Susan Boyle more popular than Michael Jackson for Sony?

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Tone it down you guys, lets not resort to wishing people to hell over this.
I debated with myself for 10 minutes over whether or not to open this thread.
and let's just ignore the $250 million deal they signed with MJ's estate :smilerolleyes:

No disrespect of Ms. Boyle, but she appeals to a very limited audience.
We all know she will have disapeared within a few years. And relax guys, it wasn't Sony who said this. It's just the same old media that have been bashing michael since the goodtimes, that i sadly wasn't alive to see.
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And what the hell does this have to do... never mind keep comments to self...
Sorry....can't reply...too busy laughing at the title of this thread :p

ok, I think everyone will agree when I say it's about quality, not quantity.

This Susan lady is a fad, made famous and commercialised by a reality show and a huge marketing campaign. Michael was an inventor. He created work - he was groundbreaking. Still is.

That's all I wanted to say. Figures don't mean much these days :)
all the need to do is give her a date and a month and the day 25 and she will be just fine ended up like the rest of them Sony can go _________themseleves yes i went it money hugry having MFers'

IMO...Susan has a beautiful voice...yes. ...But bigger than Michael she will never be. I would never disrespect the gal...she deserves her is Sony that makes a bigger deal out of things than they really are...they just want to cash in on everything Michael,
Tone it down you guys, lets not resort to wishing people to hell over this.

But so many belong there! NOT SUSAN, of course, she's a sweetheart, but the vultures are a circling...and the same ones boasting of her popularity now, will be ragging on her in a few years like they do Whitney now! Hell is too good for them.


This is tabloid sensationalism because the initial report that I read have both Boyle and Jackson on the same par. This thread should be in Tabloid.
susan boyle will not be a anem in a couple of years,Michael will...this comparasion is supid!
The next king of pop is gonna be Bubbles. Actually he earned the king of pop title years ago. Bubbles was the one who wrote and produced all of MJ's songs.
Re: Susan Boyle more popular than Michael Jackson for Sony

these people are so threaten by Micheal that they see every chance to put him down .how many people they have seen as next king of pop .LAMO

So true...

and maybe to get people to read the article as well?

I don't know why people print up these kind of articles. They're stupid and pointless. Really, is it necessary to compare everybody to Michael? Without his name in the article, it would be fine.
I like Susan Boyle. And I wish her every success in the future. She's such a humble and nice woman. And I doubt that she herself would agree with this article or any other one like it down the road.
Totally false.

MJ has generated WELL over a billion dollars since his death in June, for everyone.

He sold over 31 million ALBUMS ALONE last year. Boyle only sold between 3-5 million.

Plus the fact that MJ's this Is it generated hundreds of millions in theater and dvd sales.
Totally false.

MJ has generated WELL over a billion dollars since his death in June, for everyone.

He sold over 31 million ALBUMS ALONE last year. Boyle only sold between 3-5 million.

Plus the fact that MJ's this Is it generated hundreds of millions in theater and dvd sales.

Anything to put MJ down, huh? I'm happy for Susan though, she deserves all her success, but whoever wrote this article just needs to stop. She is not more popular than Michael.

Mike has and probably will always have the distinction of having the biggest selling album of all time (among his many other great accomplishments). No one take that away from him.

He is the KING and no one can top him or take his place in my heart, so I really don't even care about who makes more money for whatever record label.

Michael is the greatest.
'news'papers had headlines last year said 'susan boyle bigger/more popular than jackson'. load of rubbish. they were counting the sales of 'this is it' album against boyles album. they forgot to include the sales of all michael's other albums last year. he was the largest selling artist worldwide and in various countries.
Any article that acknowledges MJ as the gold standard in the business is fine by me. Good luck, Susan.
When you consider that most of the Michael Jackson sales were for his lifelong work and his catalogue, and Susan Boyle's were based purely on her debut album, you get some sense of the incredible impact she has had. With the Michael Jackson era fading, Sony will be depending again on Susan and her second album to boost sales for the company.
How does that make sense?

Boyle has only done one album so obviously her sales are based purely on her debut album...DUH.

PS.Most of his sales were for Thriller yeh..
PPS. Michael Jackson era is NOT fading NEVER.
If Sony thought that and are depending on Susan why did they just sign the largest deal in history with the MJ Estate?

Who the hell writes this stuff?
In the end of the day This Is It was the third biggest selling album worldwide. It was a greatest hits album. People had bought Essential and Number Ones, two other greatest hits albums, in their droves just before that. And it was still third. That's phenomenal. Michael is the king and there will never be another. We know that. But we must also remember what he said as well about trashing other artists. He absoutly hated it.
In the end of the day This Is It was the third biggest selling album worldwide. It was a greatest hits album. People had bought Essential and Number Ones, two other greatest hits albums, in their droves just before that. And it was still third. That's phenomenal. Michael is the king and there will never be another. We know that. But we must also remember what he said as well about trashing other artists. He absolutly hated it.

He was too respectful to do that, even if himself had to suffer this kind of thing. :wub:
Sorry....can't reply...too busy laughing at the title of this thread :p

ok, I think everyone will agree when I say it's about quality, not quantity.

This Susan lady is a fad, made famous and commercialised by a reality show and a huge marketing campaign. Michael was an inventor. He created work - he was groundbreaking. Still is.

That's all I wanted to say. Figures don't mean much these days :)

Amen to that! Michael has been around for decades and will always be, and he has fans all over the world who are very diverse. Huge fan base. This article is rubbish. They didn't even spell "there" right. They put "their". Pfft. And no, the Michael Jackson era is not coming to an end. Sorry.
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