The Future of Neverland/USA Today Article


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Future of Neverland Launches a Discordant Debate



By Brian Mansfield, Special for USA TODAY

When Michael Jackson bought his ranch in rural central California, he picked a name for it that suggested eternal youth and escape from reality.
When the singer cut a deal with Colony Capital last year to fend off foreclosure, the private real estate investment firm reverted to what the home's previous owner had called it, Sycamore Valley Ranch.

MAP: Get a sense of Neverland's vastness
PHOTOS: Take a tour around Michael Jackson's Neverland
But residents of Santa Ynez Valley have another name for the 2,676-acre spread: They call it NEVER!-land.
As in NEVER going to turn Jackson's famous home into a tourist attraction, a la Elvis Presley's Graceland. As in NEVER going to bury him there. As in it's NEVER going to happen.

The pop star lived happily at Neverland for almost two decades, bringing in school groups and Scout troops to play in his amusement park, see his zoo animals, watch movies in his private theater. Jackson vowed he'd never return after police swarmed the Tudor-style mansion in November 2003, seeking evidence to support child-molestation charges against him — but that didn't keep fans from congregating at the gates after his death last month.
Like Graceland and Elvis, Neverland is the physical site most associated with Jackson, a natural place for the curious and the devoted to pay their respects. But transforming the ranch into a public memorial to his life and legacy wouldn't be easy for Colony Capital or anyone else who might decide to take that route.
For one thing, Neverland looks very different than it did during its heyday. The giraffe pen and snake barn are empty. His art collection and furnishings are in storage. The rides have been scattered across the USA.
And even though Jackson was acquitted, Neverland is so tainted by its association with the trial that "really dedicated fans are a little torn by the notion" of opening it to visitors, says Jackson biographer J. Randy Taraborrelli (Michael Jackson: The Magic, the Madness, the Whole Story).
Fans are divided
Renee Perkins of Washington, D.C., feels those qualms, though she'd probably make the pilgrimage given the chance. "I never got to complete my dream of seeing him in person, and that would be the next best thing," says Perkins, 24. "But I still think it might be intruding on his privacy."
Frank Fitzpatrick isn't torn at all. "Let his legacy live through his music, not through a piece of property," says the 37-year-old fan from Knoxville, Tenn.
But most of the tourists who would line up for such an attraction "don't have the knowledge that the devoted fan does," Taraborrelli says. "All they know is that Michael Jackson is Neverland and Neverland is Michael Jackson, so let's go."
The Jackson family and Neverland's owners would face large, perhaps insurmountable, obstacles to opening it as a shrine, including a burial controversy, legal wrangling over the estate and a community generally opposed to commercial development.
While the area of Memphis around Graceland already was zoned for commercial use, Neverland, near Los Olivos, is in agricultural country. It sits off a two-lane road with dirt shoulders. There's not a sewer system nearby, much less a hotel.
"This community has proven over and over again that they're equal-opportunity developer bashers," says Williams Etling, a real-estate agent in Santa Barbara County who also has written a book called Sideways in Neverland: Life in the Santa Ynez Valley.
"People live here for the peace and quiet, and they don't want the city following them," says Etling, pointing to well-known residents such as David Crosby, Bo Derek and John Forsythe.
The development debate
For the past decade, valley residents have haggled over a proposed community plan for land use and development that's expected to be approved this year.
"There is nothing like (a Neverland attraction) in that plan," says former Valley Planning Advisory Committee chairman Bob Field. "In fact, there are prohibitions sprinkled all through it."
According the Santa Barbara County Land Use & Development Code, any proposed project must "be compatible with the surrounding area" and its "rural and scenic character."
Interring Jackson on the grounds would require consent from state and county governments. Colony Capital investigated the possibility at the Jackson family's request but determined it would involve a complex approval process, says a source familiar with plans for the ranch who wasn't authorized to discuss them. The singer's final burial place hasn't been announced.
Presley initially was interred at Memphis' Forest Hills Cemetery, but his body was relocated to Graceland two months later after a graverobbing attempt. Graceland opened in 1982 and now draws 600,000 visitors a year.
Field suspects a public Neverland would attract even more. "It's two hours away from L.A.," he says. "The weather's great year-round. I think you're looking at a million or two."
