the "aaaaaw he's sweet" picture thread!!

you're welcome can add it to the collection of those rare pics where he wears a red jacket!!!!!!
I love the red jacket one.

Don't know if this one has been posted:
^omg the first one :lol: it made me laugh loool its like ''uhm..sorry I didn't hear you, can you say it one more time''? :lol: like a kid scared from his mom
ive just been through all 19!! pages :lol: i just had to look at all of the beautifull picuters thanks everyone for posting them :wub: these two are deffinately my favourate by far!
sorry if these have already been posted:


^ that red shirt goes good with him.. I think red and blue is a good color for him.
^^ How cute, you can totally tell they really loved him, I mean which child wouldn't love Michael, he has got to be the most fun adult ever!
^^ How cute, you can totally tell they really loved him, I mean which child wouldn't love Michael, he has got to be the most fun adult ever!

I know..LMP kids may have missed Michael. he seems like he would be a fun father to have.even having him as an uncle would be pretty cool :p yes MJ is loved by children and every fan of his :)
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