the end of the lip synch debate...

I had heard that Aretha's performance filling in for Pavarotti was really good, but had never actually seen it. It literally gave me goosebumps just now watching/listening to it. Personally I would also prefer live singing versus lipsyncing, even if it had some mistakes. But, with that said, I can also see how hard it would be in certain instances where the performer was also vigorously dancing or perhaps had laryngitis.

On a side note, I watched the taped performance of Jennifer and really had no idea she wasn't singing it live, she did a good job with it all things considered.
saying that about the anthem reminded me of that mini series Angels in America where Jeffery Wright's character rants and I quote:


Me personally I dont mind too much if an artist mimes when doing a hard dance number if they're trying to bring you a certain kind of show.

Otherwise I expect it to be live.

ESPECIALLY if it's a command performance. If they've been asked to sing a national anthem for their country or for an event (whether it be an inauguration or an award show) they should do it live. Otherwise why not just put the CD on...

I also see it like paying to go see a theatre production... I'd be disappointed to get to the theatre and find out that Patti LuPone mimed her role to Gypsy

Plus I dont buy that "incase a mistake is made" stuff cause you can still have technical whoopsies with a pre-recorded option... and an audience would be far more forgiving to an artist who stuffed up a line, than they would if the CD stopped playing and the person on stage kept moving their lips... Plus them making a little mistake makes them appear a little more human which isn't a bad thing imo :)

lol, yeah, the song is a real bitch to sing, haha. I agree with you. I think if dance is a heavy part of your stage performance, as it is Michael's, if it's as vital to your performance as is sining, as it is with Michael, I can understand lip synching, because dancing and singing at the same time is essentially equivilent to running and singing at the same time. Like someone pointed out earlier, Michael was probably as fit as any athlete during the Bad era.

That being said, I can understand Jennifer lip synching simply because the song is so difficult to sing and because of what's she just been through, for her to get out there and perform at all was brave, in my eyes. I'm not even a fan of her's, but she sang the song well, whether pre-recorded or not, and I commend her on it, since I've seen a majority of singers simply butcher the song. I don't like when someone who is nothing but a singer lip synches, because what's the point then I ask. They should be able to reproduce on a stage what they do in a studio. If all they're doing is walking back and forth on the stage, standing still on a stage, or playing an instrument on stage, they should be singing live. But there are exceptions to every rule, and I think one can be made for Jennifer in this case.
lol, yeah, the song is a real bitch to sing, haha. I agree with you. I think if dance is a heavy part of your stage performance, as it is Michael's, if it's as vital to your performance as is sining, as it is with Michael, I can understand lip synching, because dancing and singing at the same time is essentially equivilent to running and singing at the same time. Like someone pointed out earlier, Michael was probably as fit as any athlete during the Bad era.

That being said, I can understand Jennifer lip synching simply because the song is so difficult to sing and because of what's she just been through, for her to get out there and perform at all was brave, in my eyes. I'm not even a fan of her's, but she sang the song well, whether pre-recorded or not, and I commend her on it, since I've seen a majority of singers simply butcher the song. I don't like when someone who is nothing but a singer lip synches, because what's the point then I ask. They should be able to reproduce on a stage what they do in a studio. If all they're doing is walking back and forth on the stage, standing still on a stage, or playing an instrument on stage, they should be singing live. But there are exceptions to every rule, and I think one can be made for Jennifer in this case.

indeed, the bolded part is something that's true in all of life..and something we should remember.
If you're a singer, why should you lip synch? Unless you've had throat surgery, and can't sing of course, lip synching is pointless.

Daniel Johns, the lead singer of Silverchair, went on a late-night talk show two years ago and performed while he was sick. And he sounded absolutely horrible! He could barely stay on key and his voice was cracking and he was screaming. But as awful as the performance was, I support his decision, because it makes him a real entertainer. He at least tried to perform the song.
If you're a singer, why should you lip synch? Unless you've had throat surgery, and can't sing of course, lip synching is pointless.

Daniel Johns, the lead singer of Silverchair, went on a late-night talk show two years ago and performed while he was sick. And he sounded absolutely horrible! He could barely stay on key and his voice was cracking and he was screaming. But as awful as the performance was, I support his decision, because it makes him a real entertainer. He at least tried to perform the song.

well you are one of the few. in my opinion, the singer has nothing to prove. he already proved himself. why risk his whole career, if his health is bad? i like if it sounds like the cd. more often than not, the singer has too much pride to not perform if he is feeling good, and i give him the benefit of the doubt for that.
well you are one of the few. in my opinion, the singer has nothing to prove. he already proved himself. why risk his whole career, if his health is bad? i like if it sounds like the cd. more often than not, the singer has too much pride to not perform if he is feeling good, and i give him the benefit of the doubt for that.

I guess I'm alone in this. I like if the songs are a bit different than the originals. Either a little jam, or some vocal differences, or whatever.