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Said the Finnish mother, “Varför slåss ni med nävarna, pojkar? När ni fick knivar i julklapp!”

We also have it as an adjective for something adorable or cute/fluffy

Der Teddybär ist total knuffig!
The teddy bear is so cute/cuddly!
Woah, woah, woah! App, app, app – sakta i backarna! Flexflaxa och håll i hatten! This highlights an important difference between German and Swedish use of the word. I suspected this when earlier you said that it’s a friendly shove. And by all means, the Swedish word can be used for that, too. But with the Swedish word, you can, for instance, “knuffa någon framför tåget” (push somebody in front of an incoming train), which of course isn’t particularly friendly.

And now this "knuffig”! If we were to use such an adjective, it would be for a Kindergarten bully.

I think our (deutsche) “knuffig” ought to be (schwedische) “kramig:” someone who needs to be hugged or can’t help but hug.

By the way, do you also have “kivig” (adj.)/“kiva” (verb)? It’s often used for petty quarrels. “Sluta kivas!” (It’s one of those soft ‘k’ words.)
Der Teddybär ist total knuffig!
The teddy bear is so cute/cuddly!
OK, it's not a teddy bear but it's cute and cuddly! Any excuse to keep posting this beautiful image of Michael ...
