Susan Boyle more popular than Michael Jackson for Sony?

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Susan Boyle means as much to Sony Records as Michael Jackson, the latest figures from the company reveal.


Sony attributes their sharp increase in operating income for the year ending March 31st to global releases by Boyle and Jackson.

Operating income increased for the label by 31 percent to $393 million from $300 million.

With Susan's album clocking in well over the 3 million mark, “I Dreamed a Dream” was a huge part of those sales.

Incredible, when you think about it, that an unknown Scottish stay-at-home woman could in one year be right up their with the king of pop and one of the greatest legends in history.

When you consider that most of the Michael Jackson sales were for his lifelong work and his catalogue, and Susan Boyle's were based purely on her debut album, you get some sense of the incredible impact she has had. With the Michael Jackson era fading, Sony will be depending again on Susan and her second album to boost sales for the company.
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Re: Susan Boyle more popular than Michael Jackson for Sony

lol any chance to bash mj. saddos
Re: Susan Boyle more popular than Michael Jackson for Sony

Susan Boyle means as much to Sony Records as Michael Jackson, the latest figures from the company reveal.


Sony attributes their sharp increase in operating income for the year ending March 31st to global releases by Boyle and Jackson.

Operating income increased for the label by 31 percent to $393 million from $300 million.

With Susan's album clocking in well over the 3 million mark, “I Dreamed a Dream” was a huge part of those sales.

Incredible, when you think about it, that an unknown Scottish stay-at-home woman could in one year be right up their with the king of pop and one of the greatest legends in history.

When you consider that most of the Michael Jackson sales were for his lifelong work and his catalogue, and Susan Boyle's were based purely on her debut album, you get some sense of the incredible impact she has had. With the Michael Jackson era fading, Sony will be depending again on Susan and her second album to boost sales for the company.

these people are so threaten by Micheal that they see every chance to put him down .how many people they have seen as next king of pop .LAMO
The point is that Susan will be Susan WHO? in 10 years :timer::smilerolleyes:

Ten year, i'd say by next year, this article is completely ridiculous seen as sony signed a 250 million (biggest in history) record deal with the Jackson estate so they obviously have put Michael as their most important artist for the next decade, also if you were to look at the money sony made from Michael this year and look at what subo there would be no comparison, remember TII grossed 270 million in the cinema alone this is not including DVD ir bluray sales.
this is an old article anyway. remember it from months back
I like Susan Boyle.

But something like this can be put down so easily.

Susan Boyle didnt even garner enough votes to win Britains Got Talent last year. The dance group Diversity won and she was the runner up. . . . .
I think we've learn't that reality TV acts don't last. Sony would be the thickest people on earth to be putting Susan ahead of Michael, as her next album will struggle to sell a quarter of what her first did. The media have to stop this, they are brainwashing people in to thinking that michaels success is not only touchable, but not actually very hard for a new artist to reach, it's a joke.
Re: Susan Boyle more popular than Michael Jackson for Sony

lol any chance to bash mj. saddos

Exactly. I'm beyond tired of crap like this being written. I'd close the thread for being annoying but yeah, that's not right really. :lol:
these articles are always the greatest compliment to the King of Pop, because he will always be the standard. second of all, this is like comaparing a last place sports team on a winning streak to a hall of fame legend over a period of thirty plus years, or something in its first week run, that is number 1 at the box office, to Star Wars. there can never be a comparison, because Star Wars collects, perennially, alongside it's take for all time. such is the case, with Michael Jackson.

the fact is, cbs, became SONY, because of MICHAEL. and MJ will still be keeping this up, in another thirty years. not Susan Boyle.

i still don't know what her music sounds like, on her latest album.

plus, i've never known a major label to chase an artist who dropped them.(and do it, in bad economic times, no less) Michael is the first and only artist to have that happen. so Sony knows what they have, even if they don't want to admit it.
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these articles are always the greatest compliment to the King of Pop, because he will always be the standard. second of all, this is like comaparing a last place sports team on a winning streak to a hall of fame legend over a period of thirty plus years, or something in its first week run, that is number 1 at the box office, to Star Wars. there can never be a comparison, because Star Wars collects, perennially, alongside it's take for all time. such is the case, with Michael Jackson.

the fact is, cbs, became SONY, because of MICHAEL. and MJ will still be keeping this up, in another thirty years. not Susan Boyle.

i still don't know what her music sounds like, on her latest album.

plus, i've never known a major label to chase an artist who dropped them.(and do it, in bad economic times, no less) Michael is the first and only artist to have that happen. so Sony knows what they have, even if they don't want to admit it.

