The Future of Neverland/USA Today Article

I can't speculate on whether Michael would ever want to be interred at NVL except for statements he himself has made. And it is understandable how so many fans want to be able to experience what was Michael's home. But, there are so many hurdles that must be taken into account, re-read the USA Today article in the first post. And these hurdles will take years and years to be overcome/worked out, if at all. It is bigger than what the fans want, it involves a myriad of issues, not least of which involves property owners along the road to and from NVL; zoning laws and upgrades take time to be changed, and even longer to complete, etc.

While it's understandable that "true fans" want this experience to happen, there would be "others" that would be going to NVL as well, another logistical question that would have to be addressed. And just what is a "true fan" and how can that be defined?

If any of this comes to fruition, realistically, it surely will not be in the near future. Perhaps a burial or interrment (sp) may be worked out sooner rather than later, but the rest of the opening of NVL to the public is way down the road, if at all. jmo.
There's a great new project to save Neverland.

Check it out;
"Neverland" was raped and murdered in 2003. Mike never set foot back at that place and he certainly never lived there again. He didn't feel safe there and the authorities in that country can't be trusted as far as Mike could spit.

They wanted it so badly. Now they have it but they can't pay for it, can't sell it and can't develop it. Let it be an albatross around the neck of any hateful ba$tard who coveted it, conspired with shysters to make Mike lose it, or who wanted to take it by any means necessary.

I don't want to go visit Neverland. Period. I could never be happy visiting that place. By the end of Mike's life, he didn't think of it as "Neverland". It was a house; a piece of property by then. He dismantled it, almost completely, before he died.
Mr.Jackson said he would "NEVER" go back to "Neverland Valley" because society took his home and made it into something very ugly and dirty. In his eyes, it was no longer a home, just a house...

Even though, he was exonerated of all charges in 2005...

Many in society "STILL" feel because of his money, status...he got away with hurting children...many people have their doubts!

Until there is proof of his integrity, honor, values, virtues, and morels revealed...

Mr.Jackson would "NOT" have ever wanted to have his final resting place to be where there is so many memories of hurt, ugliness, and lies..!

With no disrespect to any fans, or admirers; I have to agree with Mrs. Jackson on this one..!

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World~~~

:clap: :clap: very well said :flowers:
"Neverland" was raped and murdered in 2003. Mike never set foot back at that place and he certainly never lived there again. He didn't feel safe there and the authorities in that country can't be trusted as far as Mike could spit.

They wanted it so badly. Now they have it but they can't pay for it, can't sell it and can't develop it. Let it be an albatross around the neck of any hateful ba$tard who coveted it, conspired with shysters to make Mike lose it, or who wanted to take it by any means necessary.

I don't want to go visit Neverland. Period. I could never be happy visiting that place. By the end of Mike's life, he didn't think of it as "Neverland". It was a house; a piece of property by then. He dismantled it, almost completely, before he died.

I feel the same way whisper, this isn't like Graceland where Elvis lived, loved and died there. Fans of Elvis know he adored that place and so they feel comfortable going there, Neverland wound up being the COMPLETE opposite for Michael in the most tragic way and I feel as you do, it's one place I won't be bothered if i never see it in life.
There's a great new project to save Neverland.

Check it out;

I hope that goes well and goes ahead. Michael might not have been able to go back there or love it and see it for what it was but imagine if we could all get it back to how it was. Have all the children going there and doing what they would have done with Michael. That'd be awesome, it'd be continuing and rekindling Michaels dreams and passion.
I kinda hope they would just leave it the way it is. Let the public visit it, but don't turn it into a resort or tourist trap. I want to go visit there one day. My parents said they drove close or near to the area when they were going on a wine tasting trip once. I was one of those wishing Michael invited me there when I was a kid. I would have been the right age for it. Now I'd just want to go visit and pay tribute to Michael.

Neverland would be THE perfect place for him to be. WHY???



Neverland does not represent Michael Jackson any longer. That is all gone now. People just don't want to let go. Michael's body should not be laid to rest in a side show circus.
Fans around the world showing his love for ever, is NOT a circus....
It's paying respect to the man who has inspired us....

Once inside Neverland, it's all about paying respect..... we all know that.
At least, Elvis's fan have a place where they all can gather in commun to show appreciation for the man they were behind.... what about us???? we can't even come close to where he is.... and Michael was Much MORE then Elvis.... we remain empty... that's how i feel....
Mr.Jackson said he would "NEVER" go back to "Neverland Valley" because society took his home and made it into something very ugly and dirty. In his eyes, it was no longer a home, just a house...

Even though, he was exonerated of all charges in 2005...

Many in society "STILL" feel because of his money, status...he got away with hurting children...many people have their doubts!

Until there is proof of his integrity, honor, values, virtues, and morels revealed...

