Teddy Riley quoted as saying Michael was murdered

If you want to figure out "conspiracies" - start close with the family, then follow the dots outward.

Why would you want to figure out conspiracies, exactly? Has this family not paid enough of a price? Isn't this family now the only family Michael's children have? Leave them alone. It's ghoulish and cruel.
Why would you want to figure out conspiracies, exactly? Has this family not paid enough of a price? Isn't this family now the only family Michael's children have? Leave them alone. It's ghoulish and cruel.

What's ghoulish and cruel is that the Jacksons are feeding off of the MJ3's pain from losing their father.

They are making MONEY off the children's pain with every tabloid and press agency they speak to ABOUT the children's pain.

Just like they did to their dad. Selling every bit of information.

To take advantage of a child's pain, and SELL IT to the media is HEINOUS and awful.

Not to mention all the trouble and money problems they caused MJ the past 8-9 years. It's awful.

Randy & Jermaine have a LOT of explaining to do when it comes to the money deals they convinced MJ to do in the last years of his life.

And nothing nor no one can take that away from me.
What's ghoulish and cruel is that the Jacksons are feeding off of the MJ3's pain from losing their father.

They are making MONEY off the children's pain with every tabloid and press agency they speak to ABOUT the children's pain.

Just like they did to their dad. Selling every bit of information.

To take advantage of a child's pain, and SELL IT to the media is HEINOUS and awful.

Not to mention all the trouble and money problems they caused MJ the past 8-9 years. It's awful.

Randy & Jermaine have a LOT of explaining to do when it comes to the money deals they convinced MJ to do in the last years of his life.

And nothing nor no one can take that away from me.

so true..:doh:
Could this be the onset of more and more celebrities coming forward and supporting the truth being told?

I am glad Teddy Riley spoke out! Kudos to him for doing it.
if they do hopefully they have some real evidence cause all its doing is taking it away from murray and the media are doing a good enough job of that on their own without help from others
I have always believed he was murdered. Certain people did not want him to make a come back. Four months and this is just as bad as June 25. I feel Murray was just "the needle" who injected this. The stupid puppet. :(
Oh God! I just wish the truth comes out and people who did this to him pay
once and for all.
when I see the the evidence , I'll believe it . as for now no one but murray is responible .
Maybe he was trying to say that Murray isn't the only person that "killed" MJ... We know Murray administered the drugs but I guess Riley was saying that others killed him in a different way..

I hope he really meant it.

when I see the the evidence , I'll believe it . as for now no one but murray is responible .

I can´t believe in conspiracy theories untill they are proved. For me thinking he was murdered is in the same level than to think he pretended his death and that he´s coming back next year. It´s happening all the time: all the big events has conspiracy theories from behind that never are proved. I don´t believe in murder, I believe in medical negligence.
I hope he really meant it.

I can´t believe in conspiracy theories untill they are proved. For me thinking he was murdered is in the same level than to think he pretended his death and that he´s coming back next year. It´s happening all the time: all the big events has conspiracy theories from behind that never are proved. I don´t believe in murder, I believe in medical negligence.

It's not at all the same. Michael's death has been ruled a himicide. The posibility of it having been murder is not absurd at all. The idea of him faking his death, on the other hand...

Also, Teddy clearly did NOT mean to say that otehr people killed him for giving him prescriptions and staff. He said: "Somebody didn't like something he said or something he's doing or didn't want him to go to the top so they had to get rid of him".
i agree with Teddy but only man is left holding the bag,but it is obvious it was a take down of a strong minded Black Man.
ugghhh i was believing every word of this article until they said he died on the 26th of june.....yeah that just messed it up for me. its a tabloid..
It's not at all the same. Michael's death has been ruled a homicide. The posibility of it having been murder is not absurd at all. The idea of him faking his death, on the other hand...

Yes. Also, Teddy clearly did NOT mean to say that otehr people killed him for giving him prescriptions and staff. He said: "Somebody didn't like something he said or something he's doing or didn't want him to go to the top so they had to get rid of him".

I think we should take Teddy's comments at face-value. He was saying what he believed, and he had genuine and prolonged contact with Michael. Michael has said at various times that there were "people out to get him." He cannot explain, now, and we may never know. Sadly, all we have are statements of people who knew and talked to him.

Michael's death HAS been ruled as a homicide.
There are many levels to a homicide charge, but it is more than simple "negligence."