Agree :punk:
Michael was a complete artist and everything he created with the perfection as he loved to do, and all this has brought him so high that actually I don't see anyone to join him (neither Justin Beiber :cheeky:)
these articles are always the greatest compliment to the King of Pop, because he will always be the standard. second of all, this is like comaparing a last place sports team on a winning streak to a hall of fame legend over a period of thirty plus years, or something in its first week run, that is number 1 at the box office, to Star Wars. there can never be a comparison, because Star Wars collects, perennially, alongside it's take for all time. such is the case, with Michael Jackson.

the fact is, cbs, became SONY, because of MICHAEL. and MJ will still be keeping this up, in another thirty years. not Susan Boyle.

i still don't know what her music sounds like, on her latest album.

plus, i've never known a major label to chase an artist who dropped them.(and do it, in bad economic times, no less) Michael is the first and only artist to have that happen. so Sony knows what they have, even if they don't want to admit it.

Perfectly said.

...In particular, Sony Music Entertainment benefited from hit releases, Michael Jackson catalog sales, growth in new music related businesses such as live, film and television and sponsorship revenue, as well as a year-on-year decrease in overhead and restructuring costs.

n its forecast Sony Corp said sales are expected to decrease and operating income is expected to "decrease slightly," as a result of the decline in physical sales and a lower contribution to its revenues from Michael Jackson catalog compared to the last financial year.
Re: Susan Boyle more popular than Michael Jackson for Sony

Or to get folks to read the d@mn article. Without his name mention, they wouldn't get nearly as many hits.

Who are the ones that posted this news? An internet site?

BTW Michael sold over 8.3 million albums in the U.S. alone- he was the most successful artist of 2009. Susan Boyle 3 million. Enough said!!
Good for her then. Sony are exploiting Michael enough anyway. We have seen enough of Greatest Hits over the years. Of course there will be more of them to come now.
LMAO! pitiful bastards so threatened, that they can't help themselves but to bash, downplay and ridicule a deceased man. May they all go to hell
I like Susan. She dosen't live far from me. =)

However, I disagree with this article. and besides, she didn't win BGT last year. Diversity did. and didn't Diversity use some of MJ's moves and even snippets of his songs in their performances?
these articles are always the greatest compliment to the King of Pop, because he will always be the standard. second of all, this is like comaparing a last place sports team on a winning streak to a hall of fame legend over a period of thirty plus years, or something in its first week run, that is number 1 at the box office, to Star Wars. there can never be a comparison, because Star Wars collects, perennially, alongside it's take for all time. such is the case, with Michael Jackson.

the fact is, cbs, became SONY, because of MICHAEL. and MJ will still be keeping this up, in another thirty years. not Susan Boyle.

i still don't know what her music sounds like, on her latest album.

plus, i've never known a major label to chase an artist who dropped them.(and do it, in bad economic times, no less) Michael is the first and only artist to have that happen. so Sony knows what they have, even if they don't want to admit it.

Good point. Never thought about it in that way.

Ten year, i'd say by next year, this article is completely ridiculous seen as sony signed a 250 million (biggest in history) record deal with the Jackson estate so they obviously have put Michael as their most important artist for the next decade, also if you were to look at the money sony made from Michael this year and look at what subo there would be no comparison, remember TII grossed 270 million in the cinema alone this is not including DVD ir bluray sales.

So true- I don't see Sony giving her a 250 million contract do you?
LOL Susan Boyle popular than MJ. Are those guys at Sony doing any serious drugs???

I cant help laughing at the thought of anyone saying such things. Sounds like a bad joke.

How on earth anyone can be more popular than MJ???
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