The Future of Neverland/USA Today Article

Man, seeing these pictures makes me regret living in another country. I wish I could have been there like I Should have been to support him when he was still with us physically. Imagine how awesome it would have been. :'(
The long-range prediction of conspiracy is going to be done...

Before but mainly during trial there were several worries about the intention of conspirators why they wanted to destroy Michael and why they wanted the land of Neverland.

There was a web site (I think it was, and it was deleted in 2005) explaining the circumstances, and now... its going to happen..., I have some printed copies of the info so later I can re-type some of it...

This is it....

My HUGE Neverland picture thread -

and -
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Wow thanks for the link - the map and photos were interesting! Neverland really was a special place. But like most dreams Michael had for himself they were crushed by jealous greedy liars. I think Forest Lawn is really beautiful. He will never R.I.P. if people want to move him here and there. I say, bury him, lay him to rest, and keep him there in good stead. He deserves it.
I never said fans showing their love was a circus :doh: But if you take neverland (a place that has been stripped of Michael's love) and put him there as a money making shrine that everyone pays their two bits for you destroy the very essence that is Michael Jackson. And you know damn well it will be a circus there - I can see the head lines now "come see ***** *****" - it will not just be fans honoring him - it'll be every tom, dick and harry who don't give a shit about Michael or what he stood for.

In my opinion it would be sad and a terrible thing to do to an honorable man.

i know what you mean, but still if tom, dick and harry come to Neverland, there might be a change in their hearts, even a doubt about what the media says about Michael would be enough.

People that have been to Neverland were always charmed by its athmosphere. When Michael lived there he invited everyone and didnt pay attention of what they think of him. I believe many changed their mind about him when they visited.

this place is about Michael. i believe he was deeply hurt and wounded because Neverland was taken from him, i dont mean literally... but i dont believe he never loved the place again.

he said "never" because he was deeply hurt. Since he left he didnt have home. Are we calling these "hotels" he lived in "home"? this mansion where he died - was it "home"??? it's a hotel like house.

remember a little "Wendy's house" by this mansion? this is a piece of Neverland. i dont mean it was in Neverland and he took it from there. i dont know. but it's a piece of "his" land. a reminder, a piece of a broken glass.

for 4 years after the trial Michael was a homeless person. wherever he lived - it wasnt home. Home was Neverland, he put all his heart and soul into construction of it, even calling the builders from the road when he was on tour.

Neverland was always a source of inspiration for him. There is so much love in everything that is there. Everything is just perfect. Everything has the character.

Does this mansion he died in has any character? no, it's faceless. void. i understand Michael is used to living in hotels, but he always knew he's got his home to come back there and hug his land with his soul. i will never believe Michael hated the place.

He was just so looking into the future and wanted the best for his children. That's why he just buried himself in his work and his children. his work is mainly for fans "i'm living for you and the children" (c)...

no one else needs Neverland. mostly people need money, not Neverlands
They could also build a hotel on the grounds or a bed and breakfast inn on the property since there's not one nearby.

I didn't care for the idea of Michael being laid to rest there knowing he said he didn't want to ever return there. But I do think that he would love for it's magic and innocence to be rightfully returned in his honor for the behalf of children all over the world and his legions of fans. It would also be beneficial to his legacy and estate. Maybe Katherine could raise the kids there again and this could become the new Jackson family compound. Just ideas.
If this could have been done in a very respectful way, and the earnings made by it was used to support good causes. If Neverland could be a place for educating people about the things Michael really was all about, and about music, dancing, hope, joy.
If parts of the property could be used to hold seminars or lectures about topics like music, racism, child care, environmetal issues. If there could have been workshops for children in art and music.

If this could have been a place that shows what Michael was about, then I would agree that it would be a wonderful idea to make it again in to the Neverland that Michael created.

The fact that Michael was humiliated and attacked for the very creation and philosphy that Neverland stood for, makes me think that we will not see this happen.
sorry nothing to anyone here just reading all and seeing all the fotos ... awhhh sad... :(
theres to much money to be made off the ranch. colony will want to do something with it
seeing these photos bring tears :(
I feel so hurt
'they' couldn't see Michael be happy in his beautiful land. I've never known anyone was tortured and destroyed like Michael.
god i miss michael, the forum seems weird now knowing MJ aint roaming round LA.

open up neverland for sure i say
ALL ABOARD!!!! Hop On!!!


u seem to forget that NONE OF THAT IS THERE ANYMORE.

that property is tainted. it makes me sick just like it made mike sick. divide it up and sell it all off. cut ur loses and move on.

sorrybut neverland isn't a place, IT'S A STATE OF MIND.
Yep i think neverland hasnt been neverland since the raid..The lovely home feeling mike felt bout that place died that day. Thats why he never wanted to go bck there
Aww...Yazman :better: I wanted to go, yet financially couldn't...ny job was unforgiving, couldn't afford to loose it. The staff here and other members made sure that Mike knew we have all our support and love. I'll always be greatful for that here.

Bless this board.

You're right of course, I just can't help feeling bad for not being able to do as much as I wish I could have. I wish I could have been there in person to tell him how much I love him like the others got to. I was one of the people that came here from MJnewsonline, and I got to send him messages that were personally delivered to him and Mike once said he read all the letters so I know Mike knew that I loved him, but I wish I could have been there to support him in person. I was financially unable to though, like you.
neverland is a state of mind...not a physical place. not at all. the joys felt there have forever been corrupted and tainted. the magic isn't in the place THE MAGIC WAS MICHAEL.
You're right of course, I just can't help feeling bad for not being able to do as much as I wish I could have. I wish I could have been there in person to tell him how much I love him like the others got to. I was one of the people that came here from MJnewsonline, and I got to send him messages that were personally delivered to him and Mike once said he read all the letters so I know Mike knew that I loved him, but I wish I could have been there to support him in person. I was financially unable to though, like you.

Yes, I feel what you mean.

It's funny, but I rememer making like 50 hearts or so to send to him when we were doing that 'Chain of Hearts' project. On some hearts I wrote down some inspirational quotes from well-revered authors, things I liked and thought he may have in common with me, and just quotes of how I felt towards him. It sounds corny to some (not that I really care) but, I'd like to think that he read some of mine. I realize the man was in pain and under unbelievable stress at the time, yet i'd like to think he read them and could relate. This is yet another comfort for me.

I'd also mentioned back in a thread somewhere here that I DO wish a few of us, or others, someone other than a few of the staff he had working for him, could have been working for him themselves. I know it may seem a little egotystical to some, yet there are a few people I've become aqanted with on here who I feel would have done a GREAT job representing him, and also love him enough to steer him in the right direction. I realize that it may not have made much of a difference, and that I really don't know. But it's the thought, the effort, the intention that counts. If he could have been surrounded by those who kept close contact with the family, then maybe none of this bulls*it would have happened. WE loved him, we wanted better for him....that's what I meant to get across.

Damn, if only we could go back in time though eh? *sighs*