The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

Sorry don't take it personally. :( I think I know you by a different name that's why? Loz said from AOL MJ Chat. :)
My bad!
Can I say hello anywayz? :(

RT: Why do I always remember people and they dont remember me?
Am I THAT frickin dull?[/b]

I was just trying to think of your aol chat name to remind her... I cant remember it :eek: been so long since chatting on there

Edit: nvm I got it now :D
RT: Why do I always remember people and they dont remember me?
Am I THAT frickin dull?[/b]
aww of course ur not, sweetheart HUG :heart:

rt...i have to put some money on my card :doh:
I was/am Dreamdancer on there.
I dont even remember talking with you in the AOL chat.
I know you more from MJNOL.

Don't worry, I'm OK.

*tries not to take it personally*
^ It's OK Claire. It was a loooong time ago.
I hardly go there myself.
I guess Lorraine is the real reason I remember you
cuz you guys are friends and I consider Lorr my friend as well.
I dont really fault you for not remembering me.

Let's start from here! :)

^_^ @ L.J and Rox!
Omg, Helz has a well hot name on here. :eek:[/b]

Why the shocked face missy?! :lol:


Why would someone want a tree in their house?! *hmm*
Coz I shocked myself for thinking that a few letters and numbers could be sexy. :lol:[/b]

Mkaaay!! :lol:


Hate it when forums are dead, Ugh! Why bother.
Hi :)

Thank you, sweet princess, I feel better today after a good rest :flowers: Hope you're well :)

Silouette, loves your siggy :)


I had a weird dream last night, will tell later, I'm on my way to the shop atm
O'k, I'm back..

the dream from last night was too vivid..

at first i began to fly over all: trees, buildings..
i saw the rivers, lakes under me and the water were very clean :)
then i flew too high and saw the bright light & felt the warmth...

like flew to God: i saw the Very Bright Light, even after I closed my eyes, I noticed I still see everything.
and i felt incredible warmth all around me..
i said: ''Hello, my Father''...
the voice replied: ''Hello, my baby''...

i woke up...

after i fell asleep again, i saw the books with poetry in english language, amazing drawing, and I said loud: ''It's Amazing and Perfect. Just like MJ said ''everything already made Above (in Heaven)??''
Those people around me looked kind, they not replied to me, just smiled..
I had that feeling like everything is done already, and we're on Earth just providers?
I saw amazing drawing, I heard also the Perfect songs..
Nothing to add to them, just to bow to that perfection..

I'm keep wondering, I'm shocked? But feel like that Other world Is real.