The sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

How about how we massage your feet even though you wouldn't even touch ours with a dog shit bag on your hands.

Sorry but LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! :lmao:

I so would massage my mans feet. :wub:

Him: Honey, Can I have a foot massage?

Me: Have you showered?

That is a must thats all. :lol:

Some of that was sweet though Bruce, Awww.
Lol, this thread is hillarious! And I agree about the feet thing, I wouldn't touch my ex's feet unless he had showered first!
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

the sweetest thing that men do... they stay away from me.

oh and I rub my Fasa's feet all the time.
i don't like feet, but he's my Fasa so ehhh.
Okay..I just wanted to say, I will never understand the combination man and soccer. Like, seriously...they become beasts! :bugeyed
Just got back from my work at the soccer stadium in Amsterdam, and hell...they were worse than ever. They seriously think they can say and do all! 'For how much can I take you home?' UHHH? And all drunk, loud and aggresive.

Allright, until this point my vent about men.... :cheeky:
No but, I have a really wrong vision of men 'cause of some bad things that happened.....still waiting for the day one proofs me wrong and shows me what I can actually mean to them, one that shows his soul or just simple; love.

They can be lovely, sometimes.
*Thinks about Michael* :lol:
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Wow, you're a keeper! :lol: I kid, I kid.
That is pretty sweet, I wish more blokes treated their girl like that.

Aaw thank you :) :) :)

Sorry but LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! :lmao:

I so would massage my mans feet. :wub:

Him: Honey, Can I have a foot massage?

Me: Have you showered?

That is a must thats all. :lol:

Some of that was sweet though Bruce, Awww.

Haha, nothing to be sorry about - I made that post to make people go "lol wtf" but the same time speak a little truth :lol:

Haha yeah, let me put it this way - I wouldn't allow anyone to touch my feet neither without having a shower first, and I'm not even the "stinky feet" type of man :lol:

Okay..I just wanted to say, I will never understand the combination man and soccer. Like, seriously...they become beasts! :bugeyed
Just got back from my work at the soccer stadium in Amsterdam, and hell...they were worse than ever. They seriously think they can say and do all! 'For how much can I take you home?' UHHH? And all drunk, loud and aggresive.

Allright, until this point my vent about men.... :cheeky:
No but, I have a really wrong vision of men 'cause of some bad things that happened.....still waiting for the day one proofs me wrong and shows me what I can actually mean to them, one that shows his soul or just simple; love.

They can be lovely, sometimes.
*Thinks about Michael* :lol:


This is so sad, it's like I don't know whether to laugh or cry (I don't know whether to liiive or dieee :rolleyes:) at their stupidity, or be mad at them - they must have been dropped with their head first into the floor as a kid, I mean with their lack of intelligence.

...or maybe it's just me that is "normal" because I'm not into football.
The more I think about it, the more I believe it's true about football and men - basically everyone I know that is reeeally into football have some dysfunction when it comes to manners.
Damn, it feels like we just cracked the Da Vinci Code or something - I never realised this connection until now :hysterical:
I love it when my crushes or my bf smile....

Seriously, a simple smile from them can sent my heart reeling...

I feel like melting and my face gets all hot... :lol:

I'm simple to please....

P.S. That's why I love Michael's smiles so much. Probably the most beautiful smile I've ever seen...
How about how we make sure that you always have the last piece of whatever it is that we're eating - no matter if it's food or snacks

soooooooooooooooooo ture with this one my husband always dose that lol
Okay..I just wanted to say, I will never understand the combination man and soccer. Like, seriously...they become beasts! :bugeyed
Just got back from my work at the soccer stadium in Amsterdam, and hell...they were worse than ever. They seriously think they can say and do all! 'For how much can I take you home?' UHHH? And all drunk, loud and aggresive.

Allright, until this point my vent about men.... :cheeky:
No but, I have a really wrong vision of men 'cause of some bad things that happened.....still waiting for the day one proofs me wrong and shows me what I can actually mean to them, one that shows his soul or just simple; love.

They can be lovely, sometimes.
*Thinks about Michael* :lol:

you just haven't found the right man yet !!! not all men are looking for Sex and to get there freak on some ones want to really find love and get married and have a family most men age 18-38 are into sex and one night stands but the older they get the wiser they become and they find out that we women are not just for sex my husband is 52 and I'm 26 and he dint want to rush into sex i was virgin till i got married and he knew that i wanted it that way he respect me and that why i love him so much because he was into my family values and morals he dint mind that my mom whet ever were with us or that she was sitting in between us when we whent to the movies he love the fact that my mom and i was so strong with morals
most men age 18-38 are into sex and one night stands but the older they get the wiser they become and they find out that we women are not just for sex
Whuuh...well...I think I can hope for a few not like that, 'cuz I was not planning on being 38 and only having a right guy by then! LOL! I know there are good guys out there...they just have to find me! ;)


This is so sad, it's like I don't know whether to laugh or cry (I don't know whether to liiive or dieee :rolleyes:) at their stupidity, or be mad at them - they must have been dropped with their head first into the floor as a kid, I mean with their lack of intelligence.

