The 'Have you got tickets?/When are you going?' thread!

Yeah, mine is at 27th midnight, actually the first one in my city to get tickets! This is gonna be GREAT!
I got mine today!!! Im going on october 28, at half past six in the evening. The first show in my country... I got two posters as well, we got one fore each ticket we bought... I acctually started to cry when i got them...... I was so happy, but yet so uncredably sad.... Do you feel the same? They show the trailer to the movie om tv all the time now, and my eyes fill up with tears every time.....
got tix for Oct 28 will be watching it with other MJ fans in this cinema

we gonna get cozy for Mike lol :D

ticket sales are still vague can't seem to purchase tix for other dates guess have to check back again
I purchased mine yesterday. Sept. 26th,2009 I bought 3 online(for Oct. 30th),.....and I'm going to buy 1-2 more from box office for earlier or after oct. showing. :dancin: :happy: :love:
It really doesn't seem busy at the cinemas around me... even manchester. On the Odeon site you can see how full the cinemas are, and on the dates and times iv clicked they're empty. there hasn't been much publicity.. no trailer shown or anything yet though..and maybe people just don't buy in advance, i know i never have before.

Manchester has an IMAX screen .. so does Bradford.. but the only IMAX showings are Greenwich and Wimbledon :(

I've not bought tickets just yet.
I have just bought my ticket. I can hardly wait for it... it still lasts so long up to the 1st of November...Im so excited.

Love you most Michael
I BADLY want to go to the midnight showing on the 27th, but I want to go with some MJ fans...anyone on this forum from Philly???
Sony & Aeg really need to start pushing this film if people can check & see that the cinemas are empty....

They won't be empty! I heard an advertisement this morning for This Is It on Z103.5 radio station in Toronto. (Canada's largest cinema company) has two ads on their front page for This Is It. There is plenty of advertising going on, I've seen it on television, radio, internet, etc. The movie is still a month away from opening. I think Sony has done a great job so far.
I wanna get tickets, but I'm so pissed off right now, I'm from Northern Ontario and tickets are only available from Cineplex and Empire DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!!!:mad::blowup:
I think Sonys distribution policy has put alot of people off...I know a number of MJ fans who were not going to see the movie as they thought that the ticket prices would be inflated as it was only on a two week run..., neither did they want to repeat the saga that we all had trying to get concert tickets,..fell asleep before midnight last night so didnt get round to booking my tickets until lunchtime today...basicially it is being shown on the hour ever hour in all the Cinemas in my area.(Essex)....I chose Nov 1st as I didnt particularly want to be one of the "first" to see it, and as Vue Cinemas have a free seating policy I didnt want the cinema to be packed.....booked it on a family ticket for 21.00...

I think the hype and the registration and all that bunkum has backfired big time on Sony...!
I got my tickets, I bought 4 for myself and my family on October 28th at 7pm in Barrie, Ontario. Should be amazing!!
I think aprilshack was talking about the UK. I'm here in the UK and I've seen nothing promoting TII. There has been no trailer aired or anything. You can check on odeon how full the screenings will be.. and the ones iv checked.. even in a big city like manchester, are basically empty. hopefully this will change when they decide to start promoting it and the trailer airs.

They won't be empty! I heard an advertisement this morning for This Is It on Z103.5 radio station in Toronto. (Canada's largest cinema company) has two ads on their front page for This Is It. There is plenty of advertising going on, I've seen it on television, radio, internet, etc. The movie is still a month away from opening. I think Sony has done a great job so far.
I got one for 28th of October and one for the 4th of November!
Also wanted another one for the 7th of November but for some stupid reason they're only selling tickets until the 4th of November here in The Netherlands....:doh: So I have to get that one later!

But I'm so happy! Yay! Completely nervous when I stood in line, but thank god I was one of the first! LOL! :D
got my tickets....October 28th at 7 pm .....and november 7pm......I happy so happy I got finally got them......happy in a sad kinda way ...if that makes sense....
I got one for 28th of October and one for the 4th of November!
Also wanted another one for the 7th of November but for some stupid reason they're only selling tickets until the 4th of November here in The Netherlands....:doh: So I have to get that one later!

But I'm so happy! Yay! Completely nervous when I stood in line, but thank god I was one of the first! LOL! :D

they are only selling tickets until the 4th of November here in the US too....they probably wanna see the demand...
Guess I won't get to see it until it hits DVD. It's NOT showing at my theater, or even at at any theaters close to me! Figures.
Guess I won't get to see it until it hits DVD. It's NOT showing at my theater, or even at at any theaters close to me! Figures.

I am so sorry you wont be able to see it..:(.......I almost thought I was in the same boat but with much persistence I found one...
GOT EM!!!! im so excited!! now its real since i have the tickets in my hands! but the lady at the theater pissed me off.. I told her i wanna pre order my This Is It tickets and she goes wat movie? and im like THIS IS IT!!!!! and shes like ooo the Michael Jackson thing... I dont care tho yaaay! im goin midnight showing on the 27th cant effing wait!!!
My mother and I are going to the Midnight showing on Tuesday 27th October in Louisville, Ky...YAY!!!! I'm also going to a matinee showing that following friday! WAHOO!

Any fans in the area that might want to hang out for it? THIS IS GOING TO ROCK.

It's VERY bittersweet considering everything that's happened (I know we'd give anything to have him back physically with us), but this is Michael and we all need to pull together and celebrate the man for what he was, is, and will always be.
Got my ticket. Odeon, 30th October!

Tickets are selling very slowly in my area, but there hasn't been much advertsiing the UK. I did hear a radio advert yesterday on KISS FM though. I dunno when they'll start doing proper advertising.
My ticket buying experience...

I just got my tickets from my local theater box office :D

I decided to go Opening Weekend, Friday Oct. 30th to a 1:30pm Matinee for the first time & the price was $8 per adult. I'm planning to go to an IMAX theater the 2nd's a little further away and even though they're both AMC theaters, they didn't sell tix for any other theater there. I'll have to buy them online or go to that particular theater to pick them up.
So far, tix for the 2nd weekend in my area are not available online yet.

I was a lil' disappointed that the tix don't say "This Is It". Instead they say "Michael Ja", not enough room for his whole name and the ink on the printer was kinda light. :(

But, it was nice that I didn't have to wait in a long line AND, after I got there, they began playing music, Michael's music in the box office area.
When I left, there were speakers playing it on the outside of the building too!

I heard what I think was the remix suite "Never Can Say Goodbye" and Dancing Machine.
I just got my ticket - Oct 31st. I bought 2 tickets even though I don't know who I am going with. Anyways, just bought it first to play safe. The ticket sales is not full house so far but is taking up 50% of the seats already. I think it is already quite a good result given we are here in Hong Kong.
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