The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

I am counting those, assuming you don't request for old tapes it probably won't be as expensive. I'd totally spend 400-500$ on the whole trip, but if it goes for more than that... Yikes lol.
$500 to hear mostly mumbling lol
If he already has the notes in hand, all he has to do is say all that's written on it. It also shouldn't be that time-consuming to write an article, it wouldn't be like writing an entire book. In fact that's what he was planning to do with all the info, until he decided to focus on a podcast about the Cascio tracks for the last 4-5 years instead.
It's his choice to do what he wants with the info he put his time, effort, and money into obtaining. Like JC said he doesn't own anyone anything. I can't believe people are complaining that he answers their questions but not as much as they'd like him to, he could've just sat on all this info fans wanted to know and kept them in the dark, but he was kind to share his findings and take requests from people to answer their specific questions (which i haven't seen anyone do to the extent Damien has).
It's his choice to do what he wants with the info he put his time, effort, and money into obtaining. Like JC said he doesn't own anyone anything. I can't believe people are complaining that he answers their questions but not as much as they'd like him to, he could've just sat on all this info fans wanted to know and kept them in the dark, but he was kind to share his findings and take requests from people to answer their specific questions (which i haven't seen anyone do to the extent Damien has).
He WAS going to use the info he got and put it in a book, he always intended on sharing it with the public, but then he shifted focus into his Faking Michael podcast and he's been working on it for at least 6 years. Who knows when he's going to finish the podcast and if he's even going to continue writing the book? And if he does, how long would that take? Why wait when you can end any misinformation that's been surrounding the songs for years in an instant? There's no reason for him to hold back info if he's not going to be using it anytime soon.
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is The Future a real song?? do we have info on it?? istg in every interview with i see he always only mentions I Will Miss You, Still The King and I'm Dreamin', never seen him talk about The Future
is The Future a real song?? do we have info on it?? istg in every interview with i see he always only mentions I Will Miss You, Still The King and I'm Dreamin', never seen him talk about The Future
Kind of. It's a latin beat, dance song that talks about environmental issues. It's the only song along with I'm Dreamin' that Will confirmed to have been recorded by MJ. I think he also said the song was like a "contemporary Off The Wall" but I can't remember where I read that.

I think one of the 3 songs they showed on the Access Hollywood interview is The Future, it sounds similar to the description gave.
I don't know, you'd asssume that a federal institution would be heavily secured so I think that's really unlikely. A lot of those leaks comes from songs that were bought from auctions or shown on seminars.
It’d explain how songs that haven’t been played at seminars, and aren’t known to be circulating amongst collectors seemingly get leaked, though.
It’d explain how songs that haven’t been played at seminars, and aren’t known to be circulating amongst collectors seemingly get leaked, though.
I don't believe that is how it works at the office. Iirc someone who has been said that you can only play things through headphones although I can't confirm this. Most CDQ leaks came from the Sony hack or old cds/tapes that got into collectors hands such as the dangerous bonus cuts disc and the seeing voices tape.
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I don't believe that is how it works at the office. Iirc someone who has been said that you can only play things through headphones although I can't confirm this. Most CDQ leaks came from the Sony hack or old cds.

Yeah, as far as I've seen they provide headphones for you to use.
Kind of. It's a latin beat, dance song that talks about environmental issues. It's the only song along with I'm Dreamin' that Will confirmed to have been recorded by MJ. I think he also said the song was like a "contemporary Off The Wall" but I can't remember where I read that.