The influx would tax the infrastructure of the valley, which has a population of about 20,000. It would require changes not only to the road and sewer systems but probably police, fire and medical services. "It will trigger every possible impact in an environmental impact report," Field says.
The site's remote location might keep some fans away. "I hear it's hard to get there," says Dawn Sutton, 33, of Chicago. Sutton says she'd prefer a more accessible memorial. "They're trying to do something in his hometown (of Gary, Ind.)," she says. "It would be nice if they could get something there."
Few land-purchase options
Elvis Presley Enterprises avoided some resistance by buying bordering land over a 20-year period, increasing the property from 14 acres to about 100.
Neverland doesn't have many options; it's bordered on two sides by Midland, a college-preparatory boarding school, and the Los Padres National Forest. Two other ranches, one in the same family for generations, border it to the west and the north.
But Neverland's existing acreage equals slightly more than 4 square miles — in theory, plenty enough room for parking lots, food courts and souvenir shops.
Much work would also need to be done behind the scenes, says a former chief marketing officer at EPE. "One of the first things they have to do is understand what assets they control — like name, image, likeness, music," says Paul Jankowski, who's now chief strategist for Access Brand Strategies in Nashville. RCA Records, not Presley, owned his master recordings, much as Motown and Sony own the rights to most of Jackson's. "There was a big division between Elvis' music and his likeness," Jankowski says. "That was a challenge."
Then there's the question of "how much of Michael's estate do you bring out initially?" he says. "It would be taking inventory of what they have, then determining what the core attraction's going to be and how you move people around that."
Jackson's amusement park, which once contained more than a dozen rides, would seem logical to include. But like the zoo animals, the rides are gone — sold off last fall.
Butler Amusements in Fairfield, Calif., bought five and has the Balloon Samba and the Lolli Swing among its traveling inventory. Owner Earl Butler listed a custom bumper-car ride on eBay a few days after Jackson's death, but the high bid of $46,100 failed to meet his reserve.
"This needs to be a permanent park," Butler says. "People would love to come here and ride these." He says he has received a call inquiring about buying the rides back should Neverland be turned into an attraction.
Jankowski doesn't consider the rides essential. "I don't think it has to be Six Flags," he says. "If they have the ability to get a little peek behind the curtain of what his life was, that's what's going to draw the core fan."
Graceland opened nearly five years after Presley's death, when upkeep and taxes threatened to bankrupt the estate. A political battle over zoning and infrastructure in Santa Barbara County could take even longer.
"It would take five or 10 years," Field says. "And I wouldn't bet that it would get approved."
Taxes could be a killer
So if Neverland's owners can't turn it into a tourist destination, what options do they have? If they just sit on it, they pay annual property taxes of slightly more than $200,000. If they want to sell it, they might look to the nearby 3,250-acre Bar Go Ranch for comparison. The Bar Go is on the market for $33 million. But selling Neverland for residential use brings its own challenges; any new owner would have to contend with gawkers at the gates.
Etling suggests planting a vineyard and trying to get approval for a winery.
"Call it Michael Jackson Winery, plant some grapes, get a winery permit, have some exhibits," Etling says. "They could probably make that happen."
Field has a more ambitious recommendation: Dismantle Neverland — the house, the remaining rides and Jackson's possessions — and move the whole thing to Las Vegas.
"The infrastructure's there," he says, noting that the city's airport handles 44 million passengers a year and that visitors generate more than $40 billion in annual tourism revenue for the city. "Picture what they've built on The Strip. This is easy."
Field's plan also could have ancillary benefits for Colony Capital, which has large stakes in the Las Vegas Hilton and Station Casinos.
"It could be done in a year instead of 10, maybe never. It'll be done for tens of millions of dollars less, and it'll throw off five or 10 times as much money. I don't know why they're even thinking about doing that here."
So, we who really love him can go visit his grave site,
and Michael can watch us visitng his Neverland Home from Heaven.
It would bring back some MAGIC and HAPPINESS.

I think we fans should make a BIG PUSH for this,
and "Stick it to those Fools who drove Michael Jackson
out of his home."
Mr.Jackson said he would "NEVER" go back to "Neverland Valley" because society took his home and made it into something very ugly and dirty. In his eyes, it was no longer a home, just a house...

