The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

You did not give more responded because you don't Care about MJ Community you only Care about gatekeeping that songs for years pepole are trying their ass off to talk to have information form you but you like the coward that you are you keep teasing you should be slapped all the time for this you fucking idiot why did i blocked you on twitter because i am not talking with you like the biggest pussy of the community that you exactly
Three versions sounds like bullshit, was "three versions" ever mentioned anywhere
Shana mentioned during a livestream a couple years back that she has a 30 minute Seven Digits tape of Michael writing the song, and she said there are several different versions of the song on it. She didn’t say “three versions” specifically.
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Shana mentioned during a livestream a couple years back that she has a 30 minute Seven Digits tape of Michael writing the song, and she said there are several different versions of the song on it. She didn’t say “three versions” specifically.
Thanks, this is what I was trying to find out specifically, as I never heard of this figure of "three versions" before. It seemed more like blatant bullshit to me.

EDIT: watched the video and even though she said "maybe three versions" it's just a work tape, there wouldn't be a proper way to say these are different versions. Different versions would've been different mixdowns that were done.

I promise you 99 percent of people here do not care about this drama as it doesn't affect them one way or the other. Take it to dms as this thread is just being clogged up with a bunch of crap.
Understood. Apologies on my behalf for even choosing to respond further cluttering this thread.
Thanks, this is what I was trying to find out specifically, as I never heard of this figure of "three versions" before. It seemed more like blatant bullshit to me.

EDIT: watched the video and even though she said "maybe three versions" it's just a work tape, there wouldn't be a proper way to say these are different versions. Different versions would've been different mixdowns that were done.

Understood. Apologies on my behalf for even choosing to respond further cluttering this thread.
Don't ever apologize for dunking on TheJacksonunreleased.
AdeZ never flexed on anything, he never overhyped anything and as far as I know he never promised anything. On the contrary he offered his opinion on several subjects about unreleased material and he actually gave a handful of information. I actually respect him. His collection is not something that we should have an opinion for.
AdeZ never flexed on anything, he never overhyped anything and as far as I know he never promised anything. On the contrary he offered his opinion on several subjects about unreleased material and he actually gave a handful of information. I actually respect him. His collection is not something that we should have an opinion for.
The problem with AdeZ is that he don't trust pepole in this community and want to be the Guy that said hey i have this but i will never show it i saw his conversation with Korgnex when someone hacked Korgnex account and screenshot AdeZ conversation with Krognex AdeZ said these pepole dont deserve to listen to Get You Weight Off Of Me for me that fucked up
AdeZ never flexed on anything, he never overhyped anything and as far as I know he never promised anything. On the contrary he offered his opinion on several subjects about unreleased material and he actually gave a handful of information. I actually respect him. His collection is not something that we should have an opinion for.
Thank you, I appreciate the words. Many like to say I've teased this or I've teased that, which is funny as I have never posted snippets or ever said "Haha, I have this you guys don't pls notice me guys". In fact a lot of the time it was other fans who I had told things to, who went out publicly saying I had certain things.
Thank you, I appreciate the words. Many like to say I've teased this or I've teased that, which is funny as I have never posted snippets or ever said "Haha, I have this you guys don't pls notice me guys". In fact a lot of the time it was other fans who I had told things to, who went out publicly saying I had certain things.
I have question there is songs u heard unreleased have vocals don't tell me about get your weight off of me please
Can we table this argument and/or take it to a designated “here’s why I have an issue with this user” thread?
Conclusion : The Estate must release Get Your Weight Off Of Me on a new posthumous album : if so, the debate about fans who have listen or have the song will be ended.
Conclusion : The Estate must release Get Your Weight Off Of Me on a new posthumous album : if so, the debate about fans who have listen or have the song will be ended.
Or even better: just release the damn song as a single.
I would much rather have the song be released on a re-issue of Invincible than to see it take place on a new album after 9 years since the last album's release. Surely there are better songs available even if they might not be in the same level of completion as GYWOOM. Give us Buffalo Bill or something from the Bad era.
At 1:20 she says the Estate told her they would only focus on MJ's hits instead of (her) unreleased material, that's pretty discouraging right..?
It's no surprise, it's Michael's hits that gets the most attention from the general audience and gives more profit to the Estate. MJ One and the Musical are proof of that.
No, unfortunately it's no surprise but still a pretty slap to the face for the fans. At least act like you are planning to do something with the unreleased stuff lol

And it's all short term thinking anyway, similar to what the user in this thread said about Branca not making it a big enough priority to show the world MJ's innocence: in my opinion that should be the no.1 priority; to create a sustainable image/brand and gain so, so much more profit in the future; and the unreleased stuff would be very welcome by then..
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I would much rather have the song be released on a re-issue of Invincible than to see it take place on a new album after 9 years since the last album's release. Surely there are better songs available even if they might not be in the same level of completion as GYWOOM. Give us Buffalo Bill or something from the Bad era.
Invincible Album + 2 bonus tracks (GYWOOM and Shout), everything else stays the exact same as the original 2001 CD, down to the shitty mastering

Literally, it's the perfect type of lazy anniversary reissue the estate would do!
Idk what they're waiting for hahaha
Invincible Album + 2 bonus tracks (GYWOOM and Shout), everything else stays the exact same as the original 2001 CD, down to the shitty mastering

Literally, it's the perfect type of lazy anniversary reissue the estate would do!
Idk what they're waiting for hahaha
If they put Monster on the album I'll excuse the Estate if the rest is trash lol
Not sure I fully believe Shana is in contact with the estate. Odd that they’d engage with her with respect to future posthumous albums. It also directly contradicts the numerous things we’ve learned over the years (e.g., the one-off singles project in 2018, Teddy being invited to work on a new project as recently as last year).

Whatever the case, not releasing new music sucks and is hugely disappointing but that’s not the purpose of an estate, nor was it promised to us. Not really worth the time raging over. I also don’t want them involved in any sort of pro-innocence project; it’s a nightmare in the making. Their involvement in the biopic alone already has people bitching and moaning. Let the fans do what they do, like with Square One. Those have a far better chance.
Not sure I fully believe Shana is in contact with the estate. Odd that they’d engage with her with respect to future posthumous albums. It also directly contradicts the numerous things we’ve learned over the years (e.g., the one-off singles project in 2018, Teddy being invited to work on a new project as recently as last year).
Who knows, I do find Shana credible though
Let the fans do what they do, like with Square One. Those have a far better chance.
Not without money..
Not without money..
Every project hits this hurdle. It’s just a matter of figuring it out and navigating the bumps.

I look at it like this: if R. Kelly released a documentary proclaiming his innocence, there’s a zero percent chance I’m watching it. If an independent party did, I would at least give it a watch to see the arguments made. That’s how it is with the estate. Put them in the mix and the only people who will care are those who already know MJ is innocent. You have a far better chance with an unbiased cast and crew (hence why Taj’s documentary is also going to be a nightmare).