The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

Morning.... I finished Supernatural! :woohoo:

But hurry up already. :lmao: I already watched Buffy again in 3 weeks. :bugeyed
Well, except for season 1. :rofl:

Well, actually pretty much. :lol: It was way too hot for us to get out of the house so we just went to the basement and watched Buffy. :rofl: My friend hadn't seen it before and I showed her Spike and she loved him and then we watched it from season 2. :D It was actually under 3 weeks.
Wow, that's still much! :lol: ..... I'm already watching it since almost three months. :thinking: :D
I know. :rofl: But when you can't do anything else.... It was too hot for words. The basement was the only place bearable to be in. :nooo:
It was that hot there? :blink: ... Here it wasn't hot at all. :scratch:

At least you found a nice activity. :yes: :D
It was very hot. It was the hottest in Europe actually. :rofl: It was even on the news.