Even though, he was exonerated of all charges in 2005...

Many in society "STILL" feel because of his money, status...he got away with hurting children...many people have their doubts!

Until there is proof of his integrity, honor, values, virtues, and morels revealed...

Mr.Jackson would "NOT" have ever wanted to have his final resting place to be where there is so many memories of hurt, ugliness, and lies..!

With no disrespect to any fans, or admirers; I have to agree with Mrs. Jackson on this one..!

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World~~~
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People talk about Neverland being associated with scandal, but I don't think he ultimately thought about it that way. Even during the trial he was glowing as he described Neverland in his Geraldo interview. And if it didn't mean anything to him why would he try to save it from foreclosure? I think Neverland was still a special place for him with a lot of good memories, and if he didn't feel abandoned by the people in this country and the need to go abroad, maybe he would have stayed there longer.

If they made it into a sort of memorial or museum, I would visit. It would be the closest I would ever get to Michael. I wouldn't be quite as excited, though, if they moved it to Las Vegas. I am very interested in seeing the land and trees that inspired him, not just the infrastructure.

Etling suggests planting a vineyard and trying to get approval for a winery.
"Call it Michael Jackson Winery, plant some grapes, get a winery permit, have some exhibits," Etling says. "They could probably make that happen."
That is so tacky. Ugh.
It will be something Beautiful and peaceful to focus on:








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I think it's tragic how they stripped Michael of his safe haven, his creation, his fantasy. Neverland was a place of happiness and tranquility where people could reconnect with their childhood. It should never have been tarnished the way it was. But it was. And if Michael's last feeling was that he never wanted to return to Neverland, then we have to respect that.
As long as Michael is layed to rest in a decent and safe place, that's all that matters to me.

I also hope they can maintain NL and keep his memory of what he created alive. It was his place of refuge, a family retreat, a place full of life, creativity and celebration. I'd love to see what Michael enjoyed, walked where he walked, laughed where he laughed. I know he's there is spirit.

May his legecy live on through his family, friends, fans and of course Neverland.
ALL ABOARD!!!! Hop On!!!


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Ooohh, I love seeing these..see, once again Michael is giving me hope! I need more tears.

How about some ideas?

* I think it would be great if they could relace some of the books Mike read and studied...maybe a pair of his reading glasses...have the desk he did his work at, a few of his gold albums on the wall etc...

* they easily could put a miniature Starbucks or an eatery on the grounds, like a food stand...

* there could be a patio for kids and parents,

* there's the lake, security would have be tight to watch folks and childern but..

* of course the petting zoo etc.

* Inside the residence, again you could have a few of Mike's pictures, captions underneath stating where the pics from, what he was doing etc.

* a place for his clothing, the suits he wore, underneath them stating what performance they were from

* clebrating the Jackson 5! Do the same with them..sure they have some costumes that Katherine made somewhere.
Ooohh, I love seeing these..see, once again Michael is giving me hope! I need more tears.

How about some ideas?

* I think it would be great if they could relace some of the books Mike read and studied...maybe a pair of his reading glasses...have the desk he did his work at, a few of his gold albums on the wall etc...

* they easily could put a miniature Starbucks or an eatery on the grounds, like a food stand...

* there could be a patio for kids and parents,

* there's the lake, security would have be tight to watch folks and childern but..

* of course the petting zoo etc.

* Inside the residence, again you could have a few of Mike's pictures, captions underneath stating where the pics from, what he was doing etc.

* a place for his clothing, the suits he wore, underneath them stating what performance they were from

* clebrating the Jackson 5! Do the same with them..sure they have some costumes that Katherine made somewhere.

And they could have a short biography and/or his music videos playing in the theater.

