The Person Below Me....

Re: The person below me....

Yes, many many many years ago:D

the person below me has been to traffic school for speeding tickets before
Re: The person below me....


the person below me is into sports
Re: The person below me....

Yes, finally.

The person below me is a fast typist?
Re: The person below me....

Not really fast, average

the person below me likes eating at cafés
Re: The person below me....

Unfortunately sometimes too much

the person below me likes to shoe shop
Re: The person below me....

No :huh:

The person below me gets the flu jab?
Re: The person below me....

No not really... just chocolate :p

The person below me gets hayfever?
Re: The person below me....

No, I'm not a candyholic

the person below me knows how to make homemade applesauce
Re: The person below me....


The person below me is a member of some sort of club?
Re: The person below me....


the person below me likes the sound of wind chimes
Re: The person below me....

yes and its a secret! sssh :lol: JK no Im not

Yes I love the sound of chimes....

the person below me keeps gettin the
server is busy thingy? lol
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Re: The person below me....

Yes :computer: :banghead


the person below me is a sucker for romance:wub:
Re: The person below me....

Unfortunately yes

The person below me is waiting on some news?
Re: The person below me....

Only extremely hot weather, after it hits 100 that just ridiculous

the person below me is in deep thought
Re: The person below me....

yes always am lol

The person below me talks to animals?
Re: The person below me....

yes as long as my hair is tied down

the person below me is trusting
Re: The person below me....

Yes, if they go with the outfit

the person below me is silly