The sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
ok ladies let talk about the things that men do to make us Melt !!!!

I love the way my husband wake me up in the moring for school the way he make me smile to make me not mad at him anymore or the way he looks at me or when we walk out of our apartment they way he just make me laugh all the way to our car or the way he bits my toes when we are watching TV and tickles me he such a kid at heart that why i love him soo much !!!!!!!!
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Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

The way they go out of their way for you and show you how much they care :)
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

and they always buy you what you like to eat for dinner even if they dont like the food or wake up at 2 AM to take u to the doctors when your ear hurts and you cant sleep or put the Heater in the car even tho they hate it but they put it any ways becuse they know you get cold and sick very essy
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Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope this thread keeps going and picks up cause it has the potential to restore my faith in men.
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope this isn't gonna turn into ''A battle of the sexes'' thread lol
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

I should have one man so i could think of sweet thing he do for me but I have not :(
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

I should have one man so i could think of sweet thing he do for me but I have not :(

Same here!

I hope this thread keeps going and picks up cause it has the potential to restore my faith in men.

Maybe we shouldnt hijack there thread with man hate lol!!

I know whats sweet about men..............A big fat one breaks into my house xmas eve and steals my Gin and Mince Pies!..... Okay maybe not so sweet... ummm let me think...... ;)
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

the way he makes me feel so safe, for the first time in my life.

The way he tells me he loves me, that I am the one, and there will never be another, even if our relationship runs his course. I am his one true love.

The way, even though hes a 'blokes bloke' - hes not afraid to admiot all of the above to his friends.

The way he doesnt let go of me all through the night.

The fact that even though we are so different, he embraces it and respects it.

The way he looks at me and makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

The way he gets all puffed up and wants to protect me when someone upsets me... even if it was someone who hurt me years ago.

The way, no matter not, I know his love is forever.

The way he looks me in the eyes, kisses me, and tells me hes going to make me his wife someday.

Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

Men....they should all be hanged!!
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

This thread is just convincing me more and more that women are more sexist than men
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

Considering some good things somethings about Men, I still love them. :) I haven't given up faith just yet. Even though I don't have one.
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Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

I love the way my boyfriend puts up with me! We've never had a serious argument in the 8 years we've been together. He cooks me dinner every night, treats me when he can, and will do anything for me. He's also been amazing in supporting me going back to college even though it means we have less money coming in. In fact he paid for my college course and even bought me a fantastic new camera, and spent most of his bonus on me by doing that :)

I love him to bits :)
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

Us men aren't all that bad. Actually more often than not, we are more sensitive than women. Believe me.
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

Us men aren't all that bad. Actually more often than not, we are more sensitive than women. Believe me.

That's true. Problem from what i've seen is that alot of men won't drop their ''manliness'' and act more sensitive
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

I love:

- the way my boyfriend surprised me with an umbrella at the station in the pouring rain, he ran up to me from behind and kissed me on the cheek, just like in the movies. It was the best surprise.

- the way we are able to challenge each other mentally and have stimulating discussions on all sorts of topics - that he is also attracted to my mind.

- the way he thinks I'm still beautiful even when I have the sniffles or I'm all puffy and red from crying over something sad, and when I wake up in the moring :)
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

I love:

- the way my boyfriend surprised me with an umbrella at the station in the pouring rain, he ran up to me from behind and kissed me on the cheek, just like in the movies. It was the best surprise.


When he holds your face and kisses you on the forehead :wub: love that.

When he gives you his jacket and makes you wear it, even though you protest when you feel guilty because you see him shivering too. Poor guy.. so you hug him to try and share the warmth!
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Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope your joking!!!!

the day I meet a real man who knows how to act like a gentleman I'm gonna take it back...until then don't get too close I can bite and scratch!
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!


Im lovin this thread. I think i will post something up, veryyy soon:p
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

I've never experienced love, probably never will, so I wouldn't know. I like this thread though, it goes to show that there are some decent men out there.
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha, um I have nothing to add! :lol:

No, men can be sweet, but in my experience it's when they want something! Someone please prove me wrong. :p
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm keeping quiet. :fear: :lol:

Edit: Ok, I don't want to sound like a man hater coz I aint LOL Some are very sweet. But some can be well.. JERKS!

But so can some women be horrible... works both ways I guess. :yes:

I'll come back with some sweet things done for me lately soon. :D
Re: the sweet things that men do!!!!!!!!!!!

Men...We don't know how to live with them,but we can't live without them...

I love men so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Of course there are some that can't be considered as such,but thank God,the ones i know,ARE SO SWEETTTTTTTTTT

Gob Bless Men!(and the ones i love,in a very special way.:))
i dont know any sweet ones but when and ..or if i do ...
il be back to tells you all :wild:
My husband is wonderful -- he is my best friend, a sensitive and artistic soul and a hilarious companion! Some nice things he does include:

-waking me up in the morning and making sure I get to work on time (haha, I would find this difficult on my own!)
-cooks food for me
-lets me pick what movies and shows we go to most of the time
-supports all of my life decisions
-listens to all of my music "rough drafts" with a perfact balance of support and thoughtful critique
-appreciates my need for quiet "me" time
-genuinely likes my parents, sister and friends
-never makes me feel anything less than special and beautiful
-and is also a Michael fan himself -- who doesn't mind my staring at the gold pants! :D

I do have a special one... there are definitely good guys out there!!
How about when we everyday listen to all your complaining how much you hate that "stupid bi**h" at work (all ladies have someone they hate at work)
Or how we pull back your hair when you need to throw up after having a little bit too much to drink (or of course when you're sick also) - speaking of being sick, how about how we KNOW what kind of snacks/candy/ice cream you want to have when you're sick.
Or how about we keep track of all these special occasions, because in the beginning girls celebrate 2 weeks being together, then 1 month beeing together, then 2 months, 3 months, e.t.c... it isn't until after about 2 years that girls stop caring too much about the months and start focusing on the years together - which is an indication that if you have not proposed yet then it's time. (if she wants to get married that is)
How about how we make sure that you always have the last piece of whatever it is that we're eating - no matter if it's food or snacks.
How about how we massage your feet even though you wouldn't even touch ours with a dog shit bag on your hands.
How about how we hold our hands tightly around your waist while walking behind you in a crowded place.

I could go on for days - but the truth is that no matter how much we do for you, sooner or later we're going go hear: "What have you done for me lately?!" (Yupp, just like that Janet Jackson song) :lol:
How about when we everyday listen to all your complaining how much you hate that "stupid bi**h" at work (all ladies have someone they hate at work)
Or how we pull back your hair when you need to throw up after having a little bit too much to drink (or of course when you're sick also) - speaking of being sick, how about how we KNOW what kind of snacks/candy/ice cream you want to have when you're sick.
Or how about we keep track of all these special occasions, because in the beginning girls celebrate 2 weeks being together, then 1 month beeing together, then 2 months, 3 months, e.t.c... it isn't until after about 2 years that girls stop caring too much about the months and start focusing on the years together - which is an indication that if you have not proposed yet then it's time. (if she wants to get married that is)
How about how we make sure that you always have the last piece of whatever it is that we're eating - no matter if it's food or snacks.
How about how we massage your feet even though you wouldn't even touch ours with a dog shit bag on your hands.
How about how we hold our hands tightly around your waist while walking behind you in a crowded place.

I could go on for days - but the truth is that no matter how much we do for you, sooner or later we're going go hear: "What have you done for me lately?!" (Yupp, just like that Janet Jackson song) :lol:

Wow, you're a keeper! :lol: I kid, I kid.
That is pretty sweet, I wish more blokes treated their girl like that.