Stevie Wonder receives White House award - should Michael be next?

yeah..both Stevie and Michael won on talent. According to Reagan's speech, Michael won because he 'achieved the American dream' while keeping his nose clean, so to speak. a say no to drugs message was the theme.
no, Mike's not officially recognised by 'the White House' for his artistic achievments (talent in context). that was purely an award for the anti substance abuse campaign.

no need to lie to ourselves, mate. it's not even that big of a deal, lol.
no, Mike's not officially recognised by 'the White House' for his artistic achievments. that was purely an award for the anti substance abuse campaign.

no need to lie to ourselves, mate. it's not that big of a deal, lol.

yeah..well..maybe i shoulda got the award then. i'm drug's just end this on
yeah..well..maybe i shoulda got the award then. i'm drug's just end this on

I wanna send my congrats to stevue wonder :)
You certainly deserve this award :)
Can't we just ENJOY Stevie's accomplishment, without DRAGGING Michael into it. Sheesh!

Thank you for saying that, Stevie Wonder is indescribable and I adored him at age 3 before I discovered Michael at age 6. They are my two all time favorites but THIS is Stevie's moment.
Michael Jackson History

1990 [April] - White House Recognition: Artist of the Decade - President George Bush.
been there done that. maybe not a white house award but he was presented with the drunk drivers thing in the 80s @ the whitehouse,i think he was awarded by george bush,and has a piece of music n the library of congress. screw a whitehouse award. But im happy 4 stevie he deserves it
Michael's gotten awards from 2 presidents already, one from Reagan and one from Bush Sr.

Congrats to Stevie
Michael Jackson has gotten or will get just about everything he can. Really, who cares? Michael's one of a kind in both music and fame and, while not quite in the stratosphere of pop culture as MJ, Stevie isn't far behind. Musically speaking, however, MJ and Stevie are right up there together and they've received every honor a musician can get, anything they receive from here on out is merely icing on the cake.

A bit off topic here, but does anyone remember discovering MJ or Stevie? Sure, I remember when I became a fan of both guys, but I can never remember first finding out who they were. MJ was the unique looking character who could dance like no other, and Stevie was the dude who smiled when he sang. I have no clue when I first found out who they were. They are pop culture icons and much beloved. Make no mistake, they steal the show when they walk in the room.
That's not why he's receiving the award though. That is just a coincidence. Stevie performed with Paul Simon in 2007 when he won the award, and they tore the house down. They probably already knew of Stevie's accomplishments and decided hey, he was here and performed, why not bring him back again and give him the award.

Obama and receiving the award at the White House is just chance. They decided to give him this award in September, I think.

Here's Stevie's song he composed for the award:

And here he is with Paul Simon & The Dixie Hummingbirds when Simon received the award in 2007:

Actually I heard it in a news report that he is being honored with the award because of the campaign
Well done to stevie....what a genius, he deserves every piece of honour, recognition and accolade he receives.
been there done that. maybe not a white house award but he was presented with the drunk drivers thing in the 80s @ the whitehouse,i think he was awarded by george bush,and has a piece of music n the library of congress. screw a whitehouse award. But im happy 4 stevie he deserves it


And my thing MIKE already got honors FROM the White House AND Congress. STEVIE never got to this level and now he's REALLY honored by a PRESIDENT in this fashion not to mention performing for him as he accepts a big honor, lol. Let's not forget Stevie's own groundbreaking contributions to the music world. MJ was also respected for his humanitarianism in '84.
Michael Jackson has gotten or will get just about everything he can. Really, who cares? Michael's one of a kind in both music and fame and, while not quite in the stratosphere of pop culture as MJ, Stevie isn't far behind. Musically speaking, however, MJ and Stevie are right up there together and they've received every honor a musician can get, anything they receive from here on out is merely icing on the cake.

A bit off topic here, but does anyone remember discovering MJ or Stevie? Sure, I remember when I became a fan of both guys, but I can never remember first finding out who they were. MJ was the unique looking character who could dance like no other, and Stevie was the dude who smiled when he sang. I have no clue when I first found out who they were. They are pop culture icons and much beloved. Make no mistake, they steal the show when they walk in the room.

