The breakdown on "Morphine"

I'm dying for a different type of Michael's concert. Either unplugged or in some kind of a hall, with orchestra ... I wish he would focus more on his voice now than before... Wouldn't it be cool to hear songs like Morphine,Give in to me, Is it scary, Will you be there unplugged or with orchestra???
I would always imagine him singing that part standing in front of a microphone...PITCH DARK stage except for a dim foggy spotlight. Eyes closed. Acapella.

(shivers) unplugged version would be so cool, it would be great to play a few small live shows for promottion.
I would always imagine him singing that part standing in front of a microphone...PITCH DARK stage except for a dim foggy spotlight. Eyes closed. Acapella.



I think you just killed me...
That's exactly what I wanna see :( :( :(
That part the first time i heard it...made me CRY like a BABY. It was the most beautifully composed thing EVER. That song reads like poetry...using the sounds to actually represent emotions and experiences.

The first time i heard the break down, I'll never forget it it, the SHOCK of it, the instrumentation makes you feel as if you are literally THROWN into another foggy state of consciousness, like the "drug" is actually taking effect, releasing all of the anger and grit we've experienced in the beginning. And it is SO beautiful...his voice, my goodness, it's HAUNTING. The flutes, the violins..all of the instrumentation...just chilling chilling chilling. And I just love how he has that faint talking in the background, hospital sounds and stuff (i know it's from a movie of some sort)..but its kinda like reality is faded in the back and its overshadowed by the floating flutes and violins...i mean that break down is more than just a good part of the song, its a real EXPERIENCE. The man is a genius!

ANd the fact that the ending of the breakdown is just as sudden and abrupt as the opening is even more JARRING. I think Morphine is one of his most brilliant songs. really. IMAGINE...IMAGINE! If he performed it LIVE! I would DIE.

Yeah, actually, the woman who says "You heard what the doctor said" is from "The Elaphant Man". It's used brilliantly because it gives off the impression that Michael is under some kind of drug-induced state and his care is under another's control, like he's left vulnerable. And my Dad also pointed out, while listening to the song, that you can hear the sound of a ventilation machine going while the bridge is happening. You know, like a machine that allows you to breath when you can't on your own, like he was on the brink of death or something, which is accurate, if you've read in his father's book that he wasn't able to eat except introvenusly, and he was really sick and weak at that time. It's scary intense, that song, and it just shows how freightening and REAL Michael's ordeal with pain killers was.
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Gosh...its funny you mentioned Unplugged...Ive been wanting Mr.Jackson to do such a concert in that format for some time now...
what was this song truely about any way. i love this song so much plz break it down to me
And my Dad also pointed out, while listening to the song, that you can hear the sound of a ventilation machine going while the bridge is happening. You know, like a machine that allows you to breath when you can't on your own, like he was on the brink of death or something, which is accurate, if you've read in his father's book that he wasn't able to eat except introvenusly, and he was really sick and weak at that time. It's scary intense, that song, and it just shows how freightening and REAL Michael's ordeal with pain killers was.
Yes, you can clearly hear the respirator during the breakdown...:(
The lyrics in the breakdown part brings this look on my face---:mad: "Relax...this won't hurt you. Before I put it in, close your eyes and count to ten. Don't cry I won't convert you. There's no need to dismay. Close your eyes and drift away..." Just imagine the depth of pain he was in....:no: And thanks Nicole, I just assumed the song is about his struggle and the painkiller, but wasn't so sure.

And I've always thought the breakdown sounds like a musical tune, which can be very dramatic depending on changing scenes, just like the way the whole song flows before and after the part. I'm not into or familiar with musical tunes. Just based on the ones I've heard.
I love this song and the lyrics are mighty damn powerful. Love the breakdown bit the best though! :wild:
that part is amazing. wow imagine that live - Michael on piano and singing... AHHH!

That would be great to see! I love the breakdown in "Morphine". Powerful lyrics and song overall. One of his best yet most underrated songs.
yeah, love that part too..
the breakdown.. omg. thats amazing.

the song is simply sooo good & powerful in all.
I made this several months ago, I just thought the instrumentation of the breakdown was epic, So I removed the vocals, lowered pitch and reversed it, also added some effects

The first time I heard this song was about '01 or '02. I was with riding around with some friends and we were blasting BOTDF, dancing in the car and just generally being the dorks we are. Morphine came on and we were just jammin away, then the bridge came on... we all just stopped and listened. Tears were rolling down my face and I was so focused on the song that I didn't even notice! My friends were looking at me like I'd lost my damn mind, but I could hear the pain in his voice, and it made me cry. The way he orchestrated the breakdown is absolutely masterful. IMO it's one of his best works.
it's a great song with all 3 parts;and the fact that it's real makes it even more intense!
I don't know about the rest of you, but that song helps me release my anger. :D :yes:
Michael (or his producers) is the master of breakdowns.
Like, in scream, when it stops... and BAMM back on track. Epic stuff.
I also love the little ethnic emotional part towards the end of Speed Demon.
Michael once said in an interview that when he writes a song he likes to change directions within a song because it keeps the listeners attention. The interview was Thriller era I thing and I don't remember his exact words.
Michael is a genius at composing songs and I absolutely love the breakdown in Morphine.
I don't know about the rest of you, but that song helps me release my anger. :D :yes:
I'm sure you're not alone. I could sure use this song when I get mad. Even the breakdown sounds like something to express reserved anger mixed with sadness and then he goes back to those powerful parts.
i was just about about to make a thread on this song when i ironically scrolled down the page and found that there was already one! lol

i just heard this song for the first time last night(i kno i kno im very late dont remind me)
anyhoo.....LOVED IT!!...especially the break down...i heard somewhere that this song was written because of his addiction to morphine in real life, does anone know if there is any truth to that....

now, some of the lyrics i dont understand...i was wondering if you all culd help me?
what exactly do the verses mean? minus the breakdown