The Person Below Me....

Re: The person below me....


the person below me has made a scrapbook before
Re: The person below me....

when I was a kid

The person below me needs to get something important done?
Re: The person below me....

Nah, not really!!

The person below me LOVES the sunshine?
Re: The person below me....

Yes I do, it gets your endorphins working and makes you relaxed and happy:sun:

the person below me likes to do karaoke
Re: The person below me....

with my kids yes :D out in public NO WAY! :lol:

The person below me has a good way with words?
Re: The person below me....


The person below me has made paper mache's before
Re: The person below me....


The person below me enjoys life to the fullest?
Re: The person below me....

I definitely try to:)

The person below me likes to spend money
Re: The person below me....

when I have it to spend yes, I usually have to be careful though.

The person below me has a large cd collection?
Re: The person below me....

No I really don't buy alot of cd's

The person below me likes the movie "The Little Mermaid"
Re: The person below me....

I Havent seen it :eek: even though my kids have it.

The person below me is photogenic?
Re: The person below me....

I personally don't think I am photogenic to be quite honest. I hate taking pictures.

The person below me takes lots of photos while on vacation
Re: The person below me....

yes loads :) I love to have the memories, and for my kids to have them to look back on.

The person below me goes on vacation every year?
Re: The person below me....


usagi, are you sure you are not married?

The person below me rarely finishes a game of Monopoly?
Re: The person below me....

No I used to though in junior high

the person below me likes musicals
Re: The person below me....

^ HeHe. :lol:

I have one child. :) (Thanks so much for him, God!!!!)

The person below me likes to go out to dance clubs?
Re: The person below me....

^^not nearly as much as you do :lol:

The person below me is planning on taking a trip soon :beach: :D
Re: The person below me....

Yes very soon :)

The person below me is a night owl?