The "I don't believe in the Anointed Michael Followers" thread

if you read the "statement" it says they believe he's divine - meaning a supreme being - of or pertaining to a God - etc. etc. i think that's the controversial issue.

and Dats, i think you have a problem making a distinction between literal and informal talk, unless you actually think your friends are supernatural messengers from God overlooking your world.
i don't even know if the followers of that group are making themselves clear..whether they believe that God created Michael to touch people in a special way, or that they believe that Michael is actually GOD.

so..i don't know how i can even comment unless i am clear on the question

I wasn't sure of that either. they didn't really come out and say that they worship Michael or that they believe him to be a God, so i don't know.....Maybe the group was not meant to be taken so seriously. I just don't know. At least this made for an...interesting.... thread. :unsure:
I've removed a bit due to personal attacks. Please state your personal opinions as such and not as an attack.

From what I understand (though I've only seen a few posts on the site) they do not see Michael as a God.
if you read the "statement" it says they believe he's divine - meaning a supreme being - of or pertaining to a God - etc. etc. i think that's the controversial issue.

and Dats, i think you have a problem making a distinction between literal and informal talk, unless you actually think your friends are supernatural messengers from God overlooking your world.
You have continued to miss the point of my argument. let me try and state
it again.
Everytime these people speak their opnion on a fan board, they are ridiculed and booted off the board and called names. They have now set up their own board to express their own feelings about Michael Jackson. I do not care a monkey's banana what their feelings are, whether they think he is divine or the devil. What I care about is that they should not be attacked for their belief. That is all I am saying. There are many fans on this board that feel the same way about Michael, but they will not come out and say so, because they are afraid of being attacked for their belief.

I also made the point that those fans are not the only people who feel that there is a divine connecttion beween Michael and the supernatural. There are many in the churches and in showbusiness who have said so or impllied it. That is their perogative to say so and believe so, even as it is my perogative to be a christian and believe in Jesus or not at all. Each to their own.
I am not in this thread to argue about the rights or wrongs of religion, I am arguing the right to free worship, even if I do not agree with the religion.
Datsymay, i've already addressed your first and main issue here

and have not missed any point since i DIRECTLY replied to your circular post content.

this discussion's been elevated into seriously unnecessary seriousness

agenda is a bitch.
In this thread we will discuss The Anointed Michael Followers.
Why are you a disbeliever, and how has your life been effected by it? At what point in your life did you decide that you didn't want to believe that Michael Jackson is a divine holy entity in the human flesh? Remember, this thread is only for disbelievers, and you will be upsetting our religious beliefs if you argue here. It's the same thing as an atheist thread. Take it to your own thread if you want to talk about being a believer. This is for us to talk about our life choices.
Is this a joke?
well since this thread will take a serious tone, i think we should recognise that just because someone has a particular ideology (religious or political, i really don't make a distinction between the two), there isn't any obligation for respecting it by default - most of the time it's religious views that go on to disrespect those who have nothing to do with it or to tread on other religious ideologies that tread on other ideologies that tread other ideologies etc.

as for this case, i don't think even Michael would like to have a following hailing him as some sort of modern-day supernatural prophet.

how far off logical thinking and scientific reasoning do we continue to go astray in this day and age? i have that right to voice my concerns.

but that facebook group in particular doesn't sound like anything serious or damaging for the face of a community and should be taken with a pinch of salt. i stand by my light-hearted pisstake on this group as i do for their counterparts of other megastars.

you did not hear Farrakhan, the 'many religious leaders' or 'show business' people say they truly believe Michael to be a supernatural/divine entity.
I have not heard Farrakhan say that either and I've heard him speak on MJ several times during the NOI's annual Saviour's Day. He has said very kind things about him and believed him to be totally innocent of the allegations and charges once held against him...
'Michael is not of this world', if a quote that is used by many celebrities and church leaders, too numerous to mention.
I don't think the worshippers are saying that MJ isn't human, I think they just feel that he has a special gift that only people who are chosen by god do have. It is that part of MJ they are honouring and by doing so, they are also honouring god. Many of these people are christians. many people in the christian church feel that MJ has a divine calling from god. They consider his talent as a special gift.
That means different things to different peeps, Dat. Besides, no high profile religious leader would ever claim that a person walking the earth at this time is higher than the God, Allah, Budda, etc., that they urge others to pray to.

Unless they are the Armaggedonist and that's a whole different story...
I have not heard Farrakhan say that either and I've heard him speak on MJ several times during the NOI's annual Saviour's Day. He has said very kind things about him and believed him to be totally innocent of the allegations and charges once held against him...
several times? that's pretty interesting - i've only heard him once.

anyway, it would go against these Abrahamic religions to view a human as divine - not even their top religious leaders are viewed in this way nowadays.

and if anyone is still confused, this group does believe Mike to be "spiritually divine".
several times? that's pretty interesting - i've only heard him once.

anyway, it would go against these Abrahamic religions to view a human as divine - not even their top religious leaders are viewed in this way nowadays.

and if anyone is still confused, this group does believe Mike to be "spiritually divine".

He's right here in the City so it's easy to get tickets to go to Savior's day. Haven't been recently though. Not into organized religion, but despite how he's painted, he speaks the truth on things concerning the black community. Can't fault him for that.

Actually, I think I was there when he said that about MJ...
Is this thread for real? WTF, lol. Michael's a really good person and astronomically talented. If you thought he was ever a God, then that's your problem, not anyone elses, lol.
Dang, I thought this thread was about bashing fans who are idol worshippers and I didn't want to have any part of that. LOL.

Then, I read this -

"Michael symbolizes us purity, innocence, eternal childhood, unconditional love to animals and children, extraordinary talent, and great inspiration to hundreds and thousands of people around the world, and not only due to the fact that he's the greatest artist to walk our planet."

and understood what this thread is truly about.

This is what is so sad in the MJ fan community when fans feel that MJ is like Jesus. Fans take it so seriously and used what he says as if it was the gospel and then when people ask them what do they believe in, regarding religion, they say "MJ". It is all distrubing. It is as if none of these people have anything to live for. I remember during the MJJF days there was a thread about MJ and the Pope and as a Catholic, I was highly distrubed by what I read. One fan said that MJ is the "Pope" to them. I mean, what the heck? It was a very distrubing and eerie thread and I really hope that some people who see MJ as this deity or god like person gets some serious help. MJ often said back in the day that he is not this angel and he is not a goody-good two shoes kind of person. He said that in his Moonwalker book. I wonder if some of fans truly understood what he meant.

I wanna read the rest of this thread.
'Michael is not of this world', if a quote that is used by many celebrities and church leaders, too numerous to mention

So, that means that you have to take that in a literal sense? When I read that, I was personally offended. How dare they say that about a HUMAN BEING? He is of this world and this planet. He is a citizen of this world like any other human being. No one should say that about anyone. Yes, MJ is an enigma but that is about it. He has his own beliefs in life and he should follow them. That does not mean that because you are a fan or people who are his "friends" should describe him as if he was this out of this world person. His talent is out of this world, no effing doubt, but he, literally, is not out of this world.

BTW, in a lot of faiths, it is a sin to worship a human being as if that person was God. Just pointing that out.

Wait a minute -

It is also saying that MJ is "out of this world" meaning that his soul and spirit isn't of the earth, that he is a very spiritual human being. Which anyone on this earth can become, not just MJ.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, OK, I got it. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up, J5.

You know what, I tend to stay away from semi religious/religious threads because they get so controversial and a bit nerve racking. So, I am gonna keep an eye on this thread. This thread went from funny, to a bit weird, to controversial, to interesting. My kind of thread. :)
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