The "I don't believe in the Anointed Michael Followers" thread

Grand Master S

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In this thread we will discuss The Anointed Michael Followers.
Why are you a disbeliever, and how has your life been effected by it? At what point in your life did you decide that you didn't want to believe that Michael Jackson is a divine holy entity in the human flesh? Remember, this thread is only for disbelievers, and you will be upsetting our religious beliefs if you argue here. It's the same thing as an atheist thread. Take it to your own thread if you want to talk about being a believer. This is for us to talk about our life choices.
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divine holy entity? You can't be serious are you.

What are you talking about?
I believe in God. I do believe that God has a role or plan or purpose for people, some are more noticeable than others. I don't think that makes him a deity that he is more noticed than other people.
I personally dont think that Jesus was the son of god, cause if someone came out and said that they were the direct son or daughter of god i would not believe them, i think maximum Jesus was a prophet for god. (god in my books is an entity, not a he or a she, that describes the whole process of the beginning of time which we have yet to discover) MJ i believe is a man who due to specific circumstances is more aligned with the earth so may appear to have a divine aura.
This religion sounds sick. I mean, the people there are bowing down to Michael Jackson. This is freaky :mello:
"We believe that Michael Jackson is an Angel trapped inside a human flesh."
:lol: Pity......
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"Michael symbolizes us purity, innocence, eternal childhood, unconditional love to animals and children, extraordinary talent, and great inspiration to hundreds and thousands of people around the world, and not only due to the fact that he's the greatest artist to walk our planet."

Ummmm............ :unsure:
Ok :unsure:

soooo ... wait, do you mean that none of you are believers ?? You people dont have shrines to the Angel Of Pop ??

:doh: all this time I have been among NON BELIEVERS !!?!! Oh hell to the no !!

** gathers his stuff **

I cannot be among you any longer.

** goes to alter to pray for all your lost souls **
OHHHHH shizznit!

hahaha i thought this post was a backhanded comment about those that disagree with those that like to point out MJ's faults time and time again lol

I was finna say!

Not like this is any better...I'd laugh if it wasn't so...erm....odd lol
LOL, I don't get people that worship any person unless that person literally did something to help them. Honestly if you feel anointed by MJ, that's your business, just don't bring me into it.
He anoints them with his music I guess lol.

I wonder if MJ would be a holy entity if he hadn't released Thriller. That certainly makes him unique with his peers of Moses and whatnot. Not sure if parting the sea or Billie Jean are cooler.
^ but Moses only parted the sea.... MJ walked backwards and made it look like he was walking forward :wild:

I'm in an immature mood...
ya'll are sooooooo bogus :lol:

Moses can part the sea but MJ can defy gravity by leaning forward exxxtra far without falling over (most of the time)!

HA! :lol:
We are tredding on being abusive in here. Regardless of our own beliefs all people have a right to their own ideas. Some of the members of that group are also part of our family here at MJJC and we need to respect them as they do our religious ideas :yes:
We are tredding on being abusive in here. Regardless of our own beliefs all people have a right to their own ideas. Some of the members of that group are also part of our family here at MJJC and we need to respect them as they do our religious ideas :yes:
Thank you very mnuch. I wanted to reply except the thread starter specifically demanded that oposing views was not welcomed. I am not a MJ believer YET, but I believe that everyone should have the right to their own beliefs without fear or intimidation.

I still remember when Rastafarians were discriminated against and refused the right to basic living in Jamaica because they belived that the Ethiopian King, Haliselasi ,was their God. Discriinatoin of any sort is wrong. I actually believe that in due time there will be a church of Michael jackson, by people who believe in him, just as there is one of Jesus, by people who believe in him.

Every believe start at ground zero. Rastafarianism is now a part of the national curriculum in british schools, and Bob Marley is an international legend.:D
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