The most infamous trial since O.J. Simpson's murder trial ; Casey Anthony

It seems that Casey might still be in denial & Casey also has bad anxiety; she has a medical disorder and she had been pulling out her eyebrows. Its a nervous, OCD thing some people do like pulling out hair for instance.
Re: Cindy Anthony Testifies

^^ I don't know about it being illegal but I do think the judge has to 'okay' cameras in the courtroom.
Re: Cindy Anthony Testifies

No, it's not, the judge allowed cameras INSIDE.

OK, I didn't know that was under the judge's discretion.

It's strange though how the mother can be so cold while the grandmother is clearly suffering. I will never understand how parents could harm their own children (assuming she is guilty).
Don't agree with the thread title. I only hear Nancy Grace talking about this case. I guess it depends on where you live. Imo I will wait for what happens in court before I assume facts about the case.

No, there was an MSNBC special on it not too long ago, and it's been covered in several magazines already.
Actually The State of Florida allows all of this. It is some certain State rule or law that Florida has during trials that everything can be shown to the public so that is why I guess that the TV stations have to block out certain images documents etc. because of TV ratings for children and different age groups etc.
I remember that TruTV or CNN was discussing this law as well a couple days ago.
Ok today the trial is in recess until tomorrow morning at 9:00AM all because a witness incident. The judge, Judge Perry, is not happy with both defense & prosecution lawyers.

If theres a movie made, I think this lady here should play Casey Anthony.

I don't like how the media is influencing public opinion on this trial, though. Like most trials the media covers, the coverage is very obviously pro-prosecution, and it's strangely reminiscent of the MJ trial in biased media coverage. I'm not comparing the two trials [that'd be like comparing apples and kiwis], nor am I implying that Casey Anthony is innocent of the crimes she stands in trial for--however, I don't think it's the media's place to present the trial in a slanted manner, as their job is to present the facts and nothing but the facts without slant or bias--balanced coverage, in other words. Of course, scandal shows like Nancy Grace have no reporting standards whatsoever, so I am not surprised that they are virulently slanting with their reporting. However, I am in horror over the bias more respectable news networks present when discussing the trial.

That is why I have to wonder about the pictures you posted in your original post, BillieJean84. Are you being influenced by the media? The truth is, neither you nor I know any intimate details about the trial and this woman stands accused of one of the most morally repulsive crimes a human being could imagine. Who are we to prematurely demonize her? We are not the jury of her peers who are to decide whether the evidence presented for/against her case is satisfactory.
I won't speak about if the woman is guilty or not, i will wait for the court desicion. It amazes me though how the media and especially the american one treat trial cases.It's pure show for them ,like the gladiators and lions spectacles in Colosseum. Every single basic human right,like for example the presumption of innocence, is being sacrificed for rating and advertisment incomes. For them you are guilty until proven innocent, because there is the drama and the ratings, and when they are done with you the verdict of the public opinion will always be guilty, no matter what those 12 jurors said. It's not their place to judge a case, their job is to report the facts regarding the case.People should stop watching news or tv programs that have as theme trial cases and that are opitionated. And they should especially stop watching that creature called Nancy Grace. Her name is very deceiving. She should be called Nancy Disgrace because she is a disgrace to the humanity.
It's the tv station HLN that does that - That channel plays out trials in melo-drama. The other news channels are fairly reporting the Anthony trial in America.

^Not quite. The really biased coverage I was watching aired on MSNBC [Bashir had no part in it, but the way it was presented, he may as well have made the whole thing], a more respected network than HLN, which is obviously the worst of the worst with Nancy Grace in their lineup.
Closing arguments begin this weekend. Pray for justice for little Caylee! :heart:
Ok, well I admit that I live under a rock, 'cos I didn't know what the case was about before now. Murdering kids is something I'll never be able to understand, and I hope people guilty of that will be put to jail. But, as I haven't really followed this case I don't think I should say if she's guilty or not, but from the little things I've heard... smh.
WTF?! I just heard that she was found NOT GUILTY! IS this foreal?!!
Mmm, I hope more info comes out. What did the jury find? I mean do they believe the girl drowned accidentally & that her parents panicked?
Good for Casey Anthony! I just hope she can find a way to live a normal life after all of this.
^ That's surprising. Maybe there are facts about the case that the public is unaware of?

You made a very good point. I don't know the details of this case. I don't follow it as I find it too sad. However, I don't let myself to be brainwashed by the media. Too often, the media sensationalize and twist stories instead of presenting facts and truth to the public.

Many people have made judgement against Casey Anthony based solely on media reports. How many people were actually in the court since Day 1?

