Teddy Riley quoted as saying Michael was murdered

I love Teddy Riley to death, but when I read what's written it's like Teddy don't know what he's talking about - almost like he's confused himself.

I mean, Murray has more or less admitted that he took Michael's life.
(oh how sad it makes me to write that)
I love Teddy Riley to death, but when I read what's written it's like Teddy don't know what he's talking about - almost like he's confused himself.

I mean, Murray has more or less admitted that he took Michael's life.
(oh how sad it makes me to write that)

I know - it confuses me too (also I love Teddy). I wonder if Teddy was misquoted.
Maybe he was trying to say that Murray isn't the only person that "killed" MJ... We know Murray administered the drugs but I guess Riley was saying that others killed him in a different way..
at least he is telling the truth , others could not .
Murray knew MJ more than six months and was able to help him for along time , why suddenly he made a horrible mistake , a mistake even a child would not commit.
Maybe he was trying to say that Murray isn't the only person that "killed" MJ... We know Murray administered the drugs but I guess Riley was saying that others killed him in a different way..

I agree with you. I think he's saying that Murray may have been the one who made a "mistake" and killed MJ but that the "mistake" was actually planned by someone else.

I don't know what to believe. I do know Murray is where it ends, but I wonder where it all begins :(
I think Teddy speaks from the heart & it puts pressure on everyone to remember that Michael was indeed murdered.

I approve of Teddy's comment.
Im glad that teddy riley has spoken out bout this
says he and Jackson's family are confident they know who the pop artist's killer is and that they will be caught soon.

yeah murray. doh! he even admitted it.

We've got so many people we think it could be. It's going to come out.

well u will get a job with the FBI with those sorts of statements. stupid article that doesnt help one bit. stick the known facts than making it look like some conspiracy
Net 'closing in on Jackson murderer'

By Miles Godfrey | October 25, 2009

Article from: Australian Associated Press
MICHAEL Jackson was murdered and his killer will be caught soon, one of his closest friends in showbusiness says.
Teddy Riley, co-producer of Jackson's multi-platinum Dangerous album and founding member of R&B band Blackstreet, says he and Jackson's family are confident they know who the pop artist's killer is and that they will be caught soon.

Blackstreet are in Australia as VIP guests for Wednesday's world premiere of the film about Jackson's life, This Is It.

Asked if Jackson was murdered, Riley told AAP: "I said that the first day.

"I called the family and I said listen, 'He was murdered'.

"Somebody didn't like something he said or something he's doing or didn't want him to go to the top so they had to get rid of him."

Riley worked extensively with Jackson over the last 18 years and counted himself a close personal friend.

Blackstreet co-founder Chauncey Hannibal agrees the singer was murdered.

Jackson's family have accused those close to the singer of murdering him and the Los Angeles County coroner has ruled Jackson's death was a homicide caused primarily by Propofol and another sedative.

Riley and Hannibal saw Jackson two days before he died on June 26, in rehearsal for his planned comeback sell-out tour in London.

Riley said Jackson was in "great health" just prior to his death but admitted he did suffer some pain because of his skin.

Asked who killed the singer, Riley replied: "You're going to find out.

"We've got so many people we think it could be. It's going to come out.

"He was doing so great at his rehearsals. I was over at the studio two days before ... two days later he was gone.

"He was in great health. Only thing that bothered him is he gets in pain. When he works hard, he gets home, he's in pain because of his skin. Other than that he was in great shape."

Riley said no current artist would ever enjoy the iconic status achieved by Jackson.

"(His death) has definitely affected us really badly, our whole family, we still think he's here, people think Elvis still lives, well Michael Jackson lives on in a lot of people's hearts."

Blackstreet are playing a two date mini tour of Australia in December.

They will be at Sydney Olympic Park Sports Centre on December 4 and The Forum, Melbourne on December 6.

