The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins

this one should be "poison fire coral" (Trichoderma cornu-damae). HIGHLY POISONOUS!

Touch this with your naked skin and you'll be dead!
Slight exaggeration, eh? 😏

Edit: You will have to actually consume it to die, I mean.
Slight exaggeration, eh? 😏

Edit: You will have to actually consume it to die, I mean.

Just touching a fire mushroom can cause a host of issues, according to the squadron’s safety slide. These include severe itching, sores, red skin, skin shedding, distortion of senses, loss of muscle coordination, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, nose and throat pain, cough, sneezing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, spitting up blood and bleeding disorders.

Just touching a fire mushroom can cause a host of issues, according to the squadron’s safety slide. These include severe itching, sores, red skin, skin shedding, distortion of senses, loss of muscle coordination, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, nose and throat pain, cough, sneezing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, spitting up blood and bleeding disorders.
Source? Could just as well be taken from the package leaflet for your over the counter pain reliever.

To be frank, though, I don’t doubt that you can get some symptoms from just touching it. But the same can be said about a plethora of different things, from nessles (nässlor) to hops (humle) to burning mans (brännmaneter). But I don’t think anyone has actually died from touching that fungi.
Yes, pretty good, but there’s something about the teapot’s shape that ruins it for me. It doesn’t look symmetrical enough in its lower part, I guess?
oh, fgs, man! Cut them some slack. First of all, how easy d'you think it is it create a teapot out of sugar? Plus, the wretched thing has to sit there while everyone takes photos and ooh's and aahh's over it before they start to eat it. Go and watch some episodes of Ace of Cakes (Food Network) - assuming the repeats are still available, I wouldn't know. 🤔

Further thoughts - I don't really like cake but I can admire the skills required for a fancy cake like this. But I don't like cakes that look too 'perfect'. Like a wedding cake that is completely symmetrical. That's what looks weird to me.
This is an extreme example but this is horrible, imo. Too, too symmetrical. Looks like three toilet rolls stacked on top of one another. Give me a wonky teapot any day. 🤣

I don't understand your response. I'm not wendi, lol. I've told you before, this kind of language only works between you three. Or maybe hope and bluemoon understand it, also, but I definitely don't. 🤷‍♀️

I don't even know who that guy is!
OHHHH! ZAAAADOK THE PRIIIIIIIEEEEST!!!!!!!!:love::love::love: is on this compilation as well lol
Hey bluemoon!

Thought I would post this Westminster Abbey choir version of Zadok the Priest just for you (of course, you might already be familiar with this particular version). I like the high note at 1m 32s (Nathan).

muahahaha! Imagine to be a fly on the wall in their household. Hilarious! :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, apparently this was the normal early morning routine. She's trying to get the kids up and nagging them - in Latin, bc she's completely bonkers - and they're sick of it. Like, give us a break, mother! Tbf, she took it in good spirits. That's why she told us the story. We were all screaming with laughter.

That teacher probably took it to far lol
She was a quite, er, enthusiastic, shall we say, lol. She did love her subject. Which I suppose is a good thing. I went to a bog standard state school and we didn't have too many eccentric teachers. I think that's why I remember her so well. :D