Mr.Jackson would "NOT" have ever wanted to have his final resting place to be where there is so many memories of hurt, ugliness, and lies..!

With no disrespect to any fans, or admirers; I have to agree with Mrs. Jackson on this one..!

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World~~~

Very True...If Michael was in good terms and was happy with NEVERLAND in his last days, then I'd argue that NEVERland become a Museum like Grace land(Elvis) But he's been tortured by the police(D.S.) there and left a bad taste in his mouth after they intruded his home. So I VOTE For "NEVER-Land"...

There are soooo Many places that WE could celebrate could be Gary INDIANA or Las Vegas or Encino, Hollywood STAR...or where ever...He's Everywhere...Not only in ONE place...he's EVERY WHERE and Will Be there 4 Lets not get stuck on Never land...

Well Thats My opinion...:cheeky:
Its always about you silly fans. what about us what about us. Get over it its not about you! Residents there have a right to live in peace. Neverland is in a lovely little town and it doesnt deserved to be destroyed by a bunch of selfish people who insist on turning it into a tourist attraction just because they wanna indulge thier wild fantasies.
Fans around the world showing his love for ever, is NOT a circus....
It's paying respect to the man who has inspired us....

Once inside Neverland, it's all about paying respect..... we all know that.
At least, Elvis's fan have a place where they all can gather in commun to show appreciation for the man they were behind.... what about us???? we can't even come close to where he is.... and Michael was Much MORE then Elvis.... we remain empty... that's how i feel....

I agree with you to A point...I agree that we(Fans) are gonna be always paying respect to Michael...but To go to NeverLand Now, it really means Nothing to me...Michael's touch and dreams and hopes are NOT there anymore...If we go to NEVER LAND, It will be an Empty feeling that we'll feel(Well, For me At least)...I dont know...I just feel that way...:cheeky:
If MJ was happy with neverland then I would approve, but the magic was killed when police raids and stuff sadly. I can accept the forest lawn burial, cause of that.
I guess..... i keep remembering the story of the residents of Los Olivos that were so gratefull that Michael would send his "neverland Fire department" before the official firefighter were due to arrive, to assist fire there.... THEN they were happy....

I guess it's just overwhelming the entire stress of michael's passing... I know Neverland is not going to bring us back michael, but, at least... it's a place where we could have been closer to him..... I have been there over and over, and well, residents being "disturbed" by the peace... well, that I know of, there shouldn't be 2 million people visiting PER DAY... besides.... look at the trial, it wasn't bad then, why should it be now?

While I would LOOOVE for Neverland to be opened up to the public...but, this article made a good point. Could the town handle all the people? California isn't in the best shape economically right now. It would take MILLIONS of dollars to redo the streets, sewer system, and everything else. Millions that they probably don't have at the moment. Neverland was a place Michael never wanted to go back to, I think everyone should respect his choice of not going back.
Fans around the world showing his love for ever, is NOT a circus....
It's paying respect to the man who has inspired us....

Once inside Neverland, it's all about paying respect..... we all know that.
At least, Elvis's fan have a place where they all can gather in commun to show appreciation for the man they were behind.... what about us???? we can't even come close to where he is.... and Michael was Much MORE then Elvis.... we remain empty... that's how i feel....

I never said fans showing their love was a circus :doh: But if you take neverland (a place that has been stripped of Michael's love) and put him there as a money making shrine that everyone pays their two bits for you destroy the very essence that is Michael Jackson. And you know damn well it will be a circus there - I can see the head lines now "come see ***** *****" - it will not just be fans honoring him - it'll be every tom, dick and harry who don't give a shit about Michael or what he stood for.

In my opinion it would be sad and a terrible thing to do to an honorable man.
I would love it if Neverland could be preserved for Michael's children, but I don't know if that's possible
but I don't want it to become a second Graceland, that's not what Michael wanted...if anything it should keep its old tradition and open its gates to buses filled with sick and needy children...but who's going to do that now when Michael is gone? now everyone is after money, Michael was the only one with good intentions it's sad but true
NO, don't open neverland Gates. I know for sure SOME people who go there will look at his house and always wonder 'DID HE / DIDN't HE'???

If recreation is to occur, I think it should be in Las Vegas, a new slate. Redo all his rides, movie theatre.....monies WILL be recouped.

But at Neverland......
a. MJ had disdain for it.
b. Brings back bad memories for the kids......knowing their dad suffered there - from being publically humiliated.
c. Monies earned will go proportionately to Colonel Group [or whateva their name is]

So, in fact mj kids won't even benefit.......
again....bad karma there..............imo
I say they should make NL a safe haven for sick children, we all know how much MJ cared for sick children so in his memory they should have it as a place where sick children can get away and have fun and not be gawked at if they were to go to say Disneyland or the other parks. Just my 2cents.
I say they should make NL a safe haven for sick children, we all know how much MJ cared for sick children so in his memory they should have it as a place where sick children can get away and have fun and not be gawked at if they were to go to say Disneyland or the other parks. Just my 2cents.