It is the first time the band has played in Australia and is likely to feature some Jackson tribute material.
We fans have to realize we DON"T know everything happening in Mike's leife. We are just some people who are fans of him sitting behind a screen SPECULATING. We are NOT close to him. There were alot of conspiracies going on in his life. One of them happened in 2006 :

August 7 :
In what could be one of the biggest conspiracies in entertainment history, documents have been sent to Michael Jackson, and his representatives, which reveal a deliberate plan by some former attorneys as well as associates and advisors, to force Mr. Jackson into involuntary bankruptcy.The documents reveal that former attorneys actively solicited other attorneys, vendors and creditors to “join in a petition to place the client in involuntary bankruptcy.”Mr. Jackson who, on June 27, 2006, announced sweeping organizational changes, has instructed his legal team to investigate and file claims against those responsible for conspiracy, bad faith, and self dealing. These efforts may also result in civil and/or criminal charges, where appropriate.In addition, there is a strong possibility that these documents will be forwarded to the U.S. Attorney General for review and possible involvement.“Mr. Jackson is neither shocked or surprised by these revelations,” says Raymone K. Bain, Michael Jackson’s General Manager. “Based on the timing of events that have impacted his personal and professional life in recent years,he has long been suspicious that some of those whom he entrusted to act on his behalf, and to advise him with respect to his personal and business affairs, may not have always acted in his best interests

Just goes to show you anything is POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
We fans have to realize we DON"T know everything happening in Mike's leife. We are just some people who are fans of him sitting behind a screen SPECULATING. We are NOT close to him. There were alot of conspiracies going on in his life. One of them happened in 2006 :

August 7 :
In what could be one of the biggest conspiracies in entertainment history, documents have been sent to Michael Jackson, and his representatives, which reveal a deliberate plan by some former attorneys as well as associates and advisors, to force Mr. Jackson into involuntary bankruptcy.The documents reveal that former attorneys actively solicited other attorneys, vendors and creditors to “join in a petition to place the client in involuntary bankruptcy.”Mr. Jackson who, on June 27, 2006, announced sweeping organizational changes, has instructed his legal team to investigate and file claims against those responsible for conspiracy, bad faith, and self dealing. These efforts may also result in civil and/or criminal charges, where appropriate.In addition, there is a strong possibility that these documents will be forwarded to the U.S. Attorney General for review and possible involvement.“Mr. Jackson is neither shocked or surprised by these revelations,” says Raymone K. Bain, Michael Jackson’s General Manager. “Based on the timing of events that have impacted his personal and professional life in recent years,he has long been suspicious that some of those whom he entrusted to act on his behalf, and to advise him with respect to his personal and business affairs, may not have always acted in his best interests

Just goes to show you anything is POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, this was when Randy was in charge of his affairs, Brian Oxman, the Dieter dude & Mark the weird pron director.
I know - it confuses me too (also I love Teddy). I wonder if Teddy was misquoted.

Maybe he was trying to say that Murray isn't the only person that "killed" MJ... We know Murray administered the drugs but I guess Riley was saying that others killed him in a different way..

Yeah I think it's something like that also.

It depends on what you claim to be a murdered also.
I mean, I'm certain that Murray isn't the only doctor providing Michael with drugs over the years - but I think that the one who is responsible for whatever took Michael life that night is Murray.
I think Teddy speaks from the heart & it puts pressure on everyone to remember that Michael was indeed murdered.
I approve of Teddy's comment.

I approve of Teddy's comment, also.
As we celebrate the creative genius of
Michael Jackson with the opening of "This Is It",
let us not forget that the "who, what, when, where, how, and
why surrounding Michael Jackson's early death remains
a mystery.
God, thank you for Michael Jackson. Protect Michael's children,
and please, be forever with us all. :angel:
Yeah, this was when Randy was in charge of his affairs, Brian Oxman, the Dieter dude & Mark the weird pron director.

