The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins

I’ve noticed that you often use one and the same emoji in series.

😅 = nervous laughter
😅😅 = ??? (two nervous laughters? Nah…)
😅😅😅 = ???
😅😅😅😅 = ???
Honestly, there's no logic to it. It's just that sometimes you want to do one sometimes more. Maybe there's a connection to the strength of the emotion. I don't know. 🤷‍♀️
And sometimes the translator increases the number and I don't edit.
A bit upset at the moment.

Ricky Gervais on his new Netflix special, the bit about Michael.

I’m angry, or perhaps rather… dissapointed? Because I’ve always had the impression that he does his research. And I think he’s brilliant for raising his voice on animal cruelty.

But this bit on the special…

Just awful. I had to turn it off.
It's a shame. Didn't watch it, read the notes on it. There was a wave of criticism for that performance. There are some other very controversial jokes in there. One of the articles said the following
"His jokes about Michael Jackson are actually controversial because Jackson went to trial and won."
I think it's good that they mentioned that.
Opinions on this song? Belgian artist.

same song, different performance

and one more at 24.59

Must be fun in a karaoke bar 🤪
That's interesting. I like her voice. The laugh song is original, I like the idea of using her voice that way. I think it's very hard to do this kind of thing, the laughter is very beautiful. I enjoyed listening to it, but I don't know when I'll want to hear it again. I was hooked by one of the other songs. Thanks for an unusual experience))))
It's a shame. Didn't watch it, read the notes on it. There was a wave of criticism for that performance. There are some other very controversial jokes in there. One of the articles said the following
"His jokes about Michael Jackson are actually controversial because Jackson went to trial and won."
I think it's good that they mentioned that.
Oh, I love that, that they mentioned that! Thanks for sharing.

Ienache & Miltiade Manachia (Yanaki & Milton Manaki)

“Have patience with all things but first with yourself. Never confuse your mistakes with your value as a human being. You are perfectly valuable, creative, worthwhile person simply because you exist. And no amount of triumphs or tribulations can ever change that.”​

― Saint Frances de Sales
tags: creative, existence, mistake, patience, perfect, triumph, valuable, worthwhile