The Insider:Exclusive MJ interview under oath!!

:bugeyed OMG!! REALLY??

yes , attorney called Legrande hired by no one but Koitzner testified that he was brought in by koitzner to investigate people responsible for managing MJ's affairs and lawyers during the Bashir controversy , Koitzner wanted dirt on Branca and co , he wanted mj to fire Branca and appoint him instead of Branca in charge of everything . Legrande did investigate everyone involved including Koitaner , weisner , Schaffel and Manlik without their knowledge . he said he discovered that Koitzner and Weisner stole 960.000$ from mj and when he asked for clarification he was fired by koitzner . he said he could not tell MJ at the time because Koitzner and weisner fired him .
the media are gunna try to wait for 'time to respect and mourn' then fly off with accusations designed for people who wanna see MJ in a bad light. they know they won't get to the fans, so they'll try for the haters.
Diane Dimond is not going to change her mind regardless of what the facts show. Her livlihood is dependent on Michael Jackson scandals. In other words if she don't come up with slanderous stories then her bills don't get paid.
did you see the sh*t they had on yesterday ?
they brought in this palm reading b*tch and they took a pic of MJ's hand and she started saying that from what she sees in his hands he was not the father of his children and started trashing him and then started saying that he may have begged the doctor to kill him
me and my mom were like "WTF!!!!"
its unbelievable how stupid and pointless that show can be
yea, I'm done watching that show, didn't watch today and never will again. It's pointless. Die Demon is a complete joke. And they had a palm reading lady on there? ROFLMFAO okkk then. yeaa I'm sure people will believe her, they are just trying anything and everything to get ratings aren't they? so pathetic. -_-
WTF!!! bout a palm reading lady?? Pftttt!!! :lol:..IDIOTS!
I don't have glasses but I thought you can't see right if you look through the other side?

i chuckled when i saw that pic. had to take off my glasses and try it his way, and yeah, it works! LOL Michael is't know what to call it, he's just so - i mean who else does that? he's the only one i know, and it's fun the way he did that! maybe i have the term now - O R I G I N A L

P.S. he looked soooooo good here
did you see the sh*t they had on yesterday ?
they brought in this palm reading b*tch and they took a pic of MJ's hand and she started saying that from what she sees in his hands he was not the father of his children and started trashing him and then started saying that he may have begged the doctor to kill him
me and my mom were like "WTF!!!!"
its unbelievable how stupid and pointless that show can be

They are just sinking to new depths. :no: I hope somebody will have just the deposition available b/c I don't want to hear the BS commentary.
did you see the sh*t they had on yesterday ?
they brought in this palm reading b*tch and they took a pic of MJ's hand and she started saying that from what she sees in his hands he was not the father of his children and started trashing him and then started saying that he may have begged the doctor to kill him
me and my mom were like "WTF!!!!"
its unbelievable how stupid and pointless that show can be

:no: You know, I used to be mildly amused when these tabloid shows would drag in self-proclaimed psychics, palm readers, handwriting analysts, body language experts, Hollywood doctors, etc. to psycho-analyze a man they had never even met using pseudoscience BS... But the way they continue at this point makes me ill.
WTF!!! bout a palm reading lady?? Pftttt!!! :lol:..IDIOTS!

Exactly my thoughts! No one is going to believe this crap! The public know the media are full of shit! Especially after everything they have heard, one lie after another... I think it made them realize anything you hear anymore is BS!
Entertainment tonight are gonna show tommorow mike ex manager (not frank) and this guy said mj lied bout everything he said on the ed bradley intervuew!!!
Exactly my thoughts! No one is going to believe this crap! The public know the media are full of shit! Especially after everything they have heard, one lie after another... I think it made them realize anything you hear anymore is BS!

But people will believe it... the fans won't, no, but others will. If all they see & read are bs lies then that's all they have to go on. If there were as many slots on TV telling the truth, then the general public can make up their own minds but at the moment, all the only story they're hearing is that Mike was a druggie. Everyone brings up the molestation charges but very few public figures are getting up there & saying it was all lies. When you go on non- MJ forums you see how it is perceived. :no:
If not frank,Then that means they will show ugly dieter wiesner stilll. Mj didn't lie about the accuser in that ed bradley interview. There are gonna say he lied about the injury that he said the cops gave him.



Until hopefully someone gets ARRESTED!
did you see the sh*t they had on yesterday ?
they brought in this palm reading b*tch and they took a pic of MJ's hand and she started saying that from what she sees in his hands he was not the father of his children and started trashing him and then started saying that he may have begged the doctor to kill him
me and my mom were like "WTF!!!!"
its unbelievable how stupid and pointless that show can be


It still amazes me to see what humans are capable of. How inhuman they can be.

How can Michael even rest in peace? ...

God, I'm sick to my stomach.
He sang this at the memorial? I watched the memorial and I saw stevie sing but I must not have been listening/couldn't hear the lyrics right.. that song is quite perfect.