Randy in cahrge of his affairs or not. It doesn't change the fact that OUTSIDERS were trying to take him down. For years there have been talks about conspircies against MJ. I was a little girl and i remember hearing that a lo of people in the industry wasn't too happy about a BLACK MAN owning the Beatles Catalogue and having too much power. That why the "white " press gave him so much grief. And before anyone come in here telling me I'm playing the RACE CARD Mike mentioned that too on THE RABBI tapes. Anyway I grew up hearing that as a child.

BTW who knows if that article is legit. Might be a tabloid.
You're not playing a "race card" when it's the truth.

Normally in "race card" situations, it's a desperate attempt to shut down an opponent by accusing them of racism.

And "race card" is only thrown when a person of color has no validity to an argument and then as a "hail mary pass", they throw the race card to see if it sticks.

MJ knew that Tommy Mottola's problem with him was because MJ didn't want Tommy forcing him to put TOmmy as an "Executive Producer" when Tommy didn't do a damn thing to make the album. Tommy had a corrupt habit of skimming royalties off albums by declaring himself an "executive producer" like he did with a lot of other Sony Artists. MJ would not have any of it.

Then of course, MJs ownership in Sony-ATV was another point of contention.

Tommy Mottola RUINED the Latin Music industry as well as the General Market industry because he exacerbated an already corrupt medium, but took it to 11.

If you didn't play by his rules, they'd blacklist you for infinity. Many of Mottola's proteges stole millions off of other artists & songwriters for decades. Some of the luckier ones sued and won. Some are still in court over it.

Randy in cahrge of his affairs or not. It doesn't change the fact that OUTSIDERS were trying to take him down. For years there have been talks about conspircies against MJ. I was a little girl and i remember hearing that a lo of people in the industry wasn't too happy about a BLACK MAN owning the Beatles Catalogue and having too much power. That why the "white " press gave him so much grief. And before anyone come in here telling me I'm playing the RACE CARD Mike mentioned that too on THE RABBI tapes. Anyway I grew up hearing that as a child.

BTW who knows if that article is legit. Might be a tabloid.
Randy in cahrge of his affairs or not. It doesn't change the fact that OUTSIDERS were trying to take him down. For years there have been talks about conspircies against MJ. I was a little girl and i remember hearing that a lo of people in the industry wasn't too happy about a BLACK MAN owning the Beatles Catalogue and having too much power. That why the "white " press gave him so much grief. And before anyone come in here telling me I'm playing the RACE CARD Mike mentioned that too on THE RABBI tapes. Anyway I grew up hearing that as a child.

BTW who knows if that article is legit. Might be a tabloid.

Randy isn't an outsider. i am just sayin'.

Him & Oxman are like 2 peas in a pod.

August 7 :
In what could be one of the biggest conspiracies in entertainment history, documents have been sent to Michael Jackson, and his representatives, which reveal a deliberate plan by some former attorneys as well as associates and advisors, to force Mr. Jackson into involuntary bankruptcy.The documents reveal that former attorneys actively solicited other attorneys, vendors and creditors to “join in a petition to place the client in involuntary bankruptcy.”Mr. Jackson who, on June 27, 2006, announced sweeping organizational changes, has instructed his legal team to investigate and file claims against those responsible for conspiracy, bad faith, and self dealing. These efforts may also result in civil and/or criminal charges, where appropriate.In addition, there is a strong possibility that these documents will be forwarded to the U.S. Attorney General for review and possible involvement.“Mr. Jackson is neither shocked or surprised by these revelations,” says Raymone K. Bain, Michael Jackson’s General Manager. “Based on the timing of events that have impacted his personal and professional life in recent years,he has long been suspicious that some of those whom he entrusted to act on his behalf, and to advise him with respect to his personal and business affairs, may not have always acted in his best interests

Just goes to show you anything is POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Link, please.
You know, I remember how back in the day, somewhere after MJ was aquitted. There was a user on this board, that said that she went to a psychic, to ask about Michael, when he was during the trial. And this psychic, told her, that "MJ will be aquitted", but also that, "there are gonna be some people in there, with him, and they will end up getting him", that's how I remember it read. And this user, had opinion at that time, that this could be related, to some people that were sueing him than. When I read this by heart immideately jumped. But now, we see, what it was all about...
Michael was murdered, there is no doubt about that. However, there is a lot leading up to this, that we do not really know about. I know that they did not like that a Black man can conquer the world with this magnitude. Of course they had to bring him down. However, it ended up with people all over the world loving him more than ever.
Murray holds the key as to why Michael died. We have to wait and see what comes out.
I am quite sure he will have a lot to say about others involved.
I hope that the DA is not bias and one who accepts bribe. This is LA we are talking about here.
I know damn well he is not an insider. But "HIM and OXMAN" was not part of that conspiracy.

Think again & do your research.

When Randy was in charge of MJs financial affairs in the mid-2000s, Randy RUINED MJ, and was the catalyst for a ton of lawsuits that the estate are still settling today.

Randy Jackson has a LOT of fault for MJs financial collapse which forced him to do the Colony deal, pressed and brought on by another brother, Jermaine.

Sorry, but to say that the Jackson boys are innocent is FALSE.
urray knew MJ more than six months and was able to help him for along time , why suddenly he made a horrible mistake , a mistake even a child would not commit.

So a child can easily administer propofol? How strange you think so, when every medical expert in this country has insisted it can only admninistered IN AN OPERATING ROOM WITH A TEAM OF TRAINED PROFESSIONALS, and that to use it in a private home to sleep is UNPRECEDENTED AND INSANELY DANGEROUS. I repeat, this was nightly Russian Roulette, and it was just a matter of time before the bullet in the right chamber fired.

Your ignorance of these simple facts is what's leading you to these claims of murder. Please re-read the worldwide shock by doctors to hear of such a crazy use for propofol. They were simply stunned that anyone would take such an insane risk.

There seems to be a general lack of basic science, probability and logic throughout these threads that is most disconcerting.
Think again & do your research.

When Randy was in charge of MJs financial affairs in the mid-2000s, Randy RUINED MJ, and was the catalyst for a ton of lawsuits that the estate are still settling today.

Randy Jackson has a LOT of fault for MJs financial collapse which forced him to do the Colony deal, pressed and brought on by another brother, Jermaine.

Sorry, but to say that the Jackson boys are innocent is FALSE.

Yes i know what Randy did. Randy was just a bad business man. But Randy was in no conspiracy to TAKE DOWN Michael for God sakes. What exactly would he benefit for taking down his brother . Get real. If thats the case why did he bring in his friend T-MEZ. That particular event I posted Randy WAS NOT INVOLVED.

Michael always spoke about conspiracies to take him down loooong before Randy and his bad decisions were involved in his business. He always spoke about it and every one dismissed it like he was cazy.
Yes i know what Randy did. Randy was just a bad business man. But Randy was in no conspiracy to TAKE DOWN Michael for God sakes. What exactly would he benefit for taking down his brother . Get real. If thats the case why did he bring in his friend T-MEZ. That particular event I posted Randy WAS NOT INVOLVED.

Michael always spoke about conspiracies to take him down loooong before Randy and his bad decisions were involved in his business. He always spoke about it and every one dismissed it like he was cazy.

We know MJ had all sorts of people after him, but when his own brother ally themselves with such people to pay off debt - then have to beg MJ to help them clean up the mess they made - IS WRONG.

Randy created a HUGE mess for himself with many bad deals - now in the millions.

MJ forgave Randy (yet again) and is now paying off the people the Randy f-ed over. Now how is that fair???

Not to mention all the nieces & nephews MJs had to support since his deadbeat dad brothers won't.

And I don't even want to go into Jermaine right now - that mess alone will drive me drink.

If you want to figure out "conspiracies" - start close with the family, then follow the dots outward.
Asked who killed the singer, Riley replied: "You're going to find out.

"We've got so many people we think it could be. It's going to come out.

:unsure: I am sure he must be referring to other people who are involved. We already know about Murray.