The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

just got back from the sound and light show. was actually really good. only one more day doing sight seeing though. and sunday will mostly be spent on the plane :( oh well, more people to meet and see ;) and more places to visit :)


OMG!!! :woohoo:


note to self dont have raspberry cordial with pasta not the greatest taste :ermm:

I wanted to ask: Anybody here know the german group ''Tokio Hotel''??
( No, I'm Not a fan, Not my style of music/age/etc.. :no: )

Just wondering? ( I saw on local MJ's forums some of fans likes them :eek: :( )

I Don't like their image. Looks like two brothers ( or they're twins, don't know? ) in some sodom?? :(
Kissing each other in every way.. Sick.
Just wanted to ask and understand WHY so many young girls crazy of those group?

I'll post here just one normal pic of them.

are they guys ? they look like girls to me :blink: especially the one on the right
was the last day of sightseeing today in Egypt. I leave for London tomorrow :(

i just wanted to put the finishing touches on the Step Pyramid today :lol: