The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

you should learn it in the 1st person: Tengo razón (I'm right) :lol:
tienes is nicer :lmao:

in Romanian you don't even need a pronoun for that :p
tener is to have in English, we don't use to be for the expression to be right ( as razón is a noun not an adjective)
:blink: whateva...just teach me how to speak...grammar can wait :D
:lol: You asked the meaning: Tengo razón (I'm right) Tienes razón (you're right) Tenemos razón (we're right) :lmao: I like it!
:hysterical: :lmao: :hysterical:

:eek:mg: What have I done? :bugeyed