Stevie Wonder receives White House award - should Michael be next?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The award is given to artists or performers who have made an outstanding contribution to popular music.

Paul Simon won the award in 2007. Stevie will win the next award.

As Michael is such a pioneering artist and covers every attribrute musically, should he be given this award in the future?

The article for the Stevie Wonder story is here :
Michael has the highest award ever from the public, the legendary recognition. No presidential awards are needed. Congrats to Stevie though!
Mike won't be given any Presidential awards ever again. He's to controversial. Sad but true. Congrats to Steve though!
Oh please! That will not keep Michael from getting an award from the president. Remember, Michael was invited by the US MILITARY in Japan right after that legal mess in 2005 as well. That award is given to people who deserve it and they will get it when it is there time. Right now, its Stevie time and good for him. Remember most presidents are controvesial so it is not big deal to be controveral (and to be honest, if all of our lives were under a mircoscope, well all will be considered controvesal).
I think people should just let Stevie enjoy his achievement, and leave Michael out of it. This is Stevie's award, not Michael's.
I think Mike could definitely get the president award, it would be so nice.

And on another note...why cant we "bring Michael into it?"

I'm sure we all love and admire MJ and wish him much praise and awards...its not like we are taking something away from Stevie by hoping MJ will be given such an honor in the future. If there is anywhere we should feel OK to bring MJ into it, it is here. Stevie is having his honor,happy for him, and there is no harm in some fans wishing MJ to one day have the same honor. Actually I think its kinda sh**ty to just shut King down for asking if MJ should get this award in the future.

To me its almost like people get annoyed talking about MJ on and MJ board.
Why should he get it again? He already got it in 84, at the age of 25-26 wich is a great achievment if you ask me. Shouldn't that be enough?
Why should he get it again? He already got it in 84, at the age of 25-26 wich is a great achievment if you ask me. Shouldn't that be enough?

Was that with Ronald Regean (sp)? Something to do with the song "beat it? I read it somewhere.
Was that with Ronald Regean (sp)? Something to do with the song "beat it? I read it somewhere.

actually, former Presdent Reagan did give MJ a recognition. he was the first president to give this to Michael without having to be prompted to do it. so, this is just a long line after Michael was first for something, again. and congratulations to Stevie.:)
Michael's award from Reagan was not for his artistic achievements, but for humanitarian causes.

i guess it's nice to have your art and cultural impact recognised by the state. i mean if i'm going to care about awards, i'd rather have this than, say, a Grammy.

and i don't get how suggesting it for Mike somehow rids Stevie of "his enjoyment", lol.

i think art and culture should be given more (or at least some) emphasis in political circles, especially the US, having had some of the greatest influencers from the 20th century. there was a thread on here recently proposing for a US ministry of culture - i think that would be a more appropriate channel to handle such recognitions.

Let Stevie enjoy his moment, damn! :lol:

BESIDES, Mike probably won't get one anyways. Damn if he did, damn if he didn't, lol.
Hey is not like King is protesting against Stevie getting this well deserved recognition, he's just using him as a reference; asking if Michael should receive it as well, idk why ya'll are reacting this way...:mello:
^ you know?!

and for those of you who want to "enjoy" this award with Stevie, there's a dedicated thread in the appropriate section.

bunch of moaners.
If President Obama wants to give Michael a Presidential award, then let him. We'll all findout about that for sure in due time. The Kennedy Center Award would be the greatest thing ever for Michael to receive but that's sometime in the Future.This is Stevie's time now,He has done alot for Music and he has been an inspiration to all of us fans and also being the one of many that wanted Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday to become a National Holiday.I say Congrats to The Man that changed the technology and style of Music overcoming Physical challenges And Bringing attention to something that is near and dear to him.He deserves it.
Yeah I can see Mike get the Kennedy Center Honor, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets it later this year, it would've been a long time coming. I think Stevie's getting the Gershwin award, the same award Paul Simon's got. And as far as I know, he ain't got no National Medal of Arts award either. I think Stevie and Smokey are among the Motown affiliated artists that got theirs (they are also Kennedy Center honorees).
yeah but the National Recording Registry was only established in 2003.

He has done alot for Music and he has been an inspiration to all of us fans and also being the one of many that wanted Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday to become a National Holiday.I say Congrats to The Man that changed the technology and style of Music overcoming Physical challenges And Bringing attention to something that is near and dear to him.He deserves it.

Stevie's on a whole other level.
So was the Gershwin award just last year. :)

well there we go!

but like you and a few others here, i also don't see Mike receiving this, for... 'political' reasons, lol.

although the funny thing about culture is if you had some frustrated anti-America bloke wanting to cuss the U.S., he'd say something like this:

"take your McDonalds, Rambo and Michael Jackson and stick them up your......"

(in a Middle-Eastern accent)


Mike is undoubtedly one of the very top 'exports' of the U.S., if not the biggest musical export.
lol...there's bmi michael jackson gershwin award..oh

i'm wondering if there is a stevie wonder award? lol
lol...there's bmi michael jackson gershwin award..oh

i'm wondering if there is a stevie wonder award? lol
well it's not a competition

but yes there is at least one 'Stevie Wonder Award' as part of the Soul Train awards.
100% correct

truth be only needs to happen once. after's old doesn't have the same impact...and, quite this point...pres of the usa is not the most desirable fantasy, to hey...i'm glad Stevie got it..that's all that matters now. and the usa is a hypocritical nation right MJ not to get something over controversy(whether u really know that's a done deal or not..which none of us truly know) comment.
Well remember Stevie got the award because one of his talent, but also because he provided some of the music for President Obama's campaign
Well remember Stevie got the award because one of his talent, but also because he provided some of the music for President Obama's campaign

That's not why he's receiving the award though. That is just a coincidence. Stevie performed with Paul Simon in 2007 when he won the award, and they tore the house down. They probably already knew of Stevie's accomplishments and decided hey, he was here and performed, why not bring him back again and give him the award.

Obama and receiving the award at the White House is just chance. They decided to give him this award in September, I think.

Here's Stevie's song he composed for the award:

And here he is with Paul Simon & The Dixie Hummingbirds when Simon received the award in 2007:
