The day the music died (who told you?)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London via Edinburgh
Tonight my best friend moved to London near where I lived, I have her ticket for THE concert as we are both huge fans. I was SO excited about our concert together and seeing her that I was playing 'Dangerous' concert clips on my phone aloud in the pub and dancing about all night!

We moved on to another bar in camden (this is in London btw) and got a few more rounds in and the nice lady behind the bar gave us the news...then the texts started to roll in.

At first I was screaming 'tabloid' crap but then I managed to read the BBC news page at some point and it sunk in. Oh God.

But I wanted to remember him in a way I think he would like us to so I called for a couple of drinks for my friend and I and toasted to his good name and soon after the bar started to play his greatest hits.

I'm home now and I'm watching him in concert on my wall projector celebrating him in all his awesomeness...I'm sure this is how he would like to be remembered.

I hope nobody thinks badly on the way I have celebrated his life, I can't handle sorrow :(

Forever Michael.
I got a SMS from a danish newsbureau like CNN or BBC, that he was dead.

I hope people are going to the O2 at july 13th to put flowers there and to remember him.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson.
I got a text. I started shaking, crying, "it cant be, it cant be!", struggling to open my laptop to get online (didnt even think of the TV!?) and then saw the reports. Started trying to reach people but no luck. Collapsed crying, my boyfriend shocked by my reaction I think and then wanting to throw up a lot.

Im numb now and cant believe im ok to post to be honest. Dreading tomorrow when i wake up (if i sleep) and wondering where all the fans will meet in london. I need to be with you guys, even if I dont know you, I need fans around. But not sure I can listen to his music for a while.
i was just going to the forums for my daily visit. i haven't even been posting that much lately, just lurking; now I feel terrible about that, I feel like I have been a terrible fan lately. my mom told me and I didn't believe her; I thought it was just another lie by the media. then, a second later i saw the thread titles on here and my heart stopped. i'm not even sure why i'm still posting right now except i'm not sure how i feel. i guess denial/numb would be it so far. :/
My fiance called me while I was driving home, but told me it wasn't confirmed. It was the exact feeling I had when they announced a verdict was reached years ago - pure anxiety.

Before I got home, radio station after radio station confirmed his death. I'm not one to cry, but tears rolled down my face. Absolutely unbelievable.
My sis called me around the time when he was officially dead...

its 3 am, i cant sleep and am shaking so hard i can hardly type
was outside the pub with my pint and my cigar shouting " he he " and singing wanna be starting something with my friend my mate walks out looks at me and says " michael jackson has been rushed into hospital with a heart attack" i walked of in tears nd everyone called me saying its confirmed he had passed
It was about 1AM in my country, I was browsing for info about tours in London and stuff, preparing for our trip for 16th july concert, and then decided to go to sleep, but before I went to General Disscusion to check latest news and ... saw this thread "an ambulance..." ..... It was still unclear at that moment what happend and by munutes goes it was more and more scary, I woke my partner, we phoned our friends, still hoping for the best, but ...... Still now when I see those words "Michael Jackson dead at 50" I shake my head in disbeilef, it can't be true.....
I was watching a DVD with my 2 year old daughter and my wife called and said go on Yahoo or MSN. There's a news story I want to confirm. She said Farrah died, but there was someone else in trouble....the net ran slow so I turned on CNN...there it was...Michael Jackson in cardiac arrest........I have been glued to the news websites and television stations since.

When it was finally confirmed through the major news outlets that he died, I lost it. I lost one of my idols. I remember when Freddie Mercury died of AIDS in '91....that was sad. I was a big fan of Freddie's and still am...but this hurt...this felt like someone took a knife and stabbed me in the f*cking heart. It feels like I was kicked in the stomach.

Why Michael? Why now? I do not understand this.
i think i am there on july 13 in London...
but i cant think right now...we'll see.
I missed my train home from work and got very pissed.
I was listening to some hiphop on my mobile phone and I skipped it to Michael's Bad album so I could calm down and listen to his music while waiting for my next train.

Then suddenly Liberian Girl got interrupted by my text message ringtone with the sad news.....
That's brilliant idea! we can't be at funeral, but we fans can be united in London, all 20000-30000 going to o2 and to remember him.....
Fuck it can't be true..........
I was on MySpace minding my own business when I noticed someone's status popping up

"Michael Jackson is dead..."

I didn't believe it, of course, until I saw a completely different person's status say the same thing.

