The day the music died (who told you?)

My mom woke me up... And sadly said that Michael... has gone... Oh my god, I felt like I'm dying too...
I cried first time since my father died...

I always feared, I mean... the worst nightmare for me was my mom waking me up and telling that Mike is dead... But now it's true... End of story. End of epoch. End of dream......... Oh God, give me strength :'(
My aunt texted me from London to see if i had been watching the news. At that time, most stations were reporting that he had been rushed to hospital..but TMZ and some people on this board were saying he had died.

The news stations in London were reporting/confirming he had died at least 10 minutes bfore it was confirmed here. First CNN moved to the 'in coma' reports, and then very shortly after, Michael Jackson dies.

Usually watching MJ video clips on TV makes me so so happy...but today, i am numb.

All I hope is that the media treat him and his family with some modicum of respect. Please...let's just remember all the good things, and not dig for all the dirt that will surely follow this sad news.
My father mentioned something to me when I was on my way out the door. I blew it off, thinking that it was just the media blowing something out of proportion. When I started to get text messages saying that he had passed.....I just couldn't believe it. He has been such a big part of my life for the past ten years, I am devestated. I don't know what I'm feeling, anger, sadness, loss......but overall I feel so concerned for his children. We have lost a legend, an icon, but they have lost their father. RIP Michael Joseph Jackson
I was just strumbling and looking on MJJC and my eye catched the note of exclamation.
And everything get worse after I took a look, I told my mother he was rushed into an hospital. As a mj fan too, she took a sit right next to me and then it was all over the news. He had passed away, but I didn't want it he did.
My mum got to sleep and there was the news 'Cnn confirmed: Michael Jackson has passed away' and I was all alone in my room.
My mother came by to hear from me his latest condition. Well I said to her 'he passed away' and my tears were flowing. Absolutly the worst day in my life.
I was sitting in my cousin's car waiting for her to give her boyfriend some lunch she picked up for him. A neighbor stepped out to tell them at the same time my cousin's sister in law received a text. She didn't know I was a fan. She was the one that told me. My verbal reaction was it's probably not true as--let's face it--it's getting around time for another death hoax. But my body language and face gave away that I knew this time it was true. As they drove me back home, my sister called.

"Charli..." she sighed.
"Is it true?" was all I asked.
"Yes." And that is also when she told me about Farrah.

I'm posting on my blog right now about all this. This is hitting me in many different ways and you'll understand why after I publish my post. (edited to add: I forgot I deleted my sig. Here is the url:

Stay strong ya'll.
ironically,i was watching the ending of the bucharest dvd,i was telling my friend 2watch the best outro in live performance history and he read a text and said "oh god" i jokingly said uh oh who died,and he then points @ the tv. im like why are u pointing @ the tv,who died? He said michael,so i stood up and sai dont f*cking play with me right now,hes all "im serious,read my phone" i slapped his phone down and walked over to mine and had 18missed calls. im thinkin why n the hell do i have 18missed calls...and i had 34unread im reading them and they are askin how am i and do i need anything and how sorry they still confused and as i started to scroll my heart dropped,my phone hit the floor and so did i
I was taking an online exam when my mom called me. then I was wathing CNN, then they said he was being hospitalized 4 cardiac arrest, then they said he was in a Comma, then they said they conformed he had passed away.

I cried but i was numb after half an hour. i'm still am. He's still gonna be alive in my heart. I dont know, i just dont know...
I recieved a text from a friend & rushed to the TV just as they were confirming it. I spoke to other fans and then came here. it was the middle of the night before i tried to get some rest.
My dad phoned me and said not to get worried, nothing was confirmed yet (this was about 10:30PM GMT, after he had already gone, but nobody had been told). I was practically glued to the T.V, as well as the internet, as more sites updated with the sad news. Since this all started, people had been phoning and texting telling me, but I already knew about it. Then the main headline at the BBC changed. My life changed. I phoned my Dad to tell him, then my Mum spoke to him after. I couldn't keep the tears in. I don't think anybody knew what his music meant to me. I didn't get much sleep last night.

I came to this board as usual, after a night out with friends. Then I read the thread about the ambulance going into MJ's home. For a moment I thought this was just another silly rumour, but then I saw fans panicking in later posts. That's when I started realising it might be true.
For me it started when I read the amulance thread on here, just after it happened, then I started following the news and stayed on here. I cursed TMZ, for all the times they weren't right, they had to be right about This. A piece of my soul went with him.
i got a call from michaeliscious, she told me he was hospitalized. first we didnt know why, later we found out why and when we found out he died, it was so horrible for us... we spent the whole night on the phone and always told ourselves it couldnt be true... when i heard the statement from jermaine i knew that that is it... :(
I got a text from my brother, but didn't hear it because I was still asleep (6 am). One of my roommates, who has to go to work early, was getting up when here boyfriend cam stumbling out of their room. He told her Michael had passed, loud enough for me to hear it. I was right awake and went straight to my computer to come here. At first MJJC seemed to be down but later I could logg on, only to find out that what I had hoped to be just another sick press prank, was true. :no:
I got up this morning, and my mother told me that she had heard on the radio that Michael was dead. I couldn`t believe it was true, and still can not get my head to accept this even after reading it here. Its surreal. I have no words ro describe this.
My dear friend, also MJ fan, texted me: "horrible things are happening, Micheal Jackson is dead".
I couldn't believe my eyes. Mum had taped the news, I watched them and then I came here. It's true but I still can't believe it.
^ similair to mine.