When I heard the verdict, I didn't question the justice system. I asked how much do we know. The sad reality is that I can't find any unbiased and informational account from any so-called credible media outlet.
Now that I have seen the disgusting media's exploitation of the Casey Anthony trial as a commerical money maker. I have to say I do not want
Murray's trial to be televised. I do not want the media to be able to exploit Michael Jackson ever again.
God bless and protect Kayle Anthony. :angel:
God bless and protect Michael Jackson and his children: Prince, Paris, and Blanket. :angel:
I pray for God's Justice here on Earth.
I doubt they believe Caylee drowned in the pool, however, if there is no <i>direct</i> evidence linking Casey Anthony to the crime, there is enough reasonable doubt to clear her of the serious charges. As far as I know, they found none of her DNA on the duct tape which was found on Caylee's body, and the computer searches for chloroform, etc. were just circumstantial evidence, and proved nothing, really. Since the prosecution was unable to prove how Casey would have killed Caylee, and there was no DNA evidence from Casey on the body, and the method of murder remained unknown, there was enough doubt for a sober-headed jury to acquit her of the crime.

New York Times said:
It also drove home just how circumstantial the prosecution’s case proved to be. Forensic evidence was tenuous and no witnesses ever tied Ms. Anthony to Caylee’s murder. Investigators found no trace of DNA or solid signs of chloroform or decomposition inside the trunk of Ms. Anthony’s car, where prosecutors said Ms. Anthony stashed Caylee before disposing of her body.

The prosecution was also hurt by the fact that nobody knows exactly how Caylee died; her body was too badly decomposed to pinpoint cause of death.

All of this allowed José Baez, Ms. Anthony’s lawyer, to infuse enough reasonable doubt in jurors’ minds to get Ms. Anthony acquitted of murder.

The prosecution's evidence was pretty much entirely circumstantial, and they failed to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt exactly how Anthony would have murdered her daughter, relying mostly on indirect/useless evidence like her tattoo, pictures of her partying, and computer searches, which by themselves prove nothing. The forensics they used were also able to be refuted by experts called in by the defence, so the entire case the prosecution presented was damaged by their rebuttals, and the fact that no clear method of murder was specified when they examined Caylee's remains made the entire thing much harder to prove.
I'm outraged, NO JUSTICE for Caylee. I don't know how Casey can live with herslef. :no:
I was really angry when I had heard about it. I still can not believe that those jurors would find her not guilty. Especially knowing how she acted after that poor child went missing. What mother does that? And what mother would wait 30 days to report that her child is missing? That is not normal behavior to me. I was so hoping for the death penalty. If not death than at least life in prison. That poor child did not get justice.
I actually agreed with the comments made by one of Casey Anthony's defense attornies, J. Cheney Mason, that many people have become very judgemental and biased as a result of media assassination. There are too many incompetent and ignorant talk-heads, such as Nancy Grace, who appeared on television and pretended to know all the evidence. Calling Casey Anthony "tot mom" just showed how prejudice she is and far from being neutral.

We have entered the darkest age of journalism.
I was really angry when I had heard about it. I still can not believe that those jurors would find her not guilty. Especially knowing how she acted after that poor child went missing. What mother does that? And what mother would wait 30 days to report that her child is missing? That is not normal behavior to me. I was so hoping for the death penalty. If not death than at least life in prison. That poor child did not get justice.

Think about it from another perspective. Just because she didn't behave like any other mother missing a child in the world does not prove her a murderer. The prosecutor in this case failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Casey Anthony intentionally murdered Caylee.
I'm appalled. I've watched the trial since day 1 and I believe she's guilty. My mom and I were listening to the verdict and our mouths dropped. I began to cry for this little girl. I'm so sorry for Caylee. I feel like no one really thought about her. For the defense, it was all about winning the game. I mean they had a champagne party and celebrated. Yet, a child is still dead! If Casey didn't kill Caylee and dispose her body in a swamp, then who did? I think instead of celebrating for herself, she should be searching for the person who did this. This celebration kind of behavior disgusts me. I'm truly disturbed.
For the record, there was more evidence that the prosecutors were going to provide but weren't allowed to present in court for no said reason.

Her behavior is still selfish. It wasn't about Caylee at all. It's been about Casey. There's NO justice served for the poor, innocent little victim, Caylee. However, Baez is bowing his head to justice for CASEY. CASEY?! This is outrageous. I truly believe the jury messed up. I'm not going off of media bias. I've followed this since day 1 and I juggled back and forth with what I thought. I believe Casey is the reason for Caylee's death but I don't know to what manner. I've been leaning more towards the accidental side but her lying and partying really gets me wondering. It's a shady situation.

And I know there's going to be one person to bring Michael's trial into this and compare it this one to it. But I'm sorry, it's NOT the same deal. Same with the OJ case (though I think he's guilty as well). Everybody is comparing this to OJ when in fact it is not the same. Every trial and case is different. You can't compare one to another.

This makes me really scared for CA vs. Murray. Pick a wise jury, California. Please.