Stevie sang for Michael at the memorial:

They Won't go when I go

No more lying friends
Wanting tragic ends
Though they do pretend
They won't go when I go

All those bleeding hearts
With sorrows to impart
Were right here from the start
And they won't go when I go

And I'll go where I've longed
To go so long
Away from tears

Gone from painful cries
Away from saddened eyes
Along with him I'll bide
Because they won't go when I go

Big men feeling small
Weak ones standing tall
I will watch them fall
They won't go when I go

And I'll go where I've longed
To go so long
Away from tears

Unclean minds mislead the pure
The innocent will leave for sure
For them there is a resting place
People sinning just for fun
They will never see the sun
For they can never show their faces
There ain't no room for
the hopeless sinner
Who will take more
than he will give
He ain't hardly gonna give

The greed of man will be
Far away from me
And my soul will be free
They won't go when I go

Since my soul conceived
All that I believe
The kingdom I will see
'Cause they won't go when I go

When I go
Where I'll go
No one can keep me
From my destiny.
How many times do they wanna ask him the same question? :mello:
Ohhh again MJ the drug adddict.
FU the Sun!

Michael took it because he was in pain!!!!!!!!!!! :(
They're judging MJ for taking pain medications for pain?! Wow. Stupid f**ks.
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The fall he mentions...he's talking about the MJ & Friends concert, right? :( That was a crazy fall! He could have broken his back and never walk again or even worse! No wonder he was in pain.

I've noticed in his depositions that his most used answers are I don't know, I don't remember, I'm not sure...
But people will believe it... the fans won't, no, but others will. If all they see & read are bs lies then that's all they have to go on. If there were as many slots on TV telling the truth, then the general public can make up their own minds but at the moment, all the only story they're hearing is that Mike was a druggie. Everyone brings up the molestation charges but very few public figures are getting up there & saying it was all lies. When you go on non- MJ forums you see how it is perceived. :no:
None MJ forums are full of a bunch of recluse weirdos, sorry to say. Fan forums are different but to join a forum just to chat to stangers about every day things you would talk about with your friends is just... not normal. Strange people are everywhere on the net, that's all I'll say.

Go to the real world, outside the net, then judge. Its only people on the net that leave these negative comments and everyone should know anyone who spends that much time on a celebrity or subject they are not fans of, have nothing better to do with their life! In other words hun, the LAST place you should be looking for general opnions is the net!

A normal person in the real world would laugh at ET, lol!

The media can say what ever the hell they want NOW but in a court of law its been ruled a homicide and when history looks back, that's what they'll know and none of this BS tabloid crap will matter.
This whole ET/Insider whatever court testimony is much ado about nothing. The whole "I don't know/ I can't recall/ probably etc" is just what anyone would say under those circumstances - it's legal smart. Our local radio station is making a huge drama about it saying that MJ was so 'high' and drugged during the testimony - which as we can see is total bullshit. It's just more media drama all to get ratings, get web hits etc etc. It's just so obvious that Michael was so much more of an enigmatic and 'full' person than most of the people in the media and they just can't help themselves from talking about him and they just have absolutely no idea about him, they can't understand him because he is/ was worlds away from where they could ever hope to be.
MJ was obviously in pain and they shouldn't judge him for wanting to relieve that pain. It's not his fault that strong painkillers are addictive.
The title of the article is Jackson: I was a painkiller addict and
Michael Jackson talking of his addiction to prescription drugs.

But he doesn't say that anywhere on the video!! WTF
He just said he was in pain because of the accident and that he was taking painkillers. Nothing shocking about that :smilerolleyes:. They're so nasty. What a shitty article. Yuck. I knew I shouldn't read anything. Their articles are plain stupid.
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This whole ET/Insider whatever court testimony is much ado about nothing. The whole "I don't know/ I can't recall/ probably etc" is just what anyone would say under those circumstances - it's legal smart. Our local radio station is making a huge drama about it saying that MJ was so 'high' and drugged during the testimony - which as we can see is total bullshit. It's just more media drama all to get ratings, get web hits etc etc. It's just so obvious that Michael was so much more of an enigmatic and 'full' person than most of the people in the media and they just can't help themselves from talking about him and they just have absolutely no idea about him, they can't understand him because he is/ was worlds away from where they could ever hope to be.

Exactly and maybe they should play other court testimony tapes cause MJ says the same thing no matter what the subject is about, even if its about getting sued for lyrics! Its the same answers he gave in this stupid testimony they aired!

The media make me so sick , they have NO respect! I have NEVER seen a deceased person get so much disrespect from the media, ever! This is so morally wrong and I don't understand why they get away with it just because its MJ! The same respect for any deceased person should be given to Michael too.
MJ was obviously in pain and they shouldn't judge him for wanting to relieve that pain. It's not his fault that strong painkillers are addictive.

Exactly, and afterwards ''they'' try to make it look like Michael was an painkiller addict and that his death was his own fault or something, it's sick and sad :(