And finally, please, if only for personal well-being, do not go down the road of Michael's "faking his own death?" He was a loving person and surely knew the consequences of doing that. I can't imagine that he would DO that to fans or family. As much as we might wish it to be so. . . uhm, no. . . .
ugghhh i was believing every word of this article until they said he died on the 26th of june.....yeah that just messed it up for me. its a tabloid..
Maybe they said it happened on June 26th because the article is from Australian media. Where I'm living it was already June 26th when the news came.
Maybe they said it happened on June 26th because the article is from Australian media. Where I'm living it was already June 26th when the news came.

The Australian is in fact a very conservative paper...more conservative than the Times in the UK...so it is not a tabloid...
And yep we in Australia we got the news on the 26th around 745 am...hence the 26th
True, and I believe that ...

Michael was indeed killed... period... he loved life too much, his kids and was going to have a great comeback... i agree, he was taken away from us.
Maybe he was trying to say that Murray isn't the only person that "killed" MJ... We know Murray administered the drugs but I guess Riley was saying that others killed him in a different way..
I felt the same from his words. I agree with him 100%. Go Teddy Go Teddy! I'm thankful he and Mike were tight. I remember the interview where Teddy said they had talked just about everything from parenting, women, relationships, music, etc. and shared secrets that he said he would never tell anybody.
August 7 :
In what could be one of the biggest conspiracies in entertainment history, documents have been sent to Michael Jackson, and his representatives, which reveal a deliberate plan by some former attorneys as well as associates and advisors, to force Mr. Jackson into involuntary bankruptcy.The documents reveal that former attorneys actively solicited other attorneys, vendors and creditors to “join in a petition to place the client in involuntary bankruptcy.”Mr. Jackson who, on June 27, 2006, announced sweeping organizational changes, has instructed his legal team to investigate and file claims against those responsible for conspiracy, bad faith, and self dealing. These efforts may also result in civil and/or criminal charges, where appropriate.In addition, there is a strong possibility that these documents will be forwarded to the U.S. Attorney General for review and possible involvement.“Mr. Jackson is neither shocked or surprised by these revelations,” says Raymone K. Bain, Michael Jackson’s General Manager. “Based on the timing of events that have impacted his personal and professional life in recent years,he has long been suspicious that some of those whom he entrusted to act on his behalf, and to advise him with respect to his personal and business affairs, may not have always acted in his best interests

Just goes to show you anything is POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I perfectly remember that.

Thanks for caring, Teddy
Randy in cahrge of his affairs or not. It doesn't change the fact that OUTSIDERS were trying to take him down. For years there have been talks about conspircies against MJ. I was a little girl and i remember hearing that a lo of people in the industry wasn't too happy about a BLACK MAN owning the Beatles Catalogue and having too much power. That why the "white " press gave him so much grief. And before anyone come in here telling me I'm playing the RACE CARD Mike mentioned that too on THE RABBI tapes. Anyway I grew up hearing that as a child.

BTW who knows if that article is legit. Might be a tabloid.

I do not think that we deal here with crazy racist issues. It is too simple. This was matter of controlling him. Michael never was under their control. They tried for years to get him under mafia Hollywood business syndicate, but he said “they want my soul, but I am giving it to them”. I think we are dealing here not only with financial aspects, we have to look much deeper. Michael passed a msg. all over the world about healing the world etc. The financial aspect took a place only as an instrument to take him down. The same about false allegations. They tried to put him in jail to make sure that the world will remember him as a child molester. They couldn’t break this man, he is unbreakable.God bless.
What's ghoulish and cruel is that the Jacksons are feeding off of the MJ3's pain from losing their father.

They are making MONEY off the children's pain with every tabloid and press agency they speak to ABOUT the children's pain.

Just like they did to their dad. Selling every bit of information.

To take advantage of a child's pain, and SELL IT to the media is HEINOUS and awful.

Not to mention all the trouble and money problems they caused MJ the past 8-9 years. It's awful.

Randy & Jermaine have a LOT of explaining to do when it comes to the money deals they convinced MJ to do in the last years of his life.

And nothing nor no one can take that away from me.

Leave this family alone pls! They didn't kill Michael. It was NOT their interest. Get real!
I do not think that we deal here with crazy racist issues. It is too simple. This was matter of controlling him. Michael never was under their control. They tried for years to get him under mafia Hollywood business syndicate, but he said “they want my soul, but I am giving it to them”. I think we are dealing here not only with financial aspects, we have to look much deeper. Michael passed a msg. all over the world about healing the world etc. The financial aspect took a place only as an instrument to take him down. The same about false allegations. They tried to put him in jail to make sure that the world will remember him as a child molester. They couldn’t break this man, he is unbreakable.God bless.

