The "I don't believe in the Anointed Michael Followers" thread

Also, let me just add that MJ fans are not the only poeple who think that Mj has a divine aura about him. Many people in show business believe it and has said so themselves. I have heard them say so. Many religious leaders do believe so too and have expressed it openly, including Lois Farakahn.
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well since this thread will take a serious tone, i think we should recognise that just because someone has a particular ideology (religious or political, i really don't make a distinction between the two), there isn't any obligation for respecting it by default - most of the time it's religious views that go on to disrespect those who have nothing to do with it or to tread on other religious ideologies that tread on other ideologies that tread other ideologies etc.

as for this case, i don't think even Michael would like to have a following hailing him as some sort of modern-day supernatural prophet.

how far off logical thinking and scientific reasoning do we continue to go astray in this day and age? i have that right to voice my concerns.

but that facebook group in particular doesn't sound like anything serious or damaging for the face of a community and should be taken with a pinch of salt. i stand by my light-hearted pisstake on this group as i do for their counterparts of other megastars.

Also, let me just add that MJ fans are not the only poeple who think that Mj has a divine aura about him. Many people in show business believe it and has said so themselves. I have heard them say so. Many religious leaders do believe so too and have expressed it openly, including Lois Farakahn.
you did not hear Farrakhan, the 'many religious leaders' or 'show business' people say they truly believe Michael to be a supernatural/divine entity.
well since this thread will take a serious tone, i think we should recognise that just because someone has a particular ideology (religious or political, i really don't make a distinction between the two), there isn't any obligation for respecting it by default - most of the time it's religious views that go on to disrespect those who have nothing to do with it or to tread on other religious ideologies that tread on other ideologies that tread other ideologies etc.

as for this case, i don't think even Michael would like to have a following hailing him as some sort of modern-day supernatural prophet.

how far off logical thinking and scientific reasoning do we continue to go astray in this day and age? i have that right to voice my concerns.

but that facebook group in particular doesn't sound like anything serious or damaging for the face of a community and should be taken with a pinch of salt. i stand by my light-hearted pisstake on this group as i do for their counterparts of other megastars.

you did not hear Farrakhan, the 'many religious leaders' or 'show business' people say they truly believe Michael to be a supernatural/divine entity.

I know what I heard. You can take it or leave it. I will not argue with you about my hearing ability.
well that was your cue to back up your claim because i remember the Farrakhan speech very well and he didn't assert to view Michael in the same light as the "followers" in question. in fact, it goes against his (and most other) religious views.
'Michael is not of this world', if a quote that is used by many celebrities and church leaders, too numerous to mention.
I don't think the worshippers are saying that MJ isn't human, I think they just feel that he has a special gift that only people who are chosen by god do have. It is that part of MJ they are honouring and by doing so, they are also honouring god. Many of these people are christians. many people in the christian church feel that MJ has a divine calling from god. They consider his talent as a special gift.
'Michael is not of this world', if a quote that is used by many celebrities and church leaders, too numerous to mention.
so when you hear the word "otherworldly", do you always take it literally? it's an informal phrase.

it does not mean he's anything but human and Farrakhan did not support (and does not believe in) the claims of such worshipers by going into the "divine" and supernatural beings.

I don't think the worshippers are saying that MJ isn't human, I think they just feel that he has a special gift that only people who are chosen by god do have.
from the facebook group description, i quote:

We believe that Michael Jackson is an Angel trapped inside a human flesh.

Even though we're aware that he's physically human, the wholesome of his existence drives us to believe that he's spiritually divine.

This was posted in the prayer thread in Feb 2005 at the start of the trial. It was sent to a fan by a tele evangelist.

okay, some of you will not receive this and i dont care...i just got this email via a listserve for christians and this gentleman named bill yount just posted an unbelievable word that has me in tears....

again, whether some folks get down with it is of little consequence to me; the only thing that matters is what God says....peace:


I sensed the Father saying, "Not many of My own people will be able to truly pray and believe for Michael's salvation because of wanting to judge him already. I am not calling My jury of people to judge but to pray for My justice and truth to come forth and, most of all, for My Holy Spirit to hover over him and to release ministering angels -- heirs of salvation, to minister to him, that My Spirit would draw him to the foot of My cross."

I saw a great battle in the heavenlies. It seemed as though many of the third of the angels who were thrown out of heaven with Lucifer, who was heaven's worship leader, were warring over Michael Jackson's soul! I sensed the awesome presence of two strong angels who may have possibly been Michael the archangel and Gabriel themselves.


Then a loud cry was heard from heaven calling to God's people to pray to break the powers of idol worship and to redeem false worship on the earth back to the Father! This included redeeming every musical instrument on earth known to man for the purpose of worshiping the only true God . . . Jehovah! It is interesting that the name "Michael" means . . . "Who is like Jehovah?"

There was a sound like a shofar blast, alerting God's people to pray and fast for Michael Jackson's soul, for he represents multitudes of young people now, and generations to come, who would be delivered from false worshiping of idols and music that is influenced by the enemy!

Do you believe God can save Michael Jackson? I have a gut feeling if God saved you and me . . . He can save anybody!!!

