the end of the lip synch debate...

Im saying I dont think he can as well as he could...i agree he is one of the best singers ever, but I think the upped use of more miming speaks for itself. He sang live in a rehearsal, big deal lol and that was 10 years ago! he mimed the entire set when it came time for the show, except for a few short parts. As the years go past it just seems like he doesnt bother when it comes to his vocals live anymore. I think he has a complex about them to be honest.

I think its probably mainly down to aging/physical fitness.
Try running up and down the stairs about 500 times singing all the way through and then stop and sing perfectly in tune at 40-50 years of age. I would imagine that Michael was as fit as any athlete during the Bad era.

It's a shame there are not more TV specials where he's done it though, like the short cameo on the James brown show when he came on about 5 years ago, he could probably sing live in the Staccato style much easier (which is probably why JB could do it until the day he died)

As for Britney:
well then those suckas need to take note..

Marvin: live, beautiful and very creative
That's what I'm talkin bout! Creative renditions can come out of any song including the American National Anthem.

Another example: R.Kelly might have gotten a hint from Marvin. Anyone who has heard his stepper cuts (i.e. Step in the Name of Love remix, Happy People), you get the vibe of this rendition.

Back to closer to the topic, I the only who don't really have any opinion on lip-sync of the Super Bowl National Anthem performance? I'm like, "OK".
Singing live in rehearsal is the same as singing live period, lol. I don't see why that doesn't count for his ability to sound as good live as on record. If he did it live, he did it live, and he sounded phenomenal. And I pointed out that particular performance since it was after the period in which you think his voice started to sound bad live. He can do it. Whether he can do it and dance at the same time is another question. Fans should cut him some slack. Of course he can sing live, he sings live when he's in a recording studio and his voice sounds as good as ever. But there's reasons for why his voice souded the way it did during the History tour, legit reasons. He obviously can sing live. But it's having to move at the kind of intense pace he does while being able to sing at the same time that he might not be able to do.
you are right, wbss. this isn't supposed to be about speculating on Michael. this thread is about others, really, and what their management actually said. that's why i posted it in this section.
well wbss thats my opinion and Im sticking to it ;) i did forget the intense pace he moved at during Stranger in moscow and YANA lol! I dont believe in all the dancing excuses, he isnt dancing during Heal the World and has always mimed that, except that one off at Clintons concert. There is a reason he mimes certain songs and it isnt his voice, because he does a select few live.

WOW thats why I havent seen Britney sing live, stick to miming honey!
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^^ I still can't believe why he mimed "Elizabeth I Love You". That was only an excuse for him to sing through those things that rise up whenever he finishes an uptempo song ("Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'", "Black or White"). :lol:
well...eye and ear of the beholder, because i still love MJ's live singing and i like Hudson's voice more than i like Whitney's.
Whitney have to prove she can sing something live? the media actually tried to insult Whitney by saying she mimed because she couldnt sing it live? lol WOW goes to show you since Milli Vanilli they dont kindly to anyone who lip sync's, I think in this generation of American Idol and X Factor, noone wants to go to a show and watch someone mime...even Madonna has sung all of her tour as I believe, live....and I know she liked to mime previously.
Whitney have to prove she can sing something live? the media actually tried to insult Whitney by saying she mimed because she couldnt sing it live? lol WOW goes to show you since Milli Vanilli they dont kindly to anyone who lip sync's, I think in this generation of American Idol and X Factor, noone wants to go to a show and watch someone mime...even Madonna has sung all of her tour as I believe, live....and I know she liked to mime previously.

Yeah the Milli Vanilli thing gave lip-syncing a BAD name.
a user named Little Steven over at Max-Jax put it best..

lip-synch'ing is an insult to our intelligence.
He sang the first half of "Elizabeth I Love You" live. And it wasn't just the dancing during the History tour, he also had laryngitis. What's so hard to understand about that?
Well that's why I said he did the tour for the fans. Otherwise, he'd cancel it. :lol: Plus he felt the fans wanted the "spectacle". It ain't that it's "hard" to understand, you just have to connect the dots, lol.
^^ I don't know why. :lol:

I mean it ain't rocket science to know whether someone is singing live or lipping it. :lol: And for whatever reason they do it like MJ does it. His excuses are probably understandable anyways but still... lol
Well of course it would be preferable if he sang live, all I'm saying is that he has legit reasons for doing playback and people should cut him some slack. He's been doing this since he was 10.
He first lipped at 11 (1969-1970), lol.

But he had never done it in live concerts prior to the BAD tour. I'll admit, it ain't a thing lipping it on TV because like you said, they have reasons for it just as Michael later has reasons for him to lip it up half the time. I still believe he did it for the fans. He knew they wanted a show and he felt they be more in tune to his dancing and his music video-styled performances than a live show the way it would be "intended".

I mean he wasn't the only pop star doing this.
No, and you're right. He did it for the fans, which is why it's a little disheartening when you see fans complaining bitterly about it and dissing him over it. He could have just said "F you" and not toured at all.
woah! its an opinion guys, we got a lot of love for Michael no need to say we are being bitter, we are fans and allowed to have an opinion. Chill out!

