The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

I just bought a cinema ticket for the 50th. :woohoo: I'll watch it in 3D. :dance: :bounce: :D
I see, that's a pity. ;) ... But you can watch it later in 2D. :D
Yeah. :D It'll be so awesome to see it on a big screen. :woohoo: :tease: :cheeky: And they gladly show the english original, so no stupid dubbing. :D
It will not be shown to cinemas here, that's what I am talking about :(
I know. ;) That's why I was using the :tease: smilie. :lol: :cheeky: :D
Well, okay, maybe. :lol: ... But it was worth it. :rofl: :D :cheeky: