists can call me an idiot... every woman wants to feel loved and protected by their partner. It is etched onto our genetic make up. its the way its been forever. I earn more money than my man and am a powerful woman, but I still want to come home to my 'provider' and feel like a lady.

Of course I want equality... maybe I'm just speaking for myself here though...

If a male co-worker is rude to me, he is not treating me equally he is being rude and inappropriate. If a female does the same to a man she is being just as rude and inappropriate. These things are not about feminism and equal rights, they're just bad manners on behalf on both sexes. If someone holds open a door for me I think it's a nice gesture - from either sex.

I call myself a feminist and I don't think there's anything wrong with your man treating you kindly and spoiling you. Yes, I want my boyfriend to be courteous to me, it's a basic rule for all people - be courteous. It's lovely when he compliments me. I do feel protected with my boyfriend, but this doesn't undermine my belief in equality for women. You can have both. Within a personal relationship I would expect my partner to make me feel special just as I care for him. We respect each other as intellectual equals and both feel secure with each other :)
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

You sound bitter. Until you've acted like a lady don't tell me you want a gentleman or men should be hanged.
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

the day I meet a real man who knows how to act like a gentleman I'm gonna take it back...until then don't get too close I can bite and scratch!

You sound bitter. Until you've acted like a lady, don't tell me you want a gentleman or men should be hanged.
this is just an internet forum don't take everything so serious, and you don't even know me
this is just an internet forum don't take everything so serious, and you don't even know me

i don't need to know you because you've already revealed yourself:- i.e "men are pigs, men should be hanged". In short, you are a man hater.
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Alright guys, this thread is meant to be light hearted, lets keep it that way. :flowers:
Alright for the ladies that have never had luck with me, I was in the same exact boat as you. A relationship that had happened 4 years ago left me devastated and completely numb, and think awful of men, and despise them. This guy would constantly cheat on me without me even knowing I was being cheated on. I thought i truly really loved this man, but boy was I wrong. He emotionally abused me, and physically as well. At that point of my life I felt so ugly, and undesirable. My self esteem was so low at that point where I even became jealous of women who were celebrities he even thought were good looking. He made me feel very insecure about myself. I felt so low, and trapped.
I have to thank my parents for making me leave california all the way to the midwest to get away from this guy. Yes it took 4 years to get over somethig so pivotal in my life.

I didn't trust men at all, and i even used a guy to get over the one who hurt me so bad, and I regret it with all my heart. It just came to the point where i lost faith in love, in men, in the trust of men. I even went for 2 years without sex or anything because i just didn't want to deal with men.

Well this past year in August, I met someone. His name is Jordan, he is the love of my life. I never met a man that blew my mind like the way he does, and vice versa. We had both come from very bad relationships where he had been cheated on, as well as I have etc. Just like him, I was also at he turning point of giving up on love, until we found each other. I never, and him as well felt this way over someone. The way he makes me feel is as if I am the most beautiful woman in the world. And to me he is the most beautiful, kind-hearted soul in the world. This man is willing to travel across the country to whatever school I will attend to be with me. He knows how nervous I am about my parents meeting him, etc. But he comforts me with the notion that he is not nervous, he knows they will love him, and that he cannot wait for me to meet his parents, because he knows for a fact we would all get along.

During Thanksgiving he had come to visit me in Fargo to celebrate thanksgiving with me, because he knew I could't make it back home to Las Vegas. He made me breakfast, dinner, and even cooked thanksgiving dinner. My friends loved him to death, and were telling me he was a keeper, which I already knew. When he had to return back to california, he was crying, I was crying. I just never had felt such a connection with someone, and being with him had restored my belief in good, caring, kind-hearted men.
Alright for the ladies that have never had luck with me, I was in the same exact boat as you. A relationship that had happened 4 years ago left me devastated and completely numb, and think awful of men, and despise them. This guy would constantly cheat on me without me even knowing I was being cheated on. I thought i truly really loved this man, but boy was I wrong. He emotionally abused me, and physically as well. At that point of my life I felt so ugly, and undesirable. My self esteem was so low at that point where I even became jealous of women who were celebrities he even thought were good looking. He made me feel very insecure about myself. I felt so low, and trapped.
I have to thank my parents for making me leave california all the way to the midwest to get away from this guy. Yes it took 4 years to get over somethig so pivotal in my life.

I didn't trust men at all, and i even used a guy to get over the one who hurt me so bad, and I regret it with all my heart. It just came to the point where i lost faith in love, in men, in the trust of men. I even went for 2 years without sex or anything because i just didn't want to deal with men.

Well this past year in August, I met someone. His name is Jordan, he is the love of my life. I never met a man that blew my mind like the way he does, and vice versa. We had both come from very bad relationships where he had been cheated on, as well as I have etc. Just like him, I was also at he turning point of giving up on love, until we found each other. I never, and him as well felt this way over someone. The way he makes me feel is as if I am the most beautiful woman in the world. And to me he is the most beautiful, kind-hearted soul in the world. This man is willing to travel across the country to whatever school I will attend to be with me. He knows how nervous I am about my parents meeting him, etc. But he comforts me with the notion that he is not nervous, he knows they will love him, and that he cannot wait for me to meet his parents, because he knows for a fact we would all get along.

During Thanksgiving he had come to visit me in Fargo to celebrate thanksgiving with me, because he knew I could't make it back home to Las Vegas. He made me breakfast, dinner, and even cooked thanksgiving dinner. My friends loved him to death, and were telling me he was a keeper, which I already knew. When he had to return back to california, he was crying, I was crying. I just never had felt such a connection with someone, and being with him had restored my belief in good, caring, kind-hearted men.

your story is so sweet! :yes:
Aww Gisselle that's great story! I'm very happy for you :huggy:
I also want to tell the people out there who are lonely that love can come to you when you least expect it. I met my wonderful husband 8 years ago and it was an instant connection... but before that I wondered if I'd ever have someone.

I never dated in high school, I didn't go to the prom, and didn't feel confident in the dating scene at all. I didn't think my match was out there, although I dreamed of it frequently. Things turned around one fateful night and the rest is history, so I'm living proof that it can happen.

Love to you guys on this thread! :heart:
I'm confused as to how you know if the man is right for you or if you should date him or not. It's always been confusing to me, and I don't want to end up with the wrong person.
I also want to tell the people out there who are lonely that love can come to you when you least expect it. I met my wonderful husband 8 years ago and it was an instant connection... but before that I wondered if I'd ever have someone.

I never dated in high school, I didn't go to the prom, and didn't feel confident in the dating scene at all. I didn't think my match was out there, although I dreamed of it frequently. Things turned around one fateful night and the rest is history, so I'm living proof that it can happen.

Love to you guys on this thread! :heart:

That's very true. I think that when you go out with the soul purpose of finding yourself a date then your not gonna get very far. But when you go out not thinking about getting a date and just have a good time, that's the time when you do get one (Well from my own experience anyway)
Speaking of meeting people for a date Book stores are the ideal place to meet people. When you're meeting someone you want to find out what they're interested in, the bookstore conveniently has that very thing written above the section they're in, so you have something to talk about right off the bat.