Personally Im just saying I dont like it when most of the show is mimed. I love to hear Michael the singer too, like in the Dangerous tour: slower songs live I just cant stop loving you, shes out of my life and even Billie Jean, working day and night, beat it. These are classics and never neglect the performance too! I miss those kind of performances, I feel some of that magic was gone from the HIStory tour, didnt have the same x factor because of the lack of live singing. Not dissing him, its preferring one tour or era over another. Why do you think there is such a big demand for the Bad Tour? Doesnt make me any less of a fan, bitter in anyway, or love him anyless. It offends me you are even suggesting that.
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well..there are plenty of fans, lots of opinions. in 2001 he sang can you feel it with his brothers live, sounded fantastic. MJ has proven he can do it all. so how he configures it, from time to time really makes no difference at this point. there are enough satisfied fans, and he can do what he wants. and while some will say he lost some of the x factor, others will say he did not. he can do what he wants, and there will always be enough people who will enjoy it. he is, after all, Michael Jackson.

some will perceive he sang live on a song, others will not. people are equal. and their ears may be different. so, it's all moot, really. far as the original text of this thread is concerned..i appreciate that artists are willing to do whatever it takes to put out the best product. i appreciate the management of those artists. if i get tears in my eyes at the end of the performance, no matter how it is configured, then they've done their job, and i feel, personally, at that point, it's a waste of my life's breath to criticize on the heels of tears in my eyes. it just doesn't make sense. i might as well criticize my tears, and my eyes for crying them. the artist got the desired effect, didn't they? it seems hypocritical for me to criticize, unless i didn't knee-jerk enjoy it. i mean...let's that i enjoyed it, let me go back and study it, so i can see what i can find out, to nullify that initial enjoyment? does that make any sense to you? doesn't to me.
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I wasn't suggesting it about you big db, I just meant in general, I see fans constantly complaining about and it's boring, that's all. I agree that it's better when he sings live, but it's more complicated then that, it isn't so black and white why he's chosen to lip synce the last, several years. There's reasons for it, and I just disagree with you that it's because he isn't capable of sounding good live anymore, it's for other reasons I've stated I believe.
i gave her her props then found out it wasnt live, i shudda known because her voice was a little too controlled and not over the top
I have a feeling that this wont be the "end" of the lip-syncing debate, lol!

um...yeah...i'm getting that feeling.

and since i can't get up on that stage and do what MJ does, or JEnnifer does..i'll just appreciate it. lol all the intricacies that go into what you end up seeing and hearing is something i can appreciate. the art of handling logistics is part of it. as for Michael..his combination of talents is something special..and the way he maneuvers them onstage is even more special, and i have yet to see anybody match it, so, why debate it?

as for Jennifer...if i had her voice, maybe i can argue about how she presents things...but i don't have her voice, so i'll just appreciate it, and that she wants the best for her audience. in the end, i know it was her voice on the recording. and i was moved. when she was seen, she provided the art of acting. and she wasn't acting to the voice of someone else. she was acting to her own voice. that's my point. i'm sure, that at some other given time, when logistics are correct, she sings live. that's how she got her grammys. as for Michael, it's basically, the same thing.
woah! its an opinion guys, we got a lot of love for Michael no need to say we are being bitter, we are fans and allowed to have an opinion. Chill out!

Personally Im just saying I dont like it when most of the show is mimed. I love to hear Michael the singer too, like in the Dangerous tour: slower songs live I just cant stop loving you, shes out of my life and even Billie Jean, working day and night, beat it. These are classics and never neglect the performance too! I miss those kind of performances, I feel some of that magic was gone from the HIStory tour, didnt have the same x factor because of the lack of live singing. Not dissing him, its preferring one tour or era over another. Why do you think there is such a big demand for the Bad Tour? Doesnt make me any less of a fan, bitter in anyway, or love him anyless. It offends me you are even suggesting that.

Nicole didn't mean it out of calling anybody out. You both have good points.
You also have to remember what Jennifer Hudson's just been through. Cut her some slack, I say.

And yeah Timmy, exactly.
Creativity and the US National anthem don't mix. That song needs to be sung straight or don't sing it at all.

By the way, Whitney Housten's performance of the anthem, which is the best rendition as far as I'm concerned, was lip synched. Betcha don't see anyone complaining about that. With a song that's as difficult to sing as that song is, it can be forgiven and understood why it would be pre-recorded. The chance for messing up is greater and it would be mighty embarrassing messing that song up in front of such a huge audience.

saying that about the anthem reminded me of that mini series Angels in America where Jeffery Wright's character rants and I quote:
Belize: I hate America, Louis. I hate this country. Nothing but a bunch of big ideas and stories and people dying, and then people like you. The white cracker who wrote the National Anthem knew what he was doing. He set the word free to a note so high nobody could reach it. That was deliberate.


Me personally I dont mind too much if an artist mimes when doing a hard dance number if they're trying to bring you a certain kind of show.

Otherwise I expect it to be live.

ESPECIALLY if it's a command performance. If they've been asked to sing a national anthem for their country or for an event (whether it be an inauguration or an award show) they should do it live. Otherwise why not just put the CD on...

I also see it like paying to go see a theatre production... I'd be disappointed to get to the theatre and find out that Patti LuPone mimed her role to Gypsy

Plus I dont buy that "incase a mistake is made" stuff cause you can still have technical whoopsies with a pre-recorded option... and an audience would be far more forgiving to an artist who stuffed up a line, than they would if the CD stopped playing and the person on stage kept moving their lips... Plus them making a little mistake makes them appear a little more human which isn't a bad thing imo :)
all I'm saying is...

Live = quality moments:

granted she's not Pavarotti... but with a few hours before the show was to start he fell ill and she stepped in filled in for him and had to do it to the music already set in his tenor.