Naw, it can't be, I thought. Then I started shaking, frantically checking the forum. My friend texted me to say he was pronounced dead at 3:15 and that's when I just knew it was for real. Massive shock... it's very hard.
My mother told me.
She called me down from my room, and the instant I heard her say "Michael Jackson" I knew what was to come.
I haven't cried much, though I know he's dead.
My mind is in denial. It's refusing to let it sink in and become a true reality to me.
My brain doesn't want to believe it. It wants to think he's still out there, living with his kids, wondering about what the next day will be like.
I recently heard someone playing "Black or White" in their car, and I rushed to my window with a smile on my face. But, then the music stopped. My smile faded. I remembered.
I can feel him out there, living a new life, keeping an eye on his children, visiting his fans one by one.

His death.... I know it, but I don't believe it.
Well people who I subscribed to on YouTube talked about the cardiac arrest, I first thought it was a fake rumor by TMZ but it was all confirmed by the end...
when i woke up, i turned on TV and saw on BBC News that King dies, and i'm still in a big shock, i can't believe this happened :(

Rest In Peace Michael Jackson
I was looking up on Farrah Fawcett when I saw the news. It just snowballed from being rushed to hospital, to cardiac arrest, then death. My phone was lighting up off the hook: almost everyone I knew was calling to talk to me about it. Absolutely insane. I was so looking forward to the shows, to see some live singing, to hear the state of his voice and see if he still had it (we all knew he did).

Sadly, all that's left now is the work he's left behind, hopefully we'll see some more of it.
I came online just after 10pm and didn't even get to load up firefox browser before Sean (lilseanb) messaged me 'Have you heard the news' then I instantly loaded up the browser and looked at MJJC and saw MJ rushed to hospital ... and thought ohh No!
This terrible, worse beyond any words could describe
I know he is in a safe place now and will be looking down if not singing and dancing continuing to inspire the human race :)

Michael Jackson the King of Pop, yesterday, today, forever!
I'm still shocked.

I mean he is Michael Jackson - how can he die ??
I was online answering email...I had the tv on in the other room CNN and I looked at the screen and when I read the words "Michael Jackson Dies" I literally lost my breath and was shaking, my heart beating fast...shocked, stunned, still am. My brother and his wife were over early, I am glad I was alone at the time. I didn't really want anyone around me.

I can't imagine what his children and family must be going through now and have to make public statements about his death...God Bless them and my prayers are with all those who loved him for him. Given Mr. Ortega's posts to the public, it sounded as if he was very excited about being on stage again, if not for himself than for the fans and the love of his craft. Here is to a "wonderful person" a sweet and gentle spirit, Michael Jackson. He has done so much good in the world and all without expecting anything in return. I love him for that. His musical talent and loving nature was a gift to all of us that we should treasure for as long as we are here. He was truly one of a kind and lived his life to the fullest. I hope his children get through it, Prince, Paris and Blanket are so heart breaks for them. I miss him so, but I know he is in the lord's hands now, and life is for the living. I just hope I live mine with as much dignity and grace as he did.
I was at a Chinese restaurant with my mom and dad, and one of my sisters text-messaged me asking if I had heard the news. Naturally I thought it was another cruel tabloid joke. But then my second sister texted me the same thing. I thought they had mixed it up with the news of Farrah Fawcett.

In the car, one of the radio stations was playing his music and talking about him having died, which I didn't want to hear at the moment. So when I got home, I turned on the TV, and there it was, big as life.

I am literally shaking with grief right now. It's like I'm in another world. I just came back from a social gathering with friends and it took all of my resolve not to fall apart in front of everyone. They all were very sympathetic with me, and they too were shocked of the news.

We went to a TGI Fridays, where all they played was Michael's music. It helped to cheer me up a bit, knowing that his music and legacy will always live on, but I keep thinking, why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it have been one of his critics, like Gloria Allred, Nancy (dis)Grace, or Diane Dimond? Why not them? They are evil people. Michael was heaven on earth!
It was this morning and my stepdad had rang my mum up from work. He said to her "michael jackson has passed away" and my mumw as like "What? yeh right..." and then mum told me what he said, i ran to the tv and as soon as i saw......i fell down to the ground..
i was at work teaching little kids sports, got a text from a friend saying Mj was rushed to the hospital, i was shaking but had to deal with the kids without breaking down, then a car drove by blasting "rock with you", and i knew he was then dead.
i was watching channel 4 when the ad breaks came on, flicked over to sky news and it flashed up that he had been taken to the hospital.
I rushed upstairs to check out the forum and then read the news.
I got a text from Renata here asking if I'd heard the news...I had no idea because I was watching a film with my bf. I had a really awful feeling so put CNN on which at the time said he had suffered cardiac arrest. As they hadn't confirmed anything I was hoping it was something blown up by the media and I waited for what must have been about 2 hours for it to be confirmed. God, that was one of the worst nights of my life. It's now 5am and I still can't sleep. I just wanna wake up and it was all a bad dream.