Teddy Riley quoted as saying Michael was murdered

No, homicide doesn't neccesarily imply murder, I didn't say otherwise... but it can indeed include it. So it's not at all an absurd idea.

Also, you might not agree it was murder, but Teddy does think so... and he did know him, well. He knew what was going on in Michael's life. And he is not crazy nor anything, as far as we can know...

Yes, he thinks it´s really about murder. But as much as he knew a lot about Michael´s life, La Toya did too... And yet she said and still do say such absurd things about him, as me and you know. She also talked about murder. Ok, but you could consider her not like a "normal" person and you could say she falls into the "crazy" category and that what she says is not credible, what I personally agree! But what about what Karen Faye has been saying about MJ´s health by supporting the "This Not It" campaign even after the autopsy information come out? Wasn´t she close enough to see that Michael was not ill? Maybe Teddy Riley may know what is he talking about (what I personally don´t believe), but what the evidences can show is that the fact of someone know Michael Jackson closely doesn´t mean very much these days...