The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

Ohhhh...what a beautiful day! It's almost autumny :wub:

Morning everyone! :)

We've got mail!

Michael send us a letter! thoughtful of him :wub:
*chases monsters around the map*

I didn't get fragged until the 4th map....

heh heh fragged... makes me feel like I should be a member of fraggle rock :lol:

*peers under bed* It's only a game Moonie
:doh: :lol:

ok... mungurl if u say so...
yellow roses are RED :yes:
white roses are RED :yes:
black roses are RED :yes:
pink roses are RED :yes:

Ohhhh...what a beautiful day! It's almost autumny

that's great :) I thought I was the only one who likes rain :innocent: it seems I'm not alone :flowers:

ok... mungurl if u say so...
yellow roses are RED :yes:
white roses are RED :yes:
black roses are RED :yes:
pink roses are RED :yes:


black roses? :huh:[/b]

yeah, and they're the most beautiful ones


I love black roses

they're often used in stories too.

I have a book and when a knight was declared guilty of a crime he was handed back his sword hilt with a blackrose twined around it
Hi everyone super big hugs :) xoxo
How are you all.Long time no see. I hope all is well with you.
Sorry I been busy and sick so I havent been on much.Good to be back and ill be around a bit more often :) xoxoxo and love to all :)