I think one of the 3 songs they showed on the Access Hollywood interview is The Future, it sounds similar to the description gave.

listening to these after 17 years, they sound dated....I wonder if there's any truth to Michael actually recording them. The most Will said was he kept the music and Michael kept the vocals
listening to these after 17 years, they sound dated....I wonder if there's any truth to Michael actually recording them. The most Will said was he kept the music and Michael kept the vocals
That doesn't sound dated to me. It's the 2000s era sure but that's aging well in my opinion.
listening to these after 17 years, they sound dated....I wonder if there's any truth to Michael actually recording them. The most Will said was he kept the music and Michael kept the vocals said that by 2007 they had recorded 3 songs together.
"Jackson has enlisted Black Eyed Peas member for a backup on one of his tracks for the album. They appeared together in an Access Hollywood interview conducted in October of 2006.[15] At that time, they had not yet completed any music, but were still experimenting with different sounds and styles. However, a Rolling Stone magazine article published in February of 2007 stated that the pair had drafted eight new songs and physically tracked one, titled "I'm Dreamin'". told Billboard magazine that he is involved in more than just the musical aspect of Jackson's new album. He is also discussing with the artist how new technologies might be utilized to his advantage (as suggested by Access Hollywood's Billy Bush), particularly social networking websites and downloading outlets.[13]

In an August 2007 interview with Times Online, was quoted as saying, "[Jackson's] voice is still incredible. It’s not about crazy beats that are going be here today and gone tomorrow, but melodies that will stay for a lifetime."[16]

On the 13th of August 2007, told reporters at a Black Eyed Peas press conference in South Korea that another track he recorded with Jackson is titled "The Future".[17]

On the 23rd of August 2007, revealed on the Los Angeles radio station KIIS-FM that he's only recorded two songs with Jackson, both of a "feel good" nature - unrelated to the singer's life. He also stated they're to work on two further tracks in November.[18]

September 13th 2007: mentions in a Swedish interview, that he and Michael have recorded three songs together, and personally appears as a duet/featuring artist on one. He also expressed hope for the first single to be released in 2008.

On the 2nd May 2008 Will I Am had an interview with BBC reporter Mark Savage and was asked 'When will we get to hear the songs you recorded with Michael?' With Will I Am responding 'The new stuff? Um, I don't know... Can you switch that tape recorder off... '"
ive seen ppl say changes is 1985 and others that its 2009, is there two completely different songs named changes or is it the exact same one?? if we even have any real info on that
Meaning are these full songs and not humming and mumbling through it? Will said he doesn’t have the vocals and that MJ kept them separate
I'm Dreamin' has its chorus recorded by Michael and the rap by Will.And he confirmed in an interview that he has the vocals in his hard drives. Here's a preview of the melody by Will.
I'm Dreamin' has its chorus recorded by Michael and the rap by Will.And he confirmed in an interview that he has the vocals in his hard drives. Here's a preview of the melody by Will.
I quite like the melody of that. I love a song where Mike has to break out his falsetto
I'm Dreamin' has its chorus recorded by Michael and the rap by Will.And he confirmed in an interview that he has the vocals in his hard drives. Here's a preview of the melody by Will.
I don't think the tracks are finished enough for a release or the songs prob aren't that good. I'm sure we would have heard at least 1 track by now.
I don't think the tracks are finished enough for a release or the songs prob aren't that good. I'm sure we would have heard at least 1 track by now.
In what context? MJ wasn't releasing any new music until he was good and ready. And will does not want it released post MJ's passing. Unless it's on his own album, which Will did attempt, until the Estate blocked it.
Yeah, tried to release I'm Dreamin' 10 years ago but was rejected by the Estate so it's safe to say at least 1 song is complete enough. I agree that the chances are they aren't that good and they may not have aged well but we can't know that for certain.
I agree that the chances are they aren't that good and they may not have aged well but we can't know that for certain.
Hearing that The Future has a Latin Beat is pretty progressive actually. The Hispanic music wave is a force to be reckoned with. And it seems that is something MJ was engaging with, where his head was at. I've heard it twice, with Will.I.Am, and with RedOne. So maybe MJ would be working with Bad Bunny if he was still around?

And going back to Off The Wall is always an easy way to Garner points. Basically a hail Mary in my point of view.
Let’s not pretend isn’t above putting crap music out. He’s not releasing it because it’s blocked or it’s not finished.
Michael was the one who didn't want it put out. Most possibly anyway. Will is seemingly just respecting that and MJ's perfectionism.