The Insider:Exclusive MJ interview under oath!!

:censored: THE INSIDER and ET.
And :censored: Diane Diamond too!

She pretends to be all nice an sincere when talking about MJ now on ET. You're not fooling us BITCH! She makes my skin crawl!
He sang this at the memorial? I watched the memorial and I saw stevie sing but I must not have been listening/couldn't hear the lyrics right.. that song is quite perfect.

Yeah, Stevie Wonder choose perfect songs to sing at the memorial.
Never Thought You'd Leave In Summer and They Wont Go When I Go.

Stevie is the only bright light left in the music industry now!
Oof. Oww. That hurts to watch. You can clearly clearly see how much this questioning is hurting him. He so does not want to be there answering these. I know he was taking them, but we've never seen or heard from reputable sources that he was ever completely clouded or impaired (especially while he was working or doing business!) I wouldn't be surprised if this was another case where he was being controlled by the puppet masters. They probably claimed it was best for him to say he was on strong meds and doesn't remember. Or worse, he was given too much in order to get him to sign. We know those people were bad bad news. =/
isn't he absolutely gorgeous? :cry:
and that voice so tender, so fragile, it hides so much pain
You can see his eyes are tired. The light is too bright there.
His eyes are so beautiful.
Absolutely! :yes:
I couldn't find the link and I don't know if the video has been posted already so here it is:

Sorry if it has been posted already.

Thank you for this.....poor Michael, he seemed to be in so much pain....emotional pain, like the last thing he needed was a f*cking deposition.....
And yes, he didn't seem sure of anything...

It pains me to say this, but even under these circumstances, he still maintained that angelic aura and that sweet voice that can tame the fiercest lion even..... I could fall in love with him just from this video.

How could they force such a beautiful person to go through such hell?...
People can actually say WTF they want about Michael

Fact is, the fans already knew this, but in the public since his death he has gone down in history as the GREATEST OF ALL TIME.
OMFG he looked gorgeous.................. To all saying Michael was excited, happy about the new tour.. Ofcourse he was, entertaining was his life, his passion.. But what I also see is a broken heart, a broken soul... For 30 years of Michaels life I have been watching his sad eyes.. And trust me, he does not need to say much, we can all see the pain in his eyes, just look at my siggy-picture...
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I wish I never started this thread boooo to me!

I saw the video.... and that's what the media hoopla was all about? LMAO! What was the big deal? He had a reason to take medicine always did.

But, most importantly he look very ATTRACTIVE! And saying smart answers. O How I miss u MJ! "

F.U.C.K the press MJ your the best!"
I just saw this and it breaks my heart. As gorgeous as he looked he also looked very broken and depressed. Michael had to go through so much.
I'm sorry if this was addressed already, but how come it always seems to be the same person asking him questions in these depositions?
come and you will hear he never said yes or no to the questions....
"could have been" "may be say so" that is not yes or no....
there is nothing admitted in this 3 min video - the man was clever!
In My View ,If He was under the influence and they knew it,He was tricked in signing those contracts making it known how Michael was getting sued left and right unjustly.They will all be caught for doing this to Our Michael,if not now,In The near future.


I wished he was still here with those Glasses(Copycat,I'm wearing the same frames, If he did see me wearing them ,He looked cute and more sexy. Did U see how he turned the frames around to try to read the Paper.Playful but serious. I still Love him to pieces) He looked healthy but fustrated but he was alive and kicking to save his rep. I miss everything he was,A Great Humanbeing.
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Certaintly I hope all of them reap it in the afterlife for murdering a beautiful precious gentle soul who never was adequately protected. Even as a child he was pimped and those demons and pains ultiamtely robbed us of him and his children of their daddy.