My friend texted me while i was sleeping saying; OMG are you sleeping till now? Mj died. because of a heart attack!

I stood on my bed tryin to connect to the internet via my phone bu it wont work, finally it did then I read al the threads here and my eyes went lik O_O. I cried. so hard. I am now, here.
My dad woke me up and said in a very rushed voice 'theres some sad news, Michael Jackson's dead' I was like...'oh itl be another lie', he took me downstairs and sky news was on. devastated. i just sat and watched, i still didnt believe it until jermaine came on and gave the statement. i went to try and get on the official michael jackson site forum to talk to people i know on there but it is shut down. I'm still in denial, it was an hour later the tears started flowing. i think its amazing but sad also how all the love is coming out for michael now. on my facebook almost all 300 people im friends with have loving comments on their statuses about michael, people i wouldn't have expected before.
I came on here at about 7:50am my time and I only went through about 11 pages (the server went busy) so I left for school hoping that he is still alive until about 8:40am when I heard on the radio "Creditable sources are saying Michael Jackson is dead". I was just standing there saying the same four words over and over in my head "Michael Jackson is dead". I went outside my deputy principle's office (to see if I could go home) and then the radio station played Beat It then when Billie Jean played I broke down into tears and was sitting there just thinking of the things I now couldn't do (all of them involved Michael). When I heard Jermaine saying that he is dead I felt like swimming all the way to LA to hug Michael's body. I then changed the station and found another station talking about Michael and they played Heal The World and I felt like my life is over. They then played Bad and Thriller (the station rarely plays music as it is a talk back station). This afternoon I was hearing people's stories of Michael at Parramatta stadium performing Billie Jean. They are playing (as I type this) Michael performing Ben (they are going to the football).
I can't handle this.
Everytime they start playing a video or song i just break down again. I dont want MJ's music to make me sad, it always cheered me up.
I woke up this morning June 26 at 7am (here in Australia) which is something like 4pm or something like that in the U.S,,,

it was the most horrible news to wake up to :( I was shaking and in complete shock...

Since then Ive been watching the news and been online to make sure it was true....i am still in shock.. I kept it together for an hour or so after i heard the news but then I saw a tribute to his musical legacy and the set off the tears for me..

RIP Michael we will miss you always
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I came on this board, the first thread my eyes went to was the "Farrah Fawcett dies" thread. I went in there, expressed my sadness and then when I reloaded MJJC I see "Michael Jackson has passed away".

I froze, I went numb and then I started shaking. I started checking TMZ and the news sites thinking "it cant be this easy, he cant just die JUST LIKE THAT." Then reading the news stories, the fans reactions, it slowly started to hit me.

I've never cried this much for another person ever.
As fate would have it, it was my boyfriend. He rang the house phone 5 mins before my alarm was due to go off.... the phone would NOT shut up so I got up, which is unprecidented for me -- and said "mmmnnnnnggeeeh?" and I hear a man's voice saying "Have you heard about Michael Jackson?" (long pause) I said "wut?" Then he told me the news.

It's a good job he did because otherwise I would have gone to work not knowing and I would have only lasted 5 mins in there, before going home in tears. Anyway. The reason I only found out this morning is cos I wasn't well yesterday evening / not online. xx

Rest In Peace Michael. You are home now, in your spiritual realm of The Dance. xxx
I came to this forum that Thursday evening around 10:30 pm and saw the "an ambulance went into Michael Jackson home?!" thread. I hoped this was just another stupid tabloid rumor, but soon I realized it was true... :(

I kept waiting for a statement that said Michael was alive and well, but it never came... :(
I was actually shopping for an outfit to wear at the this is it concerts..
when I came home, I just wanted to watch some entertainment tv show, before I went to sleep. just after 10 minutes after the show the reporters told, that they just got the message that michael jackson was rushed to the hospital. at that time they couldnt really tell anything more than just that his situation was bad and that his mom was on her way to see him.

I immidiatly rushed to several boards, but a lot of boards werent working due to the i logged on on mjfc, because i knew that one didnt had as much visitors as mjcc and therefore would be faster. at that time, the only thing we all knew was that michael was in the hospital. when everyone heard the message came from tmz there was a lot of denial. lots of people saying ''to calm down'' or ''oh its probably one of those lies'', but somehow I knew something was really WRONG.

i cant really recall what happened from there on and now, its to hard and painfull to tell..I hadnt slept that whole evening and during these two horrible days I slept a total of 2 hours and only ate 1 sandwich...I'm so in shock that somehow I cant continue the normal things in life like sleepin and eating. Somehow I feel guilty when I go to bed or eat, because that will give me the feeling that i ''do not care' enough', because I just continue life. I know this is wrong and a stupid thought, but somehow I feel guilty and think I can make up for that by making myself ''sick''. Its all sounds so stupid, but its kinda hard to explain for me.
I watched it all unfold right here on this forum and on the news. Desperately wanted to hear it was all untrue, I still cant believe its all real. This will take a long time to finally sink in and accept.
Same here...but MJJC was unavailable and I immediatly knew something happened. I just didn't imagine HOW horrible...I visited some other MJ forum and I kept hoping he'd be ok but when people started posting that he's in a coma and later that it's over, he's gone...I was awake all night, waiting to wake up. Praying that it was just a cruel joke.
here on mjjc..i was confused as to why so many people were online and then i saw the thread and was first i didnt think it was michael taken to the hospital but maybe a gaurd or i turned on the news..then before you know it, it WAS michael ,then you heard he was in a coma, and before you knew it he was gone..all within minutes.