I don't like how the media is influencing public opinion on this trial, though. Like most trials the media covers, the coverage is very obviously pro-prosecution, and it's strangely reminiscent of the MJ trial in biased media coverage. I'm not comparing the two trials [that'd be like comparing apples and kiwis], nor am I implying that Casey Anthony is innocent of the crimes she stands in trial for--however, I don't think it's the media's place to present the trial in a slanted manner, as their job is to present the facts and nothing but the facts without slant or bias--balanced coverage, in other words. Of course, scandal shows like Nancy Grace have no reporting standards whatsoever, so I am not surprised that they are virulently slanting with their reporting. However, I am in horror over the bias more respectable news networks present when discussing the trial.
That is why I have to wonder about the pictures you posted in your original post, BillieJean84. Are you being influenced by the media? The truth is, neither you nor I know any intimate details about the trial and this woman stands accused of one of the most morally repulsive crimes a human being could imagine. Who are we to prematurely demonize her? We are not the jury of her peers who are to decide whether the evidence presented for/against her case is satisfactory.