The breakdown on "Morphine"

I used to always think he was singing 'Deborah, Deborah oh god hes taking Deborah' as in Debbie Rowe his ex wife.

mouahahaha when i bought the album in 1997 i was 13 years old. and my english was very very poor. so what i understood was

"debbie rowe, debbie rowe, oh god it is debbie rowe" LOL. it didnt make sense at all but it doesnt matter to a 13 year old kid ;)

but for me it is the best song on the album. i absolutely LOVE the breakdown part. i always thought that it is about his own condition years ago, but wasnt sure. as michael said so often "people think that singers sing about themselves in the songs which is not true most of the time". but of course, its very clear that childhood, SIM and for example scream are about himself. so why not morphine?

i really love it, just listened to it in the car this morning while i was driving to work :)