I agree with you
I think we should take Teddy's comments at face-value. He was saying what he believed, and he had genuine and prolonged contact with Michael. Michael has said at various times that there were "people out to get him." He cannot explain, now, and we may never know. Sadly, all we have are statements of people who knew and talked to him.
Michael's death HAS been ruled as a homicide.[/I] There are many levels to a homicide charge, but it is more than simple "negligence."

It's not at all the same. Michael's death has been ruled a himicide. The posibility of it having been murder is not absurd at all. The idea of him faking his death, on the other hand...

Also, Teddy clearly did NOT mean to say that otehr people killed him for giving him prescriptions and staff. He said: "Somebody didn't like something he said or something he's doing or didn't want him to go to the top so they had to get rid of him".

Yeah, you guys are right, Teddy didn´t mean it by saying that. When he says Michael was murdered he REALLY means it although I´d prefer understanding it in another way, cause I totally desagree. But I don´t agree wth you, because the fact it´s been ruled as a homicide doesn´t imply in murder as well. Surely Dr. Murray is GUILTY, it´s really not a simple negliglence, for God sake, it´s not simple as well as taking off somebody´s life it´s not simple! But anyway I don´t think it´s more than a negligence. I don´t believe in murder conspiration and that others could be related with his death. Obviously Michael Jackson, as a public, famous and important person, it´s sure that there would be many that wouldn´t like him and that were willing to cause prejudice to him. It happens with all people that are subjected to a lot of exposure. People are jealous. But he was an adult, he knew how to take care about himself. C´mon, he was not stupid, naive, and he was not as accessible.

And finally, please, if only for personal well-being, do not go down the road of Michael's "faking his own death?" He was a loving person and surely knew the consequences of doing that. I can't imagine that he would DO that to fans or family. As much as we might wish it to be so. . . uhm, no. . . .

I totally agree with that, I don´t think he would be able to do that, even for personal well-being. it´s not something that matches with his actions and ideas in life...
at least he is telling the truth , others could not .
Murray knew MJ more than six months and was able to help him for along time , why suddenly he made a horrible mistake , a mistake even a child would not commit.
I dont know how much time Murray acted as the Michael Jackson doctor, but I ASK MY SELF THE SAME, was that a real mistake...? was it really a MISTAKE?...
So a child can easily administer propofol? How strange you think so, when every medical expert in this country has insisted it can only admninistered IN AN OPERATING ROOM WITH A TEAM OF TRAINED PROFESSIONALS, and that to use it in a private home to sleep is UNPRECEDENTED AND INSANELY DANGEROUS. I repeat, this was nightly Russian Roulette, and it was just a matter of time before the bullet in the right chamber fired.

Your ignorance of these simple facts is what's leading you to these claims of murder. Please re-read the worldwide shock by doctors to hear of such a crazy use for propofol. They were simply stunned that anyone would take such an insane risk.

There seems to be a general lack of basic science, probability and logic throughout these threads that is most disconcerting.

I appreciate your post very much! The use of propofol at home conducted by a non qualified person and outside or an hospital monitored room was an insane act of irresponsibility from Murray to practice on Michael. Murray was criminal in all aspects in the Mj's case. The facts do speak for themselves, we just have to accept it. We all do know what caused Michael's passing...
I appreciate your post very much! The use of propofol at home conducted by a non qualified person and outside or an hospital monitored room was an insane act of irresponsibility from Murray to practice on Michael. Murray was criminal in all aspects in the Mj's case. The facts do speak for themselves, we just have to accept it. We all do know what caused Michael's passing...
I agree
Yeah, you guys are right, Teddy didn´t mean it by saying that. When he says Michael was murdered he REALLY means it although I´d prefer understanding it in another way, cause I totally desagree. But I don´t agree wth you, because the fact it´s been ruled as a homicide doesn´t imply in murder as well. Surely Dr. Murray is GUILTY, it´s really not a simple negliglence, for God sake, it´s not simple as well as taking off somebody´s life it´s not simple! But anyway I don´t think it´s more than a negligence. I don´t believe in murder conspiration and that others could be related with his death. Obviously Michael Jackson, as a public, famous and important person, it´s sure that there would be many that wouldn´t like him and that were willing to cause prejudice to him. It happens with all people that are subjected to a lot of exposure. People are jealous. But he was an adult, he knew how to take care about himself. C´mon, he was not stupid, naive, and he was not as accessible.

No, homicide doesn't neccesarily imply murder, I didn't say otherwise... but it can indeed include it. So it's not at all an absurd idea.

Also, you might not agree it was murder, but Teddy does think so... and he did know him, well. He knew what was going on in Michael's life. And he is not crazy nor anything, as far as we can know...