The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

:lmao: I know, right. You're in safe hands with this one.
:rofl: Told you.


He's gonna be like this in pretty much all episodes from now on. :p
Great!!! :wild: ... I didn't knew vampires can get drunk. :lmao:
Well, okay. He won't be drunk in all of them, but he'll be very funny. :D Especially in season 4. :lmao: Season 4 has some of the best episodes and also the two worst episodes of the entire show.


Yeah well, they also can't fall in love. :p Spike is very special and very unusual though. :p
Yeah, he is indeed very unusual. :lol: ... And so funny. :D ... Can't wait for him to come back!! :wild:
I believe you. :lol: Sadly, he only returns in season 4. :p Which is a good thing because without him, season 4 would suck. :lol:

The episode in my siggy is one of my favorites. :yes: You find out a lot about Spike's past. :p

^:lmao: .... Did he get her back? :shifty:

Yeah, but then he will stay til the end, right?!?!

Spikes past. :shifty:
Well, briefly. :lmao:

Yes. :p He first appears in ep 4 then I think he will be gone for a few eps and then he comes back for good. :p I'm not sure though. :lol:

:yes: Very interesting. Great episode. :p
Briefly? :lol: .. I see. :p

Okay. :D .. We can ask Smile to be sure. :D

Awesome! :shifty:
Yeah. It's only mentioned. :p

Oh, I just remembered Spike is in one more ep in season 3. But only briefly and... you'll see. :lol: Also, he appears in ep 3 not 4 of season 4. :doh: And then in ep 6 he appears briefly and from ep 7 on, I think he becomes a regular. :p
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I see.... Won't Dru come back? :unsure:

"in ep 3 not 3" :scratch: :lol: ... Thanks for rethinking. :D
She will be back for an episode in season 5 and a few in season 7, but that's it. :p Not including flashbacks, that is. :p

:lmao: Okay, that means I have to go to bed. :rofl:
I see. :D .. What a pity, I started to like her. :lol:

:lmao: ... yeah, you probably should. :lol:
I see. :D .. What a pity, I started to like her. :lol:

:lmao: ... yeah, you probably should. :lol:

I told you you would. :p But she is in Angel more. :lol: If you want to see her. :rofl: