Tatum O'neal Talks about Making out with Michael on Howard Stern


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

At around 3:12 Howard Stern ask her who she made out with and she says MJ. Then disgusting HS says thats weird and he starts to stay things like MJ was homosexual, Then she said she was proud to have made out with him. Then she starts to talk a whole bunch of crap about Mj loving Diana Ross and wanting to b her.

I find Tatum to be very confusing, I don't know if it's all the drugs she has used in her life that makes her change stories or
mixed them up. But I swear she said that MJ n her never made out n that when MJ related the story about her trying to seduce him in the Martin Bashir documentary she said it could not of happen cause she was only 13 and she was not having sex at 13. But later on in this same interview she said she started to have sex at the age of 12 or 13. That is a serious contradiction to me right there
Howard needs a kick in the butt. He is an arrogant jerk, and Tatum needs to stop talking about Michael. She keeps changing the story like the shirt off her back.
Howard says "that's weird". Tatum replies with, "A lot of people would want to kiss Michael before he got all the face work done".
Howard says "he was a homosexual man". Tatum replies, "Was he? Is that what it was?"
Howard says "Michael wanted to be Diana Ross". Tatum replies, "That's true".

Fuck both of them.
Tatum, I love you girl but...I don't know what she's going on about. The stories keep changing, and she's not exactly standing up for Michael in that interview. Its kind of go with the flow...I don't understand it. I'm sticking with the notion that they liked each other a lot, maybe something like puppy love; holding hands, sweet kisses etc. And then Tatum wanted to go further, but Michael didn't feel comfortable with it. I think that's all there was to it.
so I guess the treatment she received on twitter after her CNN interview wasn't enough.
It just frustrates me that everyone just HAS to bring up Michael in their interviews. No other celebrity is being discussed like they discuss Michael. It's like there's no limits, they are allowed to say anything.
Even her dad Ryan O'Neal say's she's a compulsive liar. Tatum may no longer be a crack addict, but her brain and mentality sure are cracked. As for Howard Stern, that man is such a low life, and obsessed with other peoples sex in the most unnatural way.
Contaminating this board with Howard Stern.? Thanks a lot.!!!
Is there anything worst than a hollywood has been desperately trying to recapture the spotlight.??
Oh I remember when Howard Stern was making an interview with LMP. That was disgusting too.

As for Tatum, she was a very wild teenager and even if Michael was a bit older I think he was the more innocent one in this relationship. Michael said in interviews that Tatum was trying to seduce him. In her first book Tatum claims something totally different.

Michael in Rabbi Shmuley's book:

MJ: Yes, my first girlfriend, Tatum O’Neal she’d won the Academy Award for Paper Moon… I was 16, she was 13. And I was very naiive. She wanted to do everything and I didn’t want to have sex at all, because there were a lot of valuses associated with being a Jehova Witness. I said, “are you crazy?” One of those was to be kind to everyone. When I held Tatum’s hand it was just magic, better than anything, kisisng her, anything. Her, Ryan O’Neal and myself went to this club and were watching a band and underneath a table she was holding my hand I was was melting. It was magical. There was fireworks going on. It was all I needed But that means nothing to kids today. She grew up too fast. She wasn’t into innocence, and I love that.

Michael to Bashir:

Asked about girlfriends, he spoke of Tatum O’Neal, “My first girlfriend who
I really loved a lot”.

He said: “I remember her telling me to come over to her house in Beverly
Hills, and what she’s going to do to me. All the sexual stuff. So I’m scared
to death. Scared because I’d never done anything like that.

“I came over there trying to be Mr Big Shot and brave and I remember she cut out all the lights in bedroom, opened the curtains so you could see the
whole skyline of the city over the cliffs. It was beautiful.

“And she told me to lie on the bed. And I did. She slowly walked over and
she touched the button of my shirt to open it. I took my hands and I
wouldn’t let them down. And she just walked away. She knew I was too shy for it.”

Tatum in her first autobiography in 2004:

I met him at the On the Rox, the club Lou Adler & Jack Nicholson opened upstairs from the Roxy on the Sunset Strip. Michael was around 17 at the time, about 5 years older than me, & he seemed very sheltered & fearful & lonely–not at all what you’d expect a world-renowned performer to be. As I recall, he didn’t even know how to drive a car.

He gave me his number, and we started talking everyday–long drawn-out conversations that sometimes got so boring I would hand over the receiver to my friend Esme Gray. Michael would just keep on, thinking he was talking to me. His usual subject was sex. At 12 I didn’t have much to say about sex–all I knew was that it went on, pretty steadily, in my father’s room next to mine. But Michael was intensely curious about anything, everything sexual, though in an incredibly sweet & innocent way.

He was a huge star, but it seemed he barely even dated & knew little about life. He once came to my house and asked to come upstairs because he’d never been in a girl’s bedroom before. He sat on thebed, and we kissed very briefly, but it was terribly awkward. For all my passionate crushes on people like Dustin Hoffman, I was just 12 and not at all ready for a real-life encounter. So I said,’I can’t.’ Michael, who was sweating profusely, seemed as intimidated as I was. He jumped up nervously and said,’Uh, gotta go.’

That’s the closest I ever got to Michael, which is why I’m amazed by his recent claim on national TV that I’d seduced him but he was too shy to carry it through. I absolutely adored Michael–as a friend–and I admire him to this day. I believe that he fell in love with me. I’m told that he wrote the song “She’s Out of My Life” on his album Off the Wall for me. What an honor.

At the time of the supposed seduction, I was barely pubescent, and what I’d seen of sex so far was unappealling & gross. It may have been Michael’s fantasy that I’d seduce him–and it’s a little sad that he cast himself as failing, even in his dream–but it just didn’t happen.

Unfortunately, my friendship with Michael came to an abrupt ending. He’d played the Scarecrow in The Wiz, the urban remake of the Wizard of Oz, which starred Diana Ross as Dorothy. For the film’s premiere, Michael invited me to be his date. I asked my dad, who didn’t care one way or another if I went, but my talent agency was dead set against it. I was told, in exactly these words: ‘You can’t go to a premiere with a ni**er.’ Hollywood!

That upset me tremendously. Had I been old enough–or had I the parental support–I could have stood my ground & insisted ‘Oh yes, I can.’ But my father was too disengaged to help me think it through. So, without telling Michael the reason, I turned him down. He was devastated. After that Michael didn’t speak to me for years, until I ran into him at the Helmsley Palace in New York. For old times’ sake, we caught a concert together, Kool and the Gang at Madison Square Garden. Michael dressed in full costume for the event–coming in blackface, with a pasted-on beard–the whole nine yards. But things were never the same between us.”

Sorry, but this is BS in my opinion. I mean Tatum acting like she was such an innocent little girl who wasn't interested in sex. Knowing what we know about Tatum's wild teenage years and Michael's shyness as a teenager I find Michael's accounts a lot more likely. As her book was published in October 2004, I bet the publisher pushed her to write something that would look a bit incriminating about him ("17-year-old guy talking sex to a 12-year-old innocent girl on the phone").

But this was apparently not the only lie she told in that book:

"In her autobiography, A Paper Life, O'Neal alleged that she had been molested by a male friend of her father. She also alleges physical and emotional abuse from her father, much of which she attributed to drug use. She also detailed her own heroin addiction and its effects on her relationship with her children. Her father, Ryan, denied these allegations.<sup id="cite_ref-Lies_5-0" class="reference">[6]</sup> In a prepared statement, Ryan O'Neal said: "It is a sad day when malicious lies are told in order to become a 'best-seller'."<sup id="cite_ref-Lies_5-1" class="reference">[6]

Maybe she noticed people stopped giving a shit about her and there was nothing in her mentions box on Twitter. So... she goes back to talking shit about Michael again.
Why, glad I dont have to suffer howard stern in the UK, Tatum get back into acting what your good at
And why is this excuse for an interview being given additional attention?

This person needs professional help as soon as possible, her and others like her using him to reclaim their former very brief and uninspiring fame. Crack kills, too.. If not physically, mentally and emotionally it does, and often irremediably. These ppl should mind their own lives, it's obvious how jealous they are of him still and when you attack someone like that, even in death, one can't be a very happy person.. so they prefer to ruin it for others as a means of revenge. Please, go away and let that wonderful soul rest in peace, dreadful people, it is ppl like you who brought him to an early grave.....
Howard says "that's weird". Tatum replies with, "A lot of people would want to kiss Michael before he got all the face work done".
Howard says "he was a homosexual man". Tatum replies, "Was he? Is that what it was?"
Howard says "Michael wanted to be Diana Ross". Tatum replies, "That's true".

Fuck both of them.

Thank you. This saved me from having to watch the video, not that I was going to anyway.

You know from everything I've seen, I'm pretty sure Michael never publicly on national television talked about anybody in the way that he's constantly talked about. Whether it's by people who knew him or not. He never would have went on one of these talk shows and, for example, called Tatum a "crack head" or a "whore" or anything of the sort. I swear people love to publicly humiliate Michael for no reason. When will it stop? I've never seen any other celebrity get as much disrespect as Michael Jackson does. How they talk about him... :no:

Michael, thank you for being a good person. Your integrity exposes people like this for the assholes they are.
Thank you. This saved me from having to watch the video, not that I was going to anyway.

You know from everything I've seen, I'm pretty sure Michael never publicly on national television talked about anybody in the way that he's constantly talked about. Whether it's by people who knew him or not. He never would have went on one of these talk shows and, for example, called Tatum a "crack head" or a "whore" or anything of the sort. I swear people love to publicly humiliate Michael for no reason. When will it stop? I've never seen any other celebrity get as much disrespect as Michael Jackson does. How they talk about him... :no:

Michael, thank you for being a good person. Your integrity exposes people like this for the assholes they are.

I agree with you. It's very rare to find a person like MJ. For all of the ridicule and shunning he received, he never "outed" or mocked someone else to divert attention from himself. Imagine all the things he witnessed and gossip he heard about other celebrities that he took to his grave. If Tatum O'Neal can't re-establish her acting career on her own talent, she needs a new profession and Howard Stern is Howard Stern, nothing new. He's now on satellite radio so his audience has dwindled.
That's it, Stern and Tatuma are both going to my "Hate" list. Freakin' retards. Tatum is nothing but a liar.
No this is a very recent interview, can't you see the date it was given on this month 6/15/11.
DO NOT send her anything on Twitter. She is an attention whore and that is why she is doing this. The more you tweet her, the more you promote her show and her book.
Tatum O'neal can kiss my ass...she tweets says thing about Michael and then when the fans get on her case for it she apologizes...BUT.....then she continues to retweet things from others that speak poorly of Michael..so..her apology is fake....she really just needs to not say anything at all about Michael....she doesn't know a damn thing about his life...she only knows what she reads or hears..and that is it. Just like the rest of the haters.
she just want audience ,this time there is no need to give her that.last time all attention she got ,i think in her cracked brain those are her fans
Howard says "that's weird". Tatum replies with, "A lot of people would want to kiss Michael before he got all the face work done".
Howard says "he was a homosexual man". Tatum replies, "Was he? Is that what it was?"
Howard says "Michael wanted to be Diana Ross". Tatum replies, "That's true".

Fuck both of them.

Tha is not what happened. Howard said, "He was a homosexual man" Tatum said, "Oh,is that what it was?" She then says he was in love with Diana and that was real. The Howard says,"He wanted to be Diana Ross". And the Robyn laughs and says that is true. Tatum did not say that.

Be angry at Tatum all you want, but please at least transcribe acurrately so that you do not rile people up unnecessarily and have them angry at someone for something they did not say and repeating lies that will eventually be ingrained as truth because they will not bother to check out for themselves.
Tha is not what happened. Howard said, "He was a homosexual man" Tatum said, "Oh,is that what it was?" She then says he was in love with Diana and that was real. The Howard says,"He wanted to be Diana Ross". And the Robyn laughs and says that is true. Tatum did not say that.

Be angry at Tatum all you want, but please at least transcribe acurrately so that you do not rile people up unnecessarily and have them angry at someone for something they did not say and repeating lies that will eventually be ingrained as truth because they will not bother to check out for themselves.

If this is what was said then Tatum didn't say anything bad. We know Howard Stern is an a**hole though.
^She still sat there and went along with these people calling Michael a homosexual and saying he wanted to be Diana Ross. She didn't defend Michael at all.

And am I the only person who took offence to her remarks about Michael's "facial work"?
Ok. Be angry at her for not defending MJ. I am just saying don't attribute something to her which she did not say. That is all.