The day the music died (who told you?)

I read it on here that he had been rushed to hospital with a cardiac arrest, then on x17 I read that he had apprently passed away, at which point I abandoned my laptop and was sitting on the floor trying not to have a heart attack. Then my sister went online for me and confirmed it.
i texted my mate my new number and he texted back asking me if i had seen the news
i said no and he went Michael Jackson has died
i thought he was having me on, till i looked on the internet and my mum put sky news on and went "RACHEL MICHAEL JACKSON HAS BEEN RUSHED TO HOSPITAL!"
reality sunk in then and i sat in cried. and still am cry. so sad. x
ah gosh, who told me...

I was at the corner store where my friend works and a girl working at the restaurant nearby just ran in and yelled at my friend ''Michael Jackson is dying, they're talking about it on CNN!!''

HAVE TO SAY she said it laughing like if it was something funny..
My friend looked at me scared, I grabbed her keys, went to her appart and watched CNN who hasn't confirmed yet.. then the news dropped...
my friend whom i hadn't talked to in FOREVER texted it to me...she's good for sending out texts for EVERYTHING about stuff like that AND my dad called me at the same time....then i googled it myself because i didn't believe them and it was ONLY showing on tmz at the time, so i thought it may be a hoax because there are always stupid texts about celebs dying who aren't (kat williams, etc) so i really didn't want to believe it....then, well, we all know it wasn't a fake
I got a text from someone.. I think it was a co worker... she said he was rushed to a hospital... then I tried to look it up but the internet was slow... twitter was buzzing crazy... then someone on twitter said TMZ had reported that he died at the hospital and I was like oh HELL TO THE NAW!!! I didn't believe it! There was NO WAY MJ was dead. NO FLIPPING way. TMZ??? PLEASE! I was like nope. I'm waiting for an official confirmation. Not from some ol BS website like TMZ. Then it came. :( I was watching and they were saying LA Times had confirmed. The LA Times site was down and I couldn't see anything! I was MAD!!! I needed confirmation! My friend called me! "Did you hear what happened???" I was like nope. Don't wanna believe it. This is a joke. We left work and went to have drinks, pour some out for MJ, still in complete shock, I still didn't wanna believe it.

I was walking to the bus to go home a few hours later and called my mom, she was at her house watching the news. "It is true?" I said. "Yes, it's true." I swear my heart dropped right there on 5th Ave and 44th Street. :(
I had just arrived at work, and were standing outside, when a good friend and co worker said that Michael Jackson is dead. He had carrdiac arrest. I was is total shock, and didnt belive her. I ran up to my office and turned on my computer, and when i realised it was true i was a sombie the rest of that day. The tears came when i sat down in my car, and they havent really stopped.... Come back Michael... The world is lost without you..... At least i am.....
who told me? the people on the radio. i was laying in bed half asleep and they said michael had died. i couldnt believe it. i was like what?!!!!? that day is very horrible to think about - even now. its still so raw emotionally
i was at home watching tv when i was flipping through channels i saw the headline that michael was in the hospital. I freaked! I began thinking he's going to be ok, they said he is only 10 mins away from the hospital so he will be ok. i watched and was praying he would be ok. then the news came. I died!! I could not believe it!! I cryed soo hard and havent stopped since. im so numb and so dead inside. i'll never stop missing my michael. :(
I was babysitting my 2 and 5 yr old grandsons at their home. My son came home from work and was acting very odd. One of the first things he said was "mom, would you like a cold beer?". I thought that was such a strange question/comment, I thought wth?

My grandsons and I had been watching Elmo videos, so I hadn't heard anything. My son then said "Michael's on life support and they don't expect him to live". I just went numb in disbelief, and we turned on the tv in the kitchen, and all the major networks were announcing his death. He kept asking me "are you okay?". Well, I drank that beer he offered me and then went home. As much as I was having a hard time digesting the fact that Michael was indeed dead, the thought kept running through my head how this would affect so many fans, ultimately knowing that many of them would be potential suicide victims.

The finality of it all really didn't sink in right away, it took days and days of watching everything on tv, and reading on the board, for it to really hit me that he was indeed gone forever.
I first heard from my mums text when I was driving back from my girlfriend's place. When I got home I just turned on the TV and was in shock for the rest of the night...I walked to work the following morning...all 40 minutes of it :( I cried so hard that night.
I was watching TV and saw the thread "ambulance been rushed to michael jacksons home?". I told my dad to turn on Sky News and it was breaking news he had a Cardiac Arrest. then everyone on MSN was asking about it. I just started crying, this WASN'T happening. I knew he'd be okay.. or it was a rumour. anyway the rest is a blur. I was just crying and praying Michael will be okay. then around 10:30pm they showed a picture of Michael from the conference and it said "Michael Jackson, 50, Has died" I NEVER thought I would here that sentence for real. Not now :( Not ever. I cried uncontrollably hard. I cry now just thinking of that night. I then watched the news all night until about 5 oclock in the morning. Then turned TV off and stared at pix/poster of Michael. Tried getting some sleep. Kept waking up and crying. Got about half an hour sleep. Woke up, went downstairs and just cried. I got the day off school and sat home watching the news/music channels all day just crying.
Miss you SO much Michael Jackson.
I got a SMS from a danish newsbureau like CNN or BBC, that he was dead.

I hope people are going to the O2 at july 13th to put flowers there and to remember him.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson.

when i was in my London, UK tour, i've gone there.
My feeling was so hard on that time. can anyone can help me?????
you know, i'm so scared to thinking something about Michael,
since it will let me cried...
why???why makes me so hard????God, why you did it?????
the day the music died.......funny, in an ironic way...because don mclean's "american pie" described exactly how it felt when he was the end of an era, end of a generation...

my boss had left me off work early that day (i normally get off at 5, he let me go around 4 because we didnt have a lot of calls--i answer the phones at his office) and so around 4:30 i got a text from e! news saying an ambulance went to michael's house...they didnt know why...then when i finally got home about 10 minutes or so later i turn on CNN and was watching wolf blitzer...watching the crowds gather...that sinking feeling...and i just knew it wasnt good...and since that day it feels, at least to me...that it's only gotten worse the past six weeks =/
I haerd on the radio that he had a cardiac arrest and I checked on the net but nothing came up. So I went to watch the news on TV and they said the same. A few hours later they said he died!! I was in shock!! I don't like to think of that day :( But MJ's Music WILL NEVER DIE!!!