Aww that is actually a really good idea.

Although I always wanted to visit it ...but not anymore, not after what they did to him. They killed the magic .. they killed the place. I don't want it to become Graceland, maybe they could preserve it and when kids are old enough they can decide what they'll do with it.
On one hand, I do wish that they could do something with the property...and have it honour MJ in some way. In the end, it's just brick and mortor...yet then again, it was once (and I say once for the circumstances that later surrounded it) a place that Michael created, where he dreamed, shared times with family and friends, and escaped from the torrments of the press.

I would want it to remain a residence, yet still keep some of Michael's presence alive. He didn't let go of it completely, there was something there that was holding him back from doing so...what was it? Perhaps we'll never know. But as fans/ supporters, the idea of it being turned into a money-making scheme, just sickens many of us.

The thought of people smoking outside the gates...then sneaking the smokes inside the gates, putting the butts out on the grounds, folks chewing gun and spitting it out amoungst places that they think maintainance wouldn't suspect, kids climbing all over the statues, fans wanting to pick the flowers or take pebbles/ rocks as souviners (sp), not to mention the neighbours complaining about the traffic and the county red-tape the idea would encounter...all just seems so, well not worth the pain. Michael's memory deserves so much more than that.

Can it be done with taste? Perhaps, but right now the challenges far outway the possibilities. The chances of it becoming what some fans want and what it will actually become are two very seperate things.

Taking it apart....NO, God please no...see, now I'M not wanting them to destroy it....why? (My view is, you can't just take a place like NL out of it's context...plunk it somewhere else, that it doesn't belong...on the 'Strip!?' It would be too cheesy, like turning it into an amusement park ride...a funhouse. NL was a place of quiet resolve, mountains and sky, I want to see what Michael saw...not the 'Strip')

I don't understand. It still remains a sacred place to me. I don't get it...maybe it's because since Michael's passing, I just can't let what he once treasured so much go. I tend to hold onto things that I once used, and often say, "Oh, I don't need this anymore..." but I then keep it! I think to myself, "but I created this...I can't let it go completely!?" In some way I think Mike had this problem, he held onto things that he once used, and although didn't have a use for them anymore, he couldn't let them go so easily.

Who knows what will become of 'Sacamore Vally Ranch'-'Neverland,' but what ever it's next phase may be, I hope that they maintain most of the elements that Michael added to it, in order to make it his own.

In some way, I guess the one thing us fans can agree upon and Michael himself, you never really can say good-bye. Sadly, I think this is the main reason some of us so desperately want to hold onto Neverland, we just can't let go of Michael. Soo's so damn hard...

The moving it to Vegas rumor is bogus TMZ's Harvey Levin said as a joke -he admitted it later he wasn't serious about it

Turning it to a shelter for terminally sick kids I think is indeed a GREAT idea. It will fulfill his wishes and reflect his heart, and would also shut afew mouths up that keep talking ish about the place..
Turning it to a shelter for terminally sick kids I think is indeed a GREAT idea. It will fulfill his wishes and reflect his heart, and would also shut afew mouths up that keep talking ish about the place..

I think that is a much better idea than making it a Graceland type place.
So true, it would once again serve as a place of refuge, and who better than for childern. Michael created it for them, the sick who need healing.

Lord knows that it's large enough to fit medical staff etc. Not sure about it being so far out of L.A., could be supported through donations etc.

Out of pain, comes healing.
As much as I love Neverland and would like to go back there when I am Old and Grey "WE" have to let it go. It breaks my heart to say that but Neverland was a great thing for the sick, The Young, The old and for EVERYONE once upon a time. Now Michael is no longer there it will never be the same again.

We as fans should remember Neverland for what it once was and not what it is now because it will NEVER be what it once was this great spectacle of happiness.
regardless of it all, i guess when thinking about neverland's future, it would be hurtfull to think that some millionaire guy would torn down the place, making it a golf course or who knows...some rich kid destroying things inside... i don't know... this neverland overwhelming.... so many of us were there and want to protect it.... so... knowing that IF they had michael there, his work and wishes would have been protected for eternity, now... we have no idea of what it will become, who will do what with it....
you know?
I know exactly what you're saying Claudio. This is exaclty what I'm struggling with.

* Michael didn't want to let go of it completely

* Not knowing into who's hands it will go into, and how they will treat it,
is what hurts the most I feel.

I don't want the main residence torn down...God no.....

DAMIT....just wait until I win $55 million or so....then I'll purchase it and make a decision

(seriously) *big-ass sigh*