the "aaaaaw he's sweet" picture thread!!

Um, basically every picture he's ever taken would make me say "awww, he's sweet" lol. I mean come far are we gonna go with this thread.

ha yeah course.....we'll be able to keep the thread going forever, no problem
this is a very "aawww" pic for me.

so, everybody: aaaaaawwwwwwww!!! :D

I love the video too! And I would love to hear that song with Michael's voice only! :D

*says awwwwwwwwww a million more times*

Please post more pics awwwwwwwwwwwww! :p
Speechless........seriosuly....Almost every single pic make me go "Oh so sweet so caring so lovely so cute...":wub: You know what? I've never seen this amount of pics of him before. So, just guess which state of mind I'm at right now!....My head is spinnin... @.@

He's got himself taken pictures countless times all his life including these....and he didn't pose or make faces every single time (even if he would've tried to, he couldn't have for every single shot), so I strongly feel he's got such qualities that this thread is made for in him. Through what's inside as well as his looks. We feel warmth and sweetness just oooozing out of 'em. I say, "Can you feel at (=it)!!!!!!!" That's who he is and the pics do show the side, IMO;D

Thanks a lot for all the pics everyone!
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I can't find my original of this pic, but here's a siggy I made of one my favorite adorable pics...