"Welcome to 'spiritual' Jury Duty!"
what is the meaning of posting this?

in the midst of the unfortunate illogical nature of that article, it ironically goes against what you've been adhereing about "many" Christians' perception of Michael's supernaturality:
Then a loud cry was heard from heaven calling to God's people to pray to break the powers of idol worship and to redeem false worship on the earth back to the Father!


There was a sound like a shofar blast, alerting God's people to pray and fast for Michael Jackson's soul, for he represents multitudes of young people now, and generations to come, who would be delivered from false worshiping of idols and music that is influenced by the enemy!
Ok i stand firm by my assertion that MJ is NOT holy ANYTHING. IF these "followers" really believe in MJ they'd listen to his "word" when he says that he is ONLY...ONLY...human and he does not claim to be perfect, God, Jesus Christ or divine in any way. so this reliigion is disrespectful in my book. and MJ would be very upset to know that people are into that kinda thing...especially being a very spiritual person himself.

I think this thread, since it's only gonna turn into an argument (meh it was fun while it lasted, yeesh lol)...should be closed.
what is the meaning of posting this?

in the midst of the unfortunate illogical nature of that article, it ironically goes against what you've been adhereing about "many" Christians' perception of Michael's supernaturality:
Then a loud cry was heard from heaven calling to God's people to pray to break the powers of idol worship and to redeem false worship on the earth back to the Father!


There was a sound like a shofar blast, alerting God's people to pray and fast for Michael Jackson's soul, for he represents multitudes of young people now, and generations to come, who would be delivered from false worshiping of idols and music that is influenced by the enemy!

You wanted evidence that other people had belief in MJ as other than normal human being and I posted it to confirm to you that it is not just some delusional fans that convey this belief. i do not care whether the belief is accurate or not. All i am saying is that people who want to worship michael as they lord and saviour should not be attacked, also it is not just fans who have the notion that MJ is other worldly.
You wanted evidence that other people had belief in MJ as other than normal human being .
that's not at all what i wanted - i asked for something to support what you claimed of Farrakhan's (and many other religious leaders') views.

the article you posted by the unenlightened televangelist actually contradicts what you're saying because he condemns worshiping anything other than "the Father".
that's not at all what i wanted - i asked for something to support what you claimed of Farrakhan's (and many other religious leaders') views.

the article you posted by the unenlightened televangelist actually contradicts what you're saying because he condemns worshiping anything other than "the Father".

I did not set out to argue the rights or wrongs of people's beliefs. All i am saying is that MJ fans are not the only ones who think MJ is 'other worldly' and they should have the right to hold that belief whether we agree with them or not.
I do not care about their contradictions. that isn't the point. if you cannot understand that, then we have nothing to talk about.
I am not a muslem, neither am I a christian, so I am not supporting either belief, I am just saying that they should have the right to believe it without attack from the public. I think I have said all there is to say on the subject.
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No arX was saying that it contradicts what YOURE saying. Meaning those quotes were basically saying that we should pray...TO THE FATHER...who is holy, to help MJ, who is HUMAN lol. It is also saying that MJ is "out of this world" meaning that his soul and spirit isn't of the earth, that he is a very spiritual human being. Which anyone on this earth can become, not just MJ. And that God and the angels are protecting him. And also the last part is asking if we believe GOD can save Michael, and if He can save MJ, then he can save us.....not that MICHAEL will save us. NOT the other way around.

so the quotes u gave pretty much prove that these people do NOT think MJ is holy anything.
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No arX was saying that it contradicts what YOURE saying. Meaning those quotes were basically saying that we should pray...TO THE FATHER...who is holy, to help MJ, who is HUMAN lol. It is also saying that MJ is "out of this world" meaning that his soul and spirit isn't of the earth, that he is a very spiritual human being. And that God and the angels are protecting him. And also the last part is asking if we believe GOD can save Michael, and if He can say MJ, then he can save us.....not that MICHAEL will save us. NOT the other way around.

so the quotes u gave pretty much prove that these people do NOT think MJ is holy anything.
If people should take the time to listen to the people who are claiming MJ to be an angel, instead of condemning them, you will find that many of them are christians or have strong belief in the trinity. They are not saying that MJ is 'GOD. What they are saying that he is send by god for a special makes him divine or spiritual. Even Quincy Jones alluded to that when he talked about the success of thriller. many other celebs talk about MJ being other worldly. They are not saying that he is not human. Roxanne told me she was a member of that club that was referred to, yet she also is a christian. I have an open mind and I am willing to listen.l i think I understand.

Also, MJ dosn't have to be holy to be chosen by God. Not all bible prophets were holy men.
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If people should take the time to listen to the people who are claiming MJ to be an angel, instead of condemning them, you will find that many of them are christians or have strong belief in the trinity. They are not saying that MJ is 'GOD. What they are saying that he is send by god for a special makes him divine or spiritual. Even Quincy Jones alluded to that when he talked about the success of thriller. many other celebs talk about MJ being other worldly. They are not saying that he is not human. Roxanne told me she was a member of that club that was referred to, yet she also is a christian. I have an open mind and I am willing to listen.l i think I understand.

