The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

I'll be everything that I wanna be
I am confidence in insecurity.
Through him I have beauty beyond compare
I know he defines me​
:lmao: no reason to thank me :queen:

So tell me what is our ending
Will it be beautiful?​

I don't need to listen
To the list of things I should do
I won't try
Cause you don't define me​
:wtf: get that dude out of my face :p

I am free to run
I am am free to dance
And I am free to live for you
Yes I am free​
I like the jacket :D

I was born with a wayward heart
Still I live with a restless spirit​
looks a little bit like you :lmao:

I'm caught in the trappings of
My search for a lasting love
yeah...paint urself black and then you'll be a perfect match

ps. I was laughing AT you
no ur not :wild: because

In Christ I can to all things
In Christ I mount up on eagle's wings​
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being in your way gives me great pleasure and having to deal with me gives you a great pleasure
:nono: I wasn't feeling bad :wild: you said it because you meant it :p