Ooh, ooh, ooh! Maybe they could have a mini dance lesson in the dance studio. Nothing major, just the basics of the Moonwalk or something. And maybe videos showing the evolutions and influences on his dancing and how he influenced others.
Although Neverland has always been my first choice for Michael's burial, I don't think its going to happen. I had always wanted to visit Neverland, and if they made it similar to a "Graceland" where fans could pay tribute, then that would be fantastic. I would pay admission for the day and everything if they did it up like a museum. However, this is unlikely for a few reasons:

1) Michael's neighbors would oppose it (and many already have condemned the thought)

2) By-laws and county regulations would prohibit or take well over 10 years to change. (Neverland is zoned "agricultural", which would need a zoning change to "Commercial"...this can take 5-10 years easy. And trust me I know, its a LONG process.)

3) It would be very expensive to re-create everything plus the price tag for all the construction, new parking lots, food courts, etc

4) Roadways in the area are not meant for hundreds of thousands of fans traveling to and from every year meaning construction must be done

5) There are NO large hotels or restaurants near the ranch, meaning there would have to be a hotel constructed right at Neverland to host visitors that stay overnight.

These are just 5 key reasons why Neverland will probably never become a tourist attraction, but I can always hope things change!
Moving it to Las Vegas sounds stupid. It isn't a tourist attraction to us. That's Michael's home. That's where he wrote him music. That where he lived with LMP while they were married. That's where he raised his children. That's where Prince took his first steps. That where Paris learned to say "Daddy". That's where Blanket was rocked to sleep at night in his father's arms. It's not a place to stare at. It's not a place to laugh and make fun of Michael. He opened his home, his world to his fans.
The winery, sounds crazy too. I wouldn't go there. It's disrespectful. *Let's get trashed and walk around Neverland*. No thanks.
Either open the gates, or take it all down and leave it down.



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If they are gonna leave Neverland AS IS then I'd visit. I would NEVER want to see any hotels or wineries or toursit-y type things built there. What is that mess??? This isn't Disney Land! It was Michael's home!! Parking lots, food courts, souvenir shops??? NO NO NO! I would feel sick to my stomach if that were to happen! Michael would never have wanted that, it would take away from the peace that is Neverland.

As for the burial there, I have mixed emotions. On the one hand Michael moved out, it was no longer a home for him.. but on the other hand, I feel like now that he's at peace and Neverland is at peace then his burial there would be okay because that was up until recently his home, his sanctuary and where he raised his children. But if they are gonna turn Neverland into some crazy tourist attraction with like a McDonalds on the premises than hell to the naw.
Whatever his family chooses to do I respect their decisions. But, like I've said before NOBODY knows what Michael felt at the present time for Neverland, we know what he felt several years ago. You don't hold onto something that is not close to your heart or doesn't have sentimental meaning to you. When you "hate" something, you let it go and move on. Obviously he didn't want to do that by fighting to retain the property. Clearly it still held a place in his heart.
If they are gonna leave Neverland AS IS then I'd visit. I would NEVER want to see any hotels or wineries or toursit-y type things built there. What is that mess??? This isn't Disney Land! It was Michael's home!! Parking lots, food courts, souvenir shops??? NO NO NO! I would feel sick to my stomach if that were to happen! Michael would never have wanted that, it would take away from the peace that is Neverland.

As for the burial there, I have mixed emotions. On the one hand Michael moved out, it was no longer a home for him.. but on the other hand, I feel like now that he's at peace and Neverland is at peace then his burial there would be okay because that was up until recently his home, his sanctuary and where he raised his children. But if they are gonna turn Neverland into some crazy tourist attraction with like a McDonalds on the premises than hell to the naw.

Neverland has around 3,000 acres. There are many peaceful places for
Michael Jackson to rest there; while his Spirit rises high above watching over us
as we enjoy Neverland.

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I know.. and that's cool with me.. but just something about him being there with all kinda Disney Land esque touristy things just feels wrong to me.
I hope the family realises that the fans need Neverland........

It's the closets to Michael we can ever get !!
Whatever his family chooses to do I respect their decisions. But, like I've said before NOBODY knows what Michael felt at the present time for Neverland, we know what he felt several years ago. You don't hold onto something that is not close to your heart or doesn't have sentimental meaning to you. When you "hate" something, you let it go and move on. Obviously he didn't want to do that by fighting to retain the property. Clearly it still held a place in his heart.