Also, MJ dosn't have to be holy to be chosen by God. Not all bible prophets were holy men.

Everyone is sent by god for special purposes though in the christian doctrine. We all have a purpose that God has for our lives...that goes for anyone, not just MJ. And when Q and some others talk abpout him being other worldly, most of the time,it's figuratively...its a play on speech to emphasize how grand and spectacular he or the era was/is. Its not always literal.

And i'll refrain from comment about "christians" who believe MJ is a divine being lol. Again I stand by my statement...MJ himself has said time and time again what the dealy was about that so if these people really FOLLOW MJ, they'd listen to him.
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Everyone is sent by god for special purposes though in the christian doctrine. We all have a purpose that God has for our lives...that goes for anyone, not just MJ. And when Q and some others talk abpout him being other worldly, most of the time,it's figuratively...its a play on speech to emphasize how grand and spectacular he or the era was/is. Its not always literal.

And i'll refrain from comment about "christians" who believe MJ is a divine being lol. Again I stand by my statement...MJ himself has said time and time again what the dealy was about that so if these people really FOLLOW MJ, they'd listen to him.

My argument STILL is that people should have the right to their belief without the name calling and the ridicule that is often seen on the board, no matter what the belief is.
I do not care about what christians or muslems or Michael worshippers believe. I care that they are protected from attack for their belief. That is my point. :yes:
Datsmay is upsetting my religious beliefs by infringing on my right to speak against Anointed Michaelers :(. I would never go on an Anointed Michael thread and offend them the way I'm being offended right now :(.


P.S. I feel this clip is appropriate.


I don't care what no one says; that song rules!
Datsmay is upsetting my religious beliefs by infringing on my right to speak against Anointed Michaelers :(. I would never go on an Anointed Michael thread and offend them the way I'm being offended right now :(.


P.S. I feel this clip is appropriate.


I don't care what no one says; that song rules!
:angel: Sorry, but I did keep your thread alive and interesting, though.:D
GMS, don't be upset. People are just trying to baptize you from what they think is the fiery pits of hell especially if you don't believe that "Michael is an angel" schtick. :lol:
*raises eybrow* The only point I was making is that everyone has beliefs for or against doesn't matter - we just need to not mock one another because of it :yes:
Datsmay is upsetting my religious beliefs by infringing on my right to speak against Anointed Michaelers :(. I would never go on an Anointed Michael thread and offend them the way I'm being offended right now :(.


P.S. I feel this clip is appropriate.


I don't care what no one says; that song rules!

Ok that was awesome, now you've gone and made me cry lol
"We believe that Michael Jackson is an Angel trapped inside a human flesh."
:lol: Pity......

"Michael symbolizes us purity, innocence, eternal childhood, unconditional love to animals and children, extraordinary talent, and great inspiration to hundreds and thousands of people around the world, and not only due to the fact that he's the greatest artist to walk our planet."

Gosh, well I've known that there are people who consider Michael as an Angel and when I was younger I myself could have easily become one of them but I guess I didn't really understand the whole religious thing...And certainly as I grew older I realized that no living human being is wothy of worshipping like a god, or prophet. And knowing that Michael himself wouldn't like to be worshipped that way. But if some people feel better believing let them have their faith.

I personally dont think that Jesus was the son of god, cause if someone came out and said that they were the direct son or daughter of god i would not believe them, i think maximum Jesus was a prophet for god. (god in my books is an entity, not a he or a she, that describes the whole process of the beginning of time which we have yet to discover) MJ i believe is a man who due to specific circumstances is more aligned with the earth so may appear to have a divine aura.
You and I think alike. :)
I do believe that there are very special people on this Earth. Michael is one of them. They seem to be more sensitive than others and they may have a closer connection to spiritual things. I believe Michael when he tells that he doesn't feel that he writes his songs himself but they just come to him. He's quite blessed that way.

I dont follow his personal beliefs and I dont take his song lyrics to heart or apply them to my own life
I don't follow his personal beliefs either but I have become interested in things that Michael has talked about. And I have like found out about The bible and God (I didn't have religious upbringing at home), art in general (classical music, painting) lots of stuff like that that Michael often talks about.
And can you really argue against such great lyrics like: "It's hard to get over, too low to get under, you're stuck in the middle and the pain is thunder, mama se mama sa mama coosa" that's something I often apply to my own life. :lol:

And if I have ever had feelings of Michael being an angel those feelings have certainly disappeared in recent years. Michael is madly talented, sexy and a great humanitarian but that's it.
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i don't even know if the followers of that group are making themselves clear..whether they believe that God created Michael to touch people in a special way, or that they believe that Michael is actually GOD.

so..i don't know how i can even comment unless i am clear on the question
i don't even know if the followers of that group are making themselves clear..whether they believe that God created Michael to touch people in a special way, or that they believe that Michael is actually GOD.

so..i don't know how i can even comment unless i am clear on the question
T hey said he was an angel, they even have the wings as icon., That is not the same as saying he is god. I call many of my friends angels. I would never call them god. The 2 are totally different. Many of the MJ followers are indeed christians.