...or maybe it's just me that is "normal" because I'm not into football.
The more I think about it, the more I believe it's true about football and men - basically everyone I know that is reeeally into football have some dysfunction when it comes to manners.
Damn, it feels like we just cracked the Da Vinci Code or something - I never realised this connection until now :hysterical:
LMAO @ 'don't know whether to live or die'. But yeah, it's really really sad...when they say something like that I always go with the standard line 'I'm prohibitive/unpayable' (don't know the right translation). And then they go 'oooh you're spicy, I like that' and get their arms around you and stuff...UGH. Stupid assholes. :smilerolleyes:
Ah well...I dunnow what it is about men and soccer, glad we got concerts as well in that stadium. And yes...I can't think of any other sport where men loose their minds.
Did anyone do a psychological research on that?! I'd love to see the outcome! LOL.
Oh and Bruce, you're awesome...if only all men were of your type!:lol:
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I'm a woman and I have to say men tend to be more decent than us girls - in my experience anyway. (Not in romantic things but just...their overall self)
What a sweet idea for a thread... ok here's a few sweet things my boyfriend did for me (I'll just not mention all as there's too young kids around probably):

He told me every day that he loved me, minimum once.

He always had faith and trust in me, the first guy able to controll his jealousy, for my happiness just meant more to him.

He always kissed me good night and good bye... hmmm or was it me kissing... lol can't really say anymore.

He could make me laugh always. Sometimes the more I didn't want the easier it seemed for him. lol

He didn't ever let me carry heavy stuff upstairs. He always opened the doors for me.

He left me alone without that I had to tell him... just sensitive enough to notice.

He put a blanket over me when I fell asleep on our sofa while watching a movie with him.

When I was cold somewhere outside he always offered his jacket or sweater.

He got up to get me stuff before I could even ask for it.

He cooked dinner for me when I came home too tired or just not in the mood to cook... oh well lol or he called the pizza service and payed telling me with an innocent face: you know they just cook better than me.

He got up at night and cleaned the dishes for surprising me in the morning when starting the coffee maker with a suddenly clean kitchen.

He made breakfast for me and brought it to me in the sleeping room and never forgot to light a candle (yeah I'm more a candle girl than a red rose girl somehow, well I love my roses in our backyard).

He helped my Dad in the backyard working (although he hated that lol he really only did it for me).

He never said something when my best friend and me talked on the phone for hours.

He could go crazily angry on someone for annoying or upsetting me.

lol sheeeeesh this is getting long uh... well I'll better stop here but I fear this list is still incomplete when it's about my late boyfriend. I feel I'm lucky cuz I've found a deep true love with him which not many ppl find obviously through all their lives.
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This is kinda off topic but...

I really HATE it when some women who are so obsessed about EQUALITY and talk day and night about womens' power and rights turn around and diss men like hell! What the...??

It's like, us women can say men are beasts and bla bla bla and no-one says anything but if one man disses one woman it's OMG WHAT DID HE SAY????
This is kinda off topic but...

I really HATE it when some women who are so obsessed about EQUALITY and talk day and night about womens' power and rights turn around and diss men like hell! What the...??

It's like, us women can say men are beasts and bla bla bla and no-one says anything but if one man disses one woman it's OMG WHAT DID HE SAY????

lol well I think it's a question more of... let me think... how did my bf usually put it... like this: you can find assholes in every group of ppl.

Guess it's the same with the group of women and the group of men! lol

It's sad I think. I mean ppl who generalize, no matter if they are of female or male gender, do suffer some loss of data... but well in the end of the day it's their loss cuz of their choice! ;)
yes men are nice...when they want to get in bed with you. and if they don't get what they want you become invisible, you're only good to be gawked at and be hit on but you're not important or respectable enough to be treated like a lady or a friend. so yeah men can be real pigs!
and the good men are always taken, so most of us are left with the losers :ermm: and yes I'm jealous of the girls above me lol
@Mechi: Aww....thank you for sharing those beautiful things. Very touching. :cry: :hug:
lol Mrs. Music believe me I could really go on for hours still...

He was always interested in everything I've told him about... he listened always even when I was talking about f1 drivers or something.

He was patient with me when I couldn't decide between which flat screen TV to buy in the story for THREE hours.

He let me watch every f1 race although he thought f1 is really stupid and boring. 'just driving in circles for hours' he'd say if someone asked him.

He'd always give me the first choice for a movie we'd watch together.

He even watched Titanic with me in the movie theatre although he couldn't stand Leonardo DiCaprio.

He brought little gifts home for me only because he liked how they looked and he knew I'd like them... like without any reason but only his love for me.

He told me always it's great what I cooked... even when I was sometimes trying the same and then like puking it in the sink looked at him he shrugged and said: "to me it wasn't thaaaaaaaaaaaat bad."