You are absolutely right. I wouldn't be able to let go of it either, it's beautiful and I'm sure there were more happy memories for him there than sad ones...
I know.. and that's cool with me.. but just something about him being there with all kinda Disney Land esque touristy things just feels wrong to me.
I have been to Neverland in person. Neverland is not like Disneyland. It's more like a small turn of the 20th century small town with a town center that has a small public park. It should
stay that way. The house is like something out ot a fairytale.
Don't worry Michael Jackson built Neverland for the fans.
Remeber, when Michael was on Earth he always let us fans come and visit.
I have been to Neverland in person. Neverland is not like Disneyland. It's more like a small turn of the 20th century small town with a town center that has a small public park. It should
stay that way. The house is like something out ot a fairytale.
Don't worry Michael Jackson built Neverland for the fans.
Remeber, when Michael was on Earth he always let us fans come and visit.

No no.. I totally understand what you are saying. I've never seen it in person, only pictures and video. But I do know that from what I've seen it's a peaceful beautiful quiet place and my concern wasn't that it IS Disneyland, but that it would be turned INTO Disneyland and thats what wouldn't sit right with me. That's what I meat. I happen to agree with you.
No no.. I totally understand what you are saying. I've never seen it in person, only pictures and video. But I do know that from what I've seen it's a peaceful beautiful quiet place and my concern wasn't that it IS Disneyland, but that it would be turned INTO Disneyland and thats what wouldn't sit right with me. That's what I meat. I happen to agree with you.

I have to go now;
but I agree totally with you.



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People talk about Neverland being associated with scandal, but I don't think he ultimately thought about it that way. Even during the trial he was glowing as he described Neverland in his Geraldo interview. And if it didn't mean anything to him why would he try to save it from foreclosure? I think Neverland was still a special place for him with a lot of good memories, and if he didn't feel abandoned by the people in this country and the need to go abroad, maybe he would have stayed there longer.

If they made it into a sort of memorial or museum, I would visit. It would be the closest I would ever get to Michael. I wouldn't be quite as excited, though, if they moved it to Las Vegas. I am very interested in seeing the land and trees that inspired him, not just the infrastructure.

This right here.
If Michael was so repulsed by Neverland, he would have sold it outright. He leveraged it but never fully gave it up.

He was going to return one day. When he felt it was right to return. I imagine it would be after the planned concerts. He has more homes across the country besides Neverland (that we'll never know about) but Neverland was & IS homebase for Mike.

And it should remain as part of his legacy. To turn that into a vineyard like those good ol' boys in Santa Barbara county have been wanting to do for years would let those jackasses who railroaded him win.

I would LOVE to see Neverland become a memorial & park to honor Michael's life as well as snub the nose at those persecutors who wanted him out of that area all along.

Sycamore Valley Ranch was over by 1988. The land now & forevermore is Neverland Valley Ranch, Michael's masterpiece. And this place must not become just ordinary land for Colony Capital's BS ventures.

John Lucas
My observations from reading news articles and watching interviews with his family members I sense that they want to make it into a Graceland style permanent memorial to Michael Jackson. And I think this is one of the reasons why he is not yet buried. We all know that Neverland was Michael’s dream, it embodies Michael the way he wanted to be seen. Even though it was clouded by accusations and negativity Michael now at a place where he can never be touched and at this time peace must return to Neverland and it needs to be fully restored to what it used to be in Michael’s happy days.

I don’t think that the kids will live in Neverland because it is too big for them and it will cost too much money to maintain, it is better to turn into a revenue generating real estate and they can visit it for few days in a month or in the weekend where it can be closed for them.

I hope all the legal obstacles to be eliminated to make it happen.
Seeing his former home as it was makes me feel so sad. I don't know what Michael would've wanted to do with it after his death, his will says nothing about it. I find it such a shame, it is obviously a well thought-out work of art for creating a happy, loving and tranquil sanctuary in a quiet setting, and he paid for its upkeep with his own money to keep it running, then those vulturous weather friends of his turn it into a house of horrors with their lies. It must've broken his heart to have left such a beautiful and innocent home that was intended to show love to disadvantaged children and to be taken entirely out of context in the name of the dollar bill.
You know it would be nice if it was a home for a charity like a hospice if it doesn't open to the public. If it does open to the public one day I hope some of the profits go to charities!