The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

I agree with what karom said in the other thread :D ... this was the episode that I start liking Spike :D
^:nono: ... Then I must just avoid certain threads from now. :lol: :p
Thank you. :clap: ... We can talk about it when I watched it. :shifty: :D
I know, and I cannot stop even though I want to :p

I don't want to. :wild:

Oh and, you shouldn't have been reading that other thread. :bugeyed There were major DW spoilers there. :no:
You shouldn't be excited about that! :sleep: :D

... I agree! I hope you haven't Smile. ... Or has she already? :unsure:

:rofl: I think I'll just keep this gif in my paste at all times. :lmao:

Well, she saw my post about Spike in there so... I don't know if she read the whole thread, but she read that part at least. :p
Yeah, do that. :lol: .. Seems like it always fits. :p

I see... let's hope she was too lazy to go to the other pages! :pray: :D
Yeah. :rofl: Also, the way he tilts his head always reminds me of my dog. :lmao: He always tilts his head like that for some reason. :lol:

Yeah... because I've basically summarized the plot of seasons 5 and 6, albeit in a very confusing way. :rofl:
Yeah, I noticed that. .. Must be a bad habbit. :lol:

Indeed. :lol: .. Although it's clear to the point actually. :rofl:
Or maybe an acting choice. :p It's a gesture of confusion. Dogs do that when they don't understand what you want from them, but they would like to. :p Maybe he's trying to understand. :p

I know right? :rofl: It's exactly what happened. :lmao:
Hmm.. yeah, maybe. :lol: ... You think he's so much like a dog? :lmao: :p

Yeah! :lol:
More like a mean puppy. :rofl: No, but it's not only with dogs. I just gave that example because I like dogs better than people. :lmao: Tilting your head offers a different perspective. :p So that maybe you can understand things better. :p
I see. :lol: ... Yeah it does that, offers a different perspective. ... I hadn't thought of that. :lol:
Maybe you should start tilting your head more. ;) That way perhaps you'll see things more like I do. That is to say, from more than one point of view. :p