The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

:lol: Actually I am excited for the gifts...And I am curious if you are going to like them :p
They're gifts, I have to like them by default. :rofl: Or at least I have to pretend like I do. One time, my grandma bought me a playboy notebook and a playboy pencil case and she was so excited, she kept saying "Look how cute they are, with those bunnies on them, aren't they cute?" And I was like... "Ummm yeah, sure. Great, they're lovely." And everyone was laughing and she had no clue. :rofl:
You are :crazy: :lol: :rofl: :cheeky:

Tell me something I don't know. :lmao:

Although, I disagree that I'm crazy for this particular reason. :sleep: First of all, it's a rather stupid celebration, if you think about it. You celebrate what? Getting older? Surviving another year? And secondly, I hate parties and I have them forced on me every year and as if that weren't bad enough, I also have to clean up before and after the party. Also, everyone kisses me and stuff. So I have reasons to hate it.

Okay, when you put it like that, celebrating birthdays really sounds stuipid. :lol:
But isn't it great to get presents and cake and see your family? :wild: ;) :D
Yeah, sure. But I'd rather just get a cupcake and be left alone than a big cake and presents and parties and all that. And I don't need my birthday to see my family. I can see them any time I want. :lol:
No, I like Christmas. Because we have this family tradition that does not involve my house. :rofl: Also, I'm not the one being celebrated, so people are not so intent on showing their affection for me. :lol: And everyone gets presents so all eyes aren't on me and I don't have to pretend I like something if I don't. Plus, there's carol singing. :D
Cool. :D ... We don't do that. :no: ... but I'm not a good singer anyway. :rofl:
:lol: We don't generally go on big carol singing trips. :lol: Mostly to family and friends. :p
I see. :D That's still cool. :yes: :D
Sometimes I play some christmas songs on my flute on christmas, but that's about it. :p :D