Noone was allowed on his computer but him for years... till I came into his life ;).

He did let me play mortal combat for endless hours till I finally made it to win against that stupid guy that explodes in the end and even cheered at me. lol

When I was sick, he asked my mom how to do a chicken soup for me and he didn't let just her cook it... he did it lol and one could really eat it!

sheeeeesh you don't want me to still go on uh?
sheeeeesh you don't want me to still go on uh?
Yes! :lol: I love but it's especially so touching when you know what happened, you know. So thanks for sharing. :hug:
And besides that, it brings back a little faith in men! So thanks for that too, haha!
He was always interested in everything I've told him about... he listened always even when I was talking about f1 drivers or something.

He let me watch every f1 race although he thought f1 is really stupid and boring. 'just driving in circles for hours' he'd say if someone asked him.

:lol: :lol:

Now that's a real sweetheart!! *hugs*
There are a lot of sweet things men do for women. How about guys also tell us what women can do to please them..
Yes! :lol: I love but it's especially so touching when you know what happened, you know. So thanks for sharing. :hug:
And besides that, it brings back a little faith in men! So thanks for that too, haha!

:hug:well yeah guess it's a question for being sad cuz it can't be like that with him anymore or just being endless thankful and happy that I was so lucky he even wanted stupid me, so pride that I was his choice. ;)
:hug:well yeah guess it's a question for being sad cuz it can't be like that with him anymore or just being endless thankful and happy that I was so lucky he even wanted stupid me, so pride that I was his choice. ;)
Now you got me crying.. :cry: God I'm such an emotional one, LOL. Big hug for you!
:hug:well yeah guess it's a question for being sad cuz it can't be like that with him anymore or just being endless thankful and happy that I was so lucky he even wanted stupid me, so pride that I was his choice. ;)

Mechi, I don't know if you read my message for you in the support forum when it was here, but it will be gone now. Anyway, what I want to say now is you're such a treasure, you were on here supporting people about Michael when you had your own exceptional personal loss to deal with. I really feel for you. I don't know how you did that. xx He sounded like a lovely man!
Awwww believe me he was the very best... well for me. He wasn't perfect lol I don't wanna fool around here! ;) well as I'm not perfect also, just both perfect for eachother I guess?
I'm still going to the new support forum... to give and receive support to mjjfans. The most beautiful things are reciproke without that ppl would even have to think about it, I guess?!
Well I've just posted one of these days there that I don't want ppl to feel only sad for me.
Because I am not also.
There's just still so much love in me, for life, its ppl and of cuz my boyfriend still.
Yep I had a lesson to learn the hardest way, but nothing in this life is forever, nothing but love as long as we're loving as long as we're living... does this make sense? well somehow like this.
The love, the relationship between my boyfriend and me just happened... it was all the time very natural nothing we really had to work on or even we had to think about much somehow... it really seemed we were like made for eachother?
Anyways when one has found such a love, I think it will be with them forever.
Yes my boyfriend had to leave this life.
But he didn't leave me.
What happened wasn't his choice.
I was. :wub: And he was mine!

Love will always be the strongest.

Also I do believe we'll all be together one day again.
yes men are nice...when they want to get in bed with you. and if they don't get what they want you become invisible, you're only good to be gawked at and be hit on but you're not important or respectable enough to be treated like a lady or a friend. so yeah men can be real pigs!
and the good men are always taken, so most of us are left with the losers :ermm: and yes I'm jealous of the girls above me lol

Oh Snowhite i feel sorry for you dear.I really do.The men i met are not at all the way you described.Maybe i am lucky,and i can always get a "good man"...?
I would say that the majority of men are wonderful people,and a small % of them are the way you say.Maybe you are not going in to the right places to find the decent ones?j/K
From my own experience,i tell you that the more i know girls,the more i LOVE men!
Not only they are much better and loyal friends,when they love us,no matter if it is as friend,or girlfriend,they are just the sweetest,caring persons i ever met.
God Bless the men knid.:D
I don't have very many experiences with "sweet" men, but I wanted to contribute, so I'll add few that I could think of:

The fact that they never hesitate to give you their jacket if you're cold. Usually, you don't even have to ask for it.

I don't know if it's a I'm-a-man-and-need-to-prove-my-strength thing, but most of the guys I know have at one point picked me up in their arms. Of course you get all huffed and puffed and say "put me down I'm heavy!" and they will always say something like "nonsense, you're light as a feather". Makes you smile even if you know they're full of it. :lol:

When you're tired and you rest your head on their shoulder, they automatically put their arm around you and kiss your forehead. How cute is that?!
Mannn I wanna meet a man like the ones you're all describing. :(
:hug:well yeah guess it's a question for being sad cuz it can't be like that with him anymore or just being endless thankful and happy that I was so lucky he even wanted stupid me, so pride that I was his choice. ;)

Mechi, you know you're just amazing right? All what you did to help the members after Michael's passing when you had your own personal loss is such a wonderful and selfless thing to do. You truly are an amazing human being.