A cousin of The Miracles' singer Ronnie White heard Stevie play outside a tenement apartment in Detroit, he alerted Ronnie about him and when he saw him perform, Ronnie told him he would take him to Hitsville to audition for MOTOWN. Stevie couldn't have been as old as eleven. After he auditioned, Berry signed him because he played the harmonica like no one's business (Gordy was somehow "unimpressed" with his voice and other instrument skills at the time, lol) and Esther Gordy and Mickey Stevenson gave him his famous moniker because "that boy's a wonder!" So it became "Little" Stevie Wonder until 1965 and he's been STEVIE WONDER since, lol.

Michael was discovered because he sung like a grown man and danced like a grown man, i.e., James Brown. Not bad for a ten-year-old, lol.

As for when I discovered them, I discovered Michael on MTV ("Thriller") and Stevie ("Part Time Lover", "Overjoyed") on Night Tracks. ^_^
Well, I aint no psychic or nothing like that, but I predict that Michael will....

1. Eventually get a Kennedy Center Honor.
2. Eventually get a Nobel Peace Prize for his future philanthropic/peace efforts.
3. Eventually win at least one Academy Award for some film he is going to produce in the future.

And my thing MIKE already got honors FROM the White House AND Congress. STEVIE never got to this level and now he's REALLY honored by a PRESIDENT in this fashion not to mention performing for him as he accepts a big honor, lol. Let's not forget Stevie's own groundbreaking contributions to the music world. MJ was also respected for his humanitarianism in '84.

:kickass: tell it lol
Mike won't be given any Presidential awards ever again. He's to controversial. Sad but true. Congrats to Steve though!

Indeed. The sad fact is that a lot of people still believe MJ is guilty of the allegations he was charged with - I know that isn't fair, but it is true. And there is no way the president is going to honour Michael Jackson any time soon as a consequence - there would be an enormous backlash.

The only way this would ever happen is if MJ managed to stage a truly phenomenal comeback. An album or two of tight, timeless music. A tour on any scale, so long as the performances were good ie. not mimed, and well received. If he could get past the allegations and get the public to see him as a musician again, rather than a freak - which I really hope he does manage to do - then he might get an honour like this one.
I've never really liked Stevie Wonders music. He might be a great person I don't know, he seems like one. But I've never really been into his music.
Indeed. The sad fact is that a lot of people still believe MJ is guilty of the allegations he was charged with - I know that isn't fair, but it is true. And there is no way the president is going to honour Michael Jackson any time soon as a consequence - there would be an enormous backlash.

The only way this would ever happen is if MJ managed to stage a truly phenomenal comeback. An album or two of tight, timeless music. A tour on any scale, so long as the performances were good ie. not mimed, and well received. If he could get past the allegations and get the public to see him as a musician again, rather than a freak - which I really hope he does manage to do - then he might get an honour like this one.
It's not MJ's fault the public see him as a freak. If the media had been fair in their reports about MJ, then the public would not believe he is guilty and they would not see him as a freak. It's the media's fault.
It's not MJ's fault the public see him as a freak. If the media had been fair in their reports about MJ, then the public would not believe he is guilty and they would not see him as a freak. It's the media's fault.

I disagree.

Media or no media - MJ had been checking into hotels with young boys since the mid-80s. Many of the public will subscribe to the 'no smoke without fire' mentality based on that fact alone.

I mean - MJ spent over a year living in Brett Barnes's bedroom. He spent a month living in Jordy Chandler's bedroom. He spent nights with Macauley Culkin and Emmanuel Lewis. Media or no media - a lot of people are going to find that highly suspicious.

I am concerned by MJ fans' tendency to blame the media for everything, even when MJ's own behaviour was significantly damaging.
First of all darling before you go running off at the mouth know what you are talking about OK? Here let me help you out a bit. If you were paying attention to the trial and clearly you were not you would know that Michael spent time with the families not just the boys. You need to your damn facts straight before you pass judgement on anything.
Hey guys - chill - play nice warning :yes:

Lets re-direct this back to the award not the trial and media - can express whys and why nots without the detail as that takes the thread off topic.
Well people were doing just that until someone decided to blame Michael for everything gone wrong on the planet

I personally feel that Michael has achieved almost everything already with regards to achievements from music to charity benefits. I'm not going to loose sleep if he's never presented with this awards, to be honest
Sadly I don't think Michael will get anything like this until he is a old man or has left the earth. Why do I feel this way? Because people today or more worried about image then substance
dont even know what the award is so dont really care.last time i looked the presidents office didnt have much to do with music and awards. good bit or